Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

New trailer out in less than 11 hours, they showed it at Cinemacon and it was apparently pretty dope. Who's hype?

>First Trailer

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I'll watch any hard sci fi


Uh, not sure that this is hard sci fi. More like swashbuckling Euro sci fi stuff.

>Counting down to a fucking trailer
Kill yourself you hype enabling retard.

They look like siblings. It really turns me on the thought of being Cara's brother and being intimate with her.

you fucking imbecile

Relax, Dane is just excited his movie is coming out


Blow me you little shit

How the fuck did this get made? Is Luc Besson a member of the Illuminati? Its not going to make any money, doesn't have any Star Power and normies will only go see weird shit if its quippy

Because everybody loves the 5th element and this is supposed to be lucs fully realized vision of a story that heavily inspired the 5th element.

So going by that, this would turn out to be one of the top 10 scifi movies ever made.
In theory.

Also cara devememe is terrible but she isn't a literall who and the effects will probably attract a fair amount of people.

The only thing that I don't like is that the first trailer wasn't too good or interesting and it was badly cut.
Hopefully their marketing team steps it up.

the only reason the fifth element was remotely passable was bruce willis

just like shamalyans only two good movies.

You forgot about Based Mel in signs.

isn't the guy who shitposts here staring in it?

also clara deli-whatever who can't act worth a shit?

Who is everybody?

There are many people my age (21) who haven't even seen Star Wars let alone Fifth Element

Fifth Element is a good movie though, I don't dispute that

>There are many people my age (21) who haven't even seen Star Wars
There are?

I'm 23 and i saw the first six for the first time ever only one month ago.

They are all overrated except for the first 2

In the Midwestern United States at least.

Every single normie girl I've asked has never seen Star Wars. Most guys have but even then there are a few that haven't.

from the original comics, he was a time-agent and she was from France in the 14th century.

signs was shit

>doesn't have any Star Power
Delememe and DeHaan are relatively well-known, I know at least a few people will be like "Hey that girl from Paper Towns" or "Oh shit, that creepy dude from Chronicle"

lol no

not him but it looks like rihanna is innit.

Looks fun, but I think everyone will be comparing it to the fifth element which is amazing. Hopefully this doesn't bomb.

>From the visionary director of Lucy

Here is a sneak peak if you can't wait for the new trailer.

John Goodman's characters looks badass tbqh
>a mercilessly violent space pirate at the seat of a criminal empire and a public enemy of the galaxy, [whose] bloodthirsty reputation greatly contributes to striking terror in the hearts of innocent travelers who have the misfortune to sight his ship