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blacks browns whatever you wanna call em

i loved this part of the movie desu. it was pretty emotional watching someone's life shaped by something he wasn't fully invested in, but then in one action he took a complete turn. Believable if you ask me.

Woah, watch your language. This isn't a Raimi movie.

This is really offensive, OP. Please delete this thread at once or I'll be forced to report you.

its a shame whites have to go into nigger neighborhoods to fight crime and fires. complete waste if you ask me

I really like one of the movie's final scenes. The one where Derek is at the table with his dad and he's being slowly convinced into believing his racism. So great. Ed Norton was amazing in this.

He was shaped by his father's ideas and then those ideas were validated by his father's death and his own myriad of experiences.

I mean the fucking nigger kills his little brother at the end for blowing smoke in his face (which he did in defense of another white kid being bullied by said niggers) and the niggers rob him for beating them fair and square in basketball.

The message is some "violence begets violence" shit but it's a bunch of morally confused nonsense.

Also the original ending, which actually makes some sense within the context of that message, had Derek shaving his head again. Edward Norton however is a difficult and insufferable cuckold as an actor and bitched and moaned until he got the director to change it.

The director has since disowned this film for that reason IIRC.

>Edward Norton however is a difficult and insufferable cuckold as an actor and bitched and moaned until he got the director to change it.

If anything the director sounds cucked for not keeping his original script and changing it up because his kike lead actor didn't like it.

tl;dr white bois are cucks lmao

>Years of seeing the destruction niggers bring, viewing the stats and evidence all out the window when you buddy buddy with some nigger who isn't a criminal.


>No way, I like basketball too. At last I see that race is a social construct.

Well I would give him the credit of at least having an original and cohesive vision that works to convey a valid message within the context of what the film portrays, despite his lead and top billed actor's use of his influence. But yeah call him a cuck too for all I care, honestly, given shit like this

meant for

But that black guy's jokes in prison tho

Really makes you think

word. kinda similar to Sup Forums when they got cucked by black guys in high school. suddenly old crazy uncle marty made sense.

Hello whitey


I came in this thread to shitpost but I found that exact same scene to be one of the most insightful.

What resonated with me is that that the dad isn't even very racist, not anywhere near as racist as Norton's character became. It just sort of planted the seed for neo-Nazism, rather than forcing it or even just creating it.

That, in my opinion, is where some of the most insidious extremism comes from. Not to mention some of the most successful extremists today came from relatively moderate backgrounds. Says a lot about human nature


what kind of shitpost were you going to make?

be honest, it was a cuck one praising blacks and not a Sup Forums one, am I right?

iirc it was (((Hollywood executives))) who demanded they change the ending

>muh boogeyman

8 years of this

I didn't know Steve Raimi wrote the script.

>Steve Raimi

Sup Forums Sup Forums is actually legitimately infiltrated now by RevLeft, reddit and other left wing sympathizer types trying to subvert the tone of the board to left wing ideals (and succeeding). The upsurge in "boogeyman" posting and cuck posting like this is a direct result, in response to perceived conservative zeitgeist seen across the site. Sup Forums Sup Forums is sliding to the left through their efforts because it's already full of shitposting as it is and all the remotely quality posters have already went elsewhere.

So you have only this kind of stuff to look forward to in the future if you continue to post here.

>after 1 day of popular vote and chill she gives you this look

What do?

Can't find the alternate ending or uncut or whatever anyone know?

Sup Forums already completed its mission and spread its memes out far beyond this website and into wider consciousness, shitlords are now all over youtube and twitter, our memes captured nodes like jontron and pewdiepie, Sup Forums was never final boss it was its memes.

kek. just kek.

>tfw you have to run for the hills before you end up the victim of a weightlifting accident or suddenly feel real depressed and off yourself with three shots to the back of the head because the "popular vote" residing exclusively in already blue states and metropolitan centers wasn't enough and you KNEW in your gut you should have organized more illegal, double and corpse votes for Hilldawg but you fell for the narrative that Drumpf had no chance so you slacked off and now Hillary is on a war path and you're fucking terrified for your life

Please explain how my post was fedora in any way, shape or form. Thanks!

I was actually going to do something along the lines of Raimiposting


Is it true that Edward Norton improved all his lines on the spot?
And is it true that the film was originally supposed to be a young children's comedy about a family getting a dog, but Norton only signed on if he got full creative control... and he only had to do one take for each scene?

check 'em

well dun

Your implication that Neo-Nazism let alone Derek's generally well reasoned arguments about the behavior and entitlement of blacks is "insidious extremism" is probably what tipped that guy off.

Also personally just because you categorized Nazism in such a way I personally couldn't help but think of some retard unironically having say, Richard Spencer in mind as he or she typed about "the most successful extremists that come from moderate backgrounds".

Yeah, most of the self-described NatSoc and 1488er insidious extremists came from moderate upbringings and used to be libertarian or outright left leaning. Because it's not a fringe movement, it's a natural reaction to forces at play.

The answer to the current year isn't 1776, it's 1933.

>nazism isnt extremist
you can say you agree with nazism but its objectively extreme

"extremism" isn't real, it's just the final form of any ideology. would you categorize our societies as forms of "democratic extremism" ? if not, why not? any ideology which is 'centrist' is just one that has not been thought through or is unwilling to take itself to its own logical conclusions

nazism is no more "objectively extreme" than anti-nazism


>Because it's not a fringe movement
It is through, at least in America. This is why, despite the rise of the "alt right", guys like David Duke can't even win small local races in some of the most traditionally southern areas in America.

that's because David Duke is an extremely shit candidate and person

Characterization of it as "insidious extremism" (which is specifically labeling it as harmful) and the general "intellectual tone" are my main points for the purpose of clarification. Though the idea that it is "objectively extremist" is a little out there. It's certainly extremist in its portrayal by its detractors. The people of formerly Weimar Germany certainly didn't think so or didn't hold that against it, and many would categorize it as an ideology of nature and a logical step forward based on tribal bases of humans and evolutionary theory.

David Duke is an established name with an established history of connection to the KKK and is a relic of a time in modern America when any ideas associated with that would never under any circumstance be allowed to be taken seriously.

So Trump can be the veritable batshit insane hyper racist alt-right candidate representing the rise of right wing, more traditionalist, pro-American, populist and anti-immigrant rhetoric that he's demonized for being but it's still definitely a fringe ideology, d-don't get me wrong!...

>Also personally just because you categorized Nazism in such a way I personally couldn't help but think of some retard unironically having say, Richard Spencer in mind as he or she typed about

I was actually thinking of bin Laden when I wrote that but ok

>Because it's not a fringe movement, it's a natural reaction to forces at play.
How did the National Socialists do the last election?

>I'm not extreme I'm just reacting
said every single extremist ever

>How did the National Socialists do the last election?
Their generally agreed upon and endorsed candidate won! Here's to 8 more years!

>said every single extremist ever
Yeah, some were wrong. My "extremism" is correct however.

>How did the National Socialists do the last election?

They won. Didn't you hear that Drumpf is literally Hitler?

do you have a definition for extremism that is not anything which is sufficiently distant from democratic post-war liberalism? is abraham lincoln an extremist to you because he believed in whites having the superior position over the black race?


I read that in Dave Chappelle's voice. Funniest white impersonation's by black men:

Dave Chappelle
Richard Pryor
Frank Zappa



But, watch the entire video. It's classic and underrated.

>It's a white man acts like a nigger to show niggers they're inferior episode


Is this meant to be funny?

>A left handed nigger


Dude in what way is Trump racist or traditionalist. He's just populist and against illegal immigration.

American History X pulls a devious little trick where they have a character say something mostly reasonable and bring up points that are hard to argue with, then has that character do something extreme or violent to associate those reasonable thoughts with that unreasonable behavior in the minds of the audience

>Derrick's dad at the dinner table brings up how affirmative action is unfair to people who are more qualified and were passed up and how it could be a potential liability in emergency services like firefighting
>"It's NIGGER shit!"

>Derrick argues with his shitlib sister at the dinner table over how Rodney King's beating wasn't just simple persecution of a innocent man who dindu nuffin but an escalation of violece involving an already violent man

>Derrick and the gang bring up how kids can't even get simple grocery store jobs they've had for generations anymore because mass immigration is taking up all the unskilled labor and starter jobs.

It was also years ahead of its time in depicting milk as the symbol of hate that it is.

>funniest white impersonation's by black men
>Frank Zappa


wtf i hate milk now

Accurate depiction of an American neo-Nazis behaviour though, there's a reason why the SA got the shit purged out of it the minute Hitler was Chancellor

To add unwanted Sup Forums shit to my point because it's current and related: Shit like this is why people are absolutely flipping their shit right now about Jontron saying things like rich black people commit more crimes than poor whites (implying socioeconomic status, aka white people keeping a brotha down, is not entirely to blame for disproportionate black criminality) and being against immigration.

They've been trained every day of their lives by stuff like American History X to associate these relatively mild beliefs with the absolute worst excesses of historical racism. It would be like automatically assuming someone who is pro-union or an atheist wants to overthrow and exterminate the bourgeoisie and the clergy as was in the worst excesses of red terror.

So this is anecdotal to your post but I researched the claim about the poorest white community being less crime ridden than the richest black one. Turns out it's also safer than 90% of other U.S. cities, and safer per capita than the richest place I could find period, Beverly Hills. The statement is true, but so is it when you compare it to Beverly Hills. If you wanted to factually give data on whether rich black neighborhoods are more crime ridden than poor white ones than you'd need more than just the richest and poorest each, you'd have to average them together. You'd also have to compensate for factors like population size, local law differences, and a bunch of other factors. If you wanted to assert black people are more susceptible to crime though this that statement supports it fully though.

sources: www.areavibes.com/beattyville-ky/crime/

Same site Windsor hills and Beverly Hills

I know that that particular argument isn't really that sound and has a lot of problems, but that's not why people are incensed by it. They're mad at him because he implied that some of the problems of the black community *gasp* might not be the fault of white people!, Or even worse, maybe their own fault! Or extra heretical, possibly even linked to genetics!

That is the unacceptable information being conveyed. And their mind immediately jumps from: "Jon thinks black people might just be more inclined to criminal or violent behavior at some level if the traditional environmental explanations aren't convincing to him" to "Jon is a horrible white supremacist who wants all blacks subjugated and possibly exterminated."



This is better. Do you have one that also averages their incomes?

milk is a tall frosty glass of pure racism, get it in ya

Literally who

Trump is an out and out zionist, dipshit

doesn't that have to do with how white crime is white collar and generally less violent and thus draws less police investigation than black crime?

There was a documentary a while back, released around the same time as the wire, about "high level" police investigations and how the police actually wait for petty/violent drug-war related crime to die down in black communities to start long-term investigations, because that meant a new kingpin was calling the shots and thus the police ran a lower risk of investigations fizzling because of primary suspects turning up dead. Then when they made arrests, the drug-wars start right back up. In effect meaning successful high-level drug investigations actually caused crime to increase.

Analyze and Interpret
Analyze and Inrrpterpret
Annnnzyle and Itterpretnl
Anal sex and Interrrrrpetgyu *delete
>Everytime I try to write

Accurate. But this problem extends far beyond race related stuff. It's the same in politics, social situations, etc.

People gloss over things they don't like and paint them all with the same brush, and often go to extremes to vilify enemies.

When jontron said that he implied everything you said. And a black guy who is not a criminal would see that as a personal insult. The exact same thing happens when a white guy gets insulted when a feminist says men are rapists or implies it. The general statement which with cherrypicked stats can be construed as true is always taken as a personal insult.

Democrats believe welfare is good leads to them being construed as Satan. Republicans believing Regulations are bad leads to them being maniacal Captain Planet Villains.

Same shit. It has been happending forever and likely will keep happening forever. It's not new, just changed into new avenues.

>Imagine being bill Clinton

When did Sup Forums become a second Sup Forums?

>Years of seeing the destruction niggers bring, viewing the stats and evidence all out the window


That was the whole point of the movie. Do you expect him to take side with the neo nazis even after butt fucking him?

It's a reaction to all those blacked/cuck porn threads

will blacks ever recover?

JohnTron and Pewdiepie were already like that. Sup Forums had nothing to do with them. Just like Sup Forums had nothing to do with Trump winning the election.

Is that Sam Riami's brother?
Does he have the same views as him?

>implying there were niggers in my high school
Try again, Jamal.

We had 1 black guy at our school. He was friends to lots of fat white girls. :^)

Unfortunately for you, that way of thinking will leave you paranoid and jumping at "racism" where it might not even exist, since you'd always be looking for the supposed "sneaky insidious passive racism" so you'll end up reading the most benign shit as "racism."

One day, people like you are going to call the wrong person the wrong kinda thing, and end up jacked in the face.


Just like the Sanders revolution, right?
They're bored kids and semi-sentient females with mental problems. They'll go elsewhere, they do not have the stomach to deal with Sup Forums, the only way to stop it involves guns and bullets.


Sean "Spook" Penn raises proud Crypto Aryan warrior

Can someone please post the image of the white supremacist websites outright stating they had a recruiting operation on Sup Forums? I think it's from 2011-2012ish, these Sup Forumstards keep on bitching about people with different opinions coming on their site not realizing that is the entire point of Sup Forums, you can argue whatever you want without the worry of a consensus opinion or an attachment of any of your previous statements via posting with a username. This is also why every other board on Sup Forums hates Sup Forums, you're just right wing reddit at this point.

Shit that would have been good actually

You mean stormfront?

They are small potatoes, friend. Just another viral marketing group pushing their swill to the cool kids on Sup Forums.

i dont understand frank zappa
like is his music supposed to be bad on purpose?
what are some actually good frank zappa songs?


>proceeds to destroy a neighborhood
What did he mean by this?
Also, the moral of the movie was more or less "violence breeds violence" and that nazis are just as bad as niggers.

I think all you whitebois in this thread should relax and watch this.

There's nothing wrong with being a whiteboi but you're just that, a boi, let the real men take control.

Who knows, if you clean yourself up a bit you might just have some fun yourself ^_^

True, but you can hate niggers without being a full-blown neo Nazi.

>I din do nuffin'!

You got it, brother.

A great movie manifested despite the faggotry surrounding it.

>our memes captured nodes like jontron and pewdiepie, Sup Forums was never final boss it was its memes

what about mine ?

>The message is some "violence begets violence" shit
We need some sort of ...final violence to get rid of all the violence causers and then live in peace forever.

The kid in this was a lesbian

I thought the whole point of the movie was to remind people that you never, ever relax.

>Sup Forums Sup Forums is sliding to the left

kek no its not. Theres just tons or ironic shitposting because we won and thats never happened before
>at least on such a large scale

A final solution to violence, if you will.