Black attendance at movie theaters doubled in 2016 yet overall attendance declining

Black attendance at movie theaters doubled in 2016 yet overall attendance declining

what's going on?

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>what's going on?
media has tricked you into caring those issues

Black people and children, you work it out.

All the white cucks are staying in their living rooms watching netflix. Blacks prefer actually going outside with their friends.

they made twice as many tyler perry movies this year

I certainly don't know what could possibly be going on! it's such a shame as movies are better than ever...

The more I think about it the more I realize how embarrassing white people are.

What's probably almost as worse if not AS bad is that white people always ruin things made by other races cause they want to be "cool" and "hip" and then completely miss the point and half-ass it and just make themselves look like total fools. Absolute cringe.

t. half-white

>As Hollywood becomes more streamlined and predictable than ever, niggers eat it up
my almonds are activated af

And people are bitching about "diversity" in movies recently. Well why wouldn't movies include more blacks if they are the only people paying to watch movies?

>movie theater full of blacks

Yeah, no thanks. And we all know why

i can't honestly imagine what the horrors of being biracial are

im sorry

Black people can afford movies, while everyone else can afford computers with high speed connections to pirate

Black people culture
>contributing anything
keep telling yourself that lol

>go to a theater full of nogs


>wait 2 months after the movie is out of theaters and watch it at home on bluray or a digital streaming service

White people have better things to do than show up at a specific time to be entertained. They want to watch movies when they want, how they want. You can sit in the comfort of your home with as many of your friends as you want and not be accosted by screaming children and loud mouthed negroes.

>black people are literally saving cinema

>Black people are still stupid enough to pay cinema prices

Jokes on them

That's because white people finally stopped making Tyler Perry movies

>Black attendance at movie theaters doubled in 2016 yet overall attendance declining

I don't think that's a coincidence...

Many more "we wuz" movies now compared to the past.

>black people move in
>white people move out

>black people go see movies more
>white people choose to stay home

you can't help but feel bad for them.

>what's going on?

Streaming, HDTV and everything being on Bluray before you realize it was even in theaters.

It isn't because blacks are loud and annoying and can't shut the fuck up for two seconds during movies.




Niggers ruin everyone else's movie-going experience.

Not to mention the shootings and prices of falcon chow...

Now post the mugshot


You cant be half-white you silly mongrel

That's the truth though. White people especially in the last decade have been following and replicating black culture . And it did contribute to the hip-hop genre.

>Black attendance at movie theaters doubled in 2016 yet overall attendance declining

Everyone knows the first causes the second.

Who wants to be stuck in a dark room with a bunch of niggers chimping out?

The more often niggers go to the movies, the less often human beings will go to the movies.

*collects wellfare check*

My theater doesn't even have falcon chow any more. Just pigeon feed.

>live in a Trump county
>few poor minorities
>local theater is in top shape, has a great bar, friendly staff, and regulars I've gotten to know over the years as friends
I'm truly blessed. It's expensive, but totally worth it. Any other Hoosiers?

this is what you have been brainwashed to think

now give me the stats on waterpark attendance trends

The media tells the plebs what is cool. And nigger noise is the current poison along with shitty pop inspired by nigger noise.

Ironic you say that because I've come to see that everyone on this site is a a result of brainwashing.

Sup Forums is a hotbed of paid Zionist shills who spread disinformation.

Six flags is over run with ghetto trash, havent been there in years.


White people have expensive tablets and smart TV's and don't need to go to the movies as much anymore.

Black people don't understand 'computahs', pirating and other technology, so they have to go to the movies.

What's with all the hate for black people on Sup Forums?

watching with blacks was bad years ago, but with advent of cellphones its become completely intolerable

We're watching 1080p rips in the comfort of our homes on 42"+ TV screens a month after theatrical release so we don't have to hear these moon crickets chirping in the cinema.

>Jump scare

Pretty much this, ushers won't say shit over cell phone chimpouts because they don't want to start a riot

When you put it like that sounds like white people are the dirty kikes.

Honestly literally what is wrong with going somewhere to do something?

Fuck off back to r/eddit nigger faggot.

Hollywood constantly pushing movies where black people are super charming wonderful saintly beacons of hope...while white people are desperately holding them down.

Movie theaters are staffed by surly or lazy blacks that treat customers like shit and can't be assed to clean properly.

An influx of black customers make watching movies a futile activity because you can't hear a damn thing while they're hooting and hollering. Also, they smell and kick seats.

Black people are too stupid or, at least, technologically ignorant to pirate movies.

Lazy black parents drop their kids off at a theater alone all day because it's cheaper than daycare.

Gee...I wonder why whites are leaving in droves.

Trump community but unfortunately a shitty theater

This, also see the death of shopping malls. Exact same reasons.

Would you want to willingly put yourself around a bunch of loud, obnoxious minorities in a smelly sweat dungeon with extremely overpriced food?

Some movie theaters are nice, and there's actually a drive in where I live, but most theaters are shitty and most movies that come out today aren't worth watching for free.

>What's with all the hate for black people on Sup Forums?

Have you ever been in a movie theater with them?


I live in Idaho so no that won't be a problem.

I can eat afterwards.

You should be going to the theaters that are clean with nice seats and higher ticket prices that the baboons can't afford. If you don't have a nice one near you then it's not worth going at all. Most of these places don't even keep their screens in good condition anymore since they know only trashy retards are going to see the latest remake or sequel.

Yes I have, and they don't act like what people in this thread say.

nobody simply hates black people for their skin color

It's primarily a hate for niggers white people can be niggers too, most just choose not to be.

The racist boogeyman who would be your friend except for your skin color simply doesn't exist.

I legit feel bad for you.
Neither white or blacks will ever accept you. No wonder you hate whites.

Diversity: It just works

White people only do that because to them interacting with your average nigger is equivalent to speaking to a retarded child so you try to bring yourself down to their level of dialogue in order to communicate and not upset them.

Literally this.
Fuck niggers.

White Illinoisian who's first pick to move is southern Indiana, but my girlfriend has a great paying job here. Even though I get to be a partial neet, life here is not great.

Edgy tryhard poltards


The other half is Arab, not black. And I find the Star of Remphan highly offensive and Satanic.

I'm so sorry for you.

No you don't. kike lover ;)_

>"white" ""race""

Oh look this meme again lol.
Rich folk just trick some poor cracker faggot into thinking he's winning compared to the darker guy and he's happy as a clam

>Not having a 60+inch 4K tv in your living room
>Not having a100+inch projector in entertainment room
>Not having at least 5.1 surround with seperate speakers
>Mixing with common peasants covered in "butter"
>Walking on sticky floors in my italian leather loafers
>Being poor
>Being in proximity to negroids

No thanks I'm too rich for that.

I know this is satiric and all but yall bring up a point

I find it 'funny' that Sup Forums swings the rich ""j00z"" as these minority-loving ""champions of peace"" and ''diversity'' when in reality they're the sickest most low-life pieces of racist shit you'll ever meet and dont give a nigga skin when he tryna make ammends you know??

shit man

>Not having your own personal auditorium theatre

Get this pleb shit out of here.

I don't understand. So more blacks are going to theaters because more people that share their skin pigmentation are in these movies. Isn't that the opposite of a colorblind society?Aren't we going the wrong direction? Are whites the only people who have to view things colorblind and it's ok for everyone else?

Your pale skin is so sensitive

pls let this be b8
Its called the Herrenvolk Principle
Read a book nigger

Electronic music, which hip hop would not exist without was made by whites

It's not satire it's my fucking life. I'm literally too rich to be around your kind. I have no need for the businesses that operate in their quarantine zones and I live in one of the richest counties in America. Stay in your lane nigger.

Pretty much this. If you talk to black people intelligently they just make fun of you for being "fancy" or whatever bullshit. It's much easier to just adopt their speech patterns and mannerisms and blend in.

>Blames whitey
>Doesn't realize how fucking hated they are by most other races outside the US...besides africa.

Niggers are too dumb to pirate movies

That didn't answer my question though? Shouldn't race not matter?


Another day another dollar white bread

Niggers are the most racist species on the planet. They hate themselves more than any other most of all which is why they have no sense of community unless it involves violence and crime.

But that's the point moron. Jews hate all goyim but play each side against each other they're clever tacticians. A great example of this is how Sony pictures keep remaking films with progressive bias like Annie with a black lead while in leaked private emails the same execs pushing this shit were making racist comments about Obama.

Thanks for outing yourself as the Zionist cuck you are




So race matters?

>niggas are hated
>meanwhile the sun doesnt want spf75-americans on this planet anymore

Race always matters unless you're a liar. I don't use cocoa butter but that nigger who keeps shit posting sure does or else he gets ashy and blames white people for his inferior genetics.

So by what you just said you admitted that they really are all racist assholes.

Jesus, are these faggots Sup Forums?

>captcha takes place in Israel

Negroes are not smart enough to download movies for free which is what most white people under 40 are doing.

Also, I doubt very seriously that more black people are going to see movies as they're newly released (and paying top dollar for tickets)... black people like going to the cheap movies (but I do too), the type of cinemas that specialize in movies a month old for tickets that cost like 1/3 to 1/2 of a new release.

Or going to the movies apparently

All black movies contain violence.

>*collects wellfare check*
This is more common than you think

Mass shootings in theaters probably dropped as well surprisingly.

Hidden Figures

>Movies at the lowest quality of all time
>Low quality customers like niggers are attending theaters in droves

Makes total sense.

name 1 bad movie released in 2016

>inb4 another fake shooting happens
>movie theater market dies quicker
>corporate blames it on black people
>segregation reenacted by a (((big politician)))
>new civil war happens pretty soon, long time coming
>fake China attack makes civil war stop
>USA becomes an industrial powerhouse again to go after China
>WWIII happens
>nukes dropped
>UN decides to make a world government with fascist rules and regulations

Calling it now.