I guess I said some pretty bad things about the Afro-Americans

I guess I said some pretty bad things about the Afro-Americans

Other urls found in this thread:


*audience laughs*


A lotta....trash talk

he wasnt a racist
that's what was so insane about it

>Don't laugh

>said the "n" word
>not racist
Go back to your Sup Forumshugbox


I love how he's actually transformed into Kramer in real life over the years.

*nasally jew voice*
Stop laughing, it's not funny

Did they really stick forks up the butts of black people back in the day?

why are you on Sup Forums?


damn, was this really that long ago that HD didn't exist?

but he wasnt racist! dont you get the insanity?

>why are you on Sup Forums?
Different user here but fuck you.

>mfw I laugh every time, even 10 years later

50 years ago they woulda.

>getting triggered at a literal quote from the video this thread is about

please go

>different user
>it's the same user

I'm kinda on the side of him not being racist
He was playing a racist character when he was doing the standup and he was drunk and in a bad mood from being heckled, so didn't execute the joke well
Also "Afro-Americans" is a term a LOT of the general public used for black people in the '90s, so he was a little out of touch but it's probably hard for a middle-aged person to keep up with what the new politically correct phrases are


why did he think that would be okay to say? can't believe he lost his temper like that a second time.

if he was a real comedian, and not a famous actor turnned comedian, 1. no one would have cared and it wouldn't have gone viral 2. he never would have appologized public.

Also those niggers try to sue him over emotional damages is exactly why everyone hates black people.

It doesn't change your point, but he was a comedian before becoming an actor

somebody post the clip already

Yea... but not really. He quit when he got acting jobs. I don't he did stand up in the 90's at all. He was an actor who did comedy to further his career, it worked and he stuck to acting and then went back to it for easy money.

Jerry was and is a comedian.


you've exposed yourself to be a lying retarded newfag. Whats the next step in your master plan?


Louis CK and Bill Maher say nigger, are they racist?

what happen to kramer career? I like him

>are they racist?


theres few things as cringe worthy as this

no one really wants to admit they're racist. It makes non-whites not trust you. Its hard to be like "no no no, Im not some ugly white supremacist, asians, hispanics, indians are all great people, its lazy ass niggers I hate" no one buys it, except other white people or asians.

this was a PR disaster. the indistinct green background, the lack of a script, the apology going on for way too long and him going off course too much. And of course, a fucking late night show is not the place for this kind of thing. That's what Ellen or Oprah is for.

If this was handled properly, some sort of B-movie career could have been salvaged as him ironically playing the grumpy geezer in small roles, but now he's got nothing.

Why did seinfeld come off like an annoying cunt in this episode?

>I don't even hate niggers!
What did he mean by this

>hang in there kramer! dont let em break you

You know the craziest thing?

He's not racist -- despite what those disgusting faggot kikes wish.

This is more significant than the simple memes in this thread will leave you to believe.

I think this moment in 2005, the Kramer apology video, is the point of the paradigm shift in human culture. It's the first manifestation of the post-9/11 paranoia beginning to show its roots as a generation who were filtered through the post-9/11 world as teenagers begin to mature and enter adulthood. There are so many factors at play here. It feels like you're watching something special die. Not in the sense of Kramer's career or whatever, though thats true, but moreso in the last gasps of the culture that carried through the 90s. You can say it was 9/11 but really, it was much more gradual. This event marked the end of an era of whimsy and carelessness.

But it's special in that regard, isn't it? Because it's simultaneously one of the most hilarious videos to ever exist. On so many levels, it's perfect.

For one, it's on Letterman, arguably the most quick and loose of the late night hosts. He's laughing along with the audience, almost egging them on. He can't contain himself. Then, it's Kramer. What better caricature of the mid-90's whimsy? One of the funniest characters in TV history. He's on his knees. Broken. Scared. Finally, Jerry Seinfeld. One of the funniest comedians in history. One of the most immediately recognizable faces in entertainment at the time. Here he is, stern as ever, telling the audience to stop laughing. A comedian. Telling the audience to stop laughing.

It's insanely reflective of what culture became. Proto-irony. The beginning of the harshness, sarcasm, and mean-spirited mindset of the future world. It's brilliant. This video belongs in the library of congress.

All white people are racist

yo....you too

what did he mean by this?

what did he mean by this?

I can't take you seriously over your usage of the word 'whimsy'.

>I'll get em next show
there won't be a next show kramer

t. jonah hill

so what youre saying this....this.....is....kino?

>I lost my temper and said racist things to vent my aggression towards a heckler. I recognise this was unacceptable behaviour and apologize. I will be making a donation to (anti-racsim charity).

All he had to do, but he went and made it worse.

user, i...

He did this shit during the wrong presidency.

Yeah because it would've been much better during an Obama or Clinton presidency

Why do I get the feel that you're underage?


Was it kino?

Seinfeld would be the expert at not being funny

Fuck off, faggot