Are there any movies like The Hunt where the guy turns out to be a real pedophile?


Other urls found in this thread: parrots fucking&prmd=vin&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjF2_XkgfvSAhWmrVQKHU-TDx0Q_AUIBigA&biw=640&bih=312&dpr=3

Real talk, why is this guy getting hardcore slandered by the alt-right?

Because he hurts kids. Not even meming, and not even pizzagating. The guy is a straight up violent psychopath to children. It's sad.

Also wtf is the "alt right"?

Lurk more

The Donald Trump Story

>a father posing affectionately with his daughter is indicative of pedophilia
Holy shit I knew leftists were damaged but I can't tell whether this is autism or just a case of an user who was unloved growing up.

>parrots fucking
>he actually POSED for that photo
>more evidence against Trump than against Podesta

no he doesn't

people don't like him because he worked with the clintons so they made up some random bullshit about him based on an email about handkerchiefs. no one thinks he hurts kids because he doesn't hurt kids. the only reason anyone cares about him is to spite the clintons (and the US in general).

Where do you see parrots fucking you stupid virgin?

>father-daughter posing on a statue of 2 parrots fucking

Rightists are some perverted fucks, keep right-wingers away from children

>real pedophile

Have I been memed?

Why are you pretending there's only one email? Also, there was ample evidence of his "interests" prior to this election.

Also nice hyper-nationalist post.

But this board is full of pedos

>describing his daughter's positive qualities
>literally only talks about how hot she is

Tell me that isn't fucking creepy as shit.

Dude, the election's over. Nobody cares.

At least wait until some indictments drop. Fuck.

Home videos from my childhood?

Prove to me that he's only ever described his daughter based on physical appearance. You're either meming or you are genuinely the most low information person to ever exist.

Blind or autistic? 2 giant parrots fucking, entire lower right quadrant of photo.

Get some fucking glasses retard.

>liberals are so desperate to hate trump that it warps their vision and makes them see things that aren't there


Guys did I completely misinterpret this movie or have I been memed?

>more evidence against Trump than against Podesta

Right-wingers are savages. But the day of the rope is sliding around their necks

Kill self faggot/reddit

>ample evidence

an email about handerchiefs and the logo of a different pizza place than the one people were making accusations about. that is the entirety of the "evidence" against podesta.

He was the campaign manager of hillary

Also now they try anything to divert thefuck ups from trump

What is the statue Trump's sitting on in the photo, Gaslighter?

why doesn't pedos just go for midgets?

Hey look it's the pedo crew in that photo

Theres 3 parrots, not 2 and none of them are fucking.

Alex Jones apologized about pizza gate
Just let it go pol

Triggered whiny right wing diaper baby

Shouldn't you check on your big black cock thread over in /hc/?

Nice buzzword salad. I assume that constitutes the full extent of your critical thinking ability.

alt right is the lefts term for Republican voters under 40

>whines about buzzword while calling anything he doesnt like reddit

Since when, negro?

Who the fuck are you talking about/to, retard? I'm not going to interact with someone who can't think linearly. Take your meds.

>Are there any movies where the guy turns out to be a real pedophile?

Funny then, because everybody on Google agrees that it's a statue of 2 parrots fucking. You lose. parrots fucking&prmd=vin&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjF2_XkgfvSAhWmrVQKHU-TDx0Q_AUIBigA&biw=640&bih=312&dpr=3

>B-but i wasnt that user

>Kill self faggot/reddit

You need serious help.

Gaslight attempt #2 in this thread.

I must conclude that OP is pedophile projecting onto Podesta.

Does OP fuck toddlers & murder them while eating pizza in his sex dungeon? Answer seems unavoidable: Yes.

Because Trump is a mess, so they need a distraction. It's the ultimate in misdirection.

Even fucking Alex Jones had to apologize for spreading it because he was about to get sued by that pizza place.

this has to be bait

>tfw you will never ride the loltia express

>it warps their vision and makes them see things that aren't there

he says in a pizzagate thread

jesus dude do you have zero self-awareness?

Are there any movies where OP turns out to be a child murderer who fucks dead toddler corpses?

>right wing

Who's POTUS?

tl;dr Alex was worried about getting sued because he knows that his claims would never hold up in a court of law and would be rightfully interpreted as slander (slander which led to a crazy guy bringing a gun to the establishment, no less), so he had to cover his ass.

Even your precious Alex Jones is beholden to "the powers that be".

So this stays up, but the any and all Trump threads get pruned. Are you not even fucking trying to hide the fact that this is a fucking propaganda site anymore?

Why do mods let faggot pedos post non-Sup Forums related threads like this ... ?

Maybe the solution is to begin spamming off-topic like OP is off-topic.

>powerful people threaten lawsuit to shut someone up
>that means there's not truth to it


>implying I idolize him
You presumptuous poster, you.

This is now a thread about puppies

Maybe you are right

>I must conclude that OP is pedophile projecting onto Podesta.

This entire thing kicked off because a bunch of autists on Sup Forums and cripple chan thought Podesta & friends were using a code word for pedophilia that they themselves use to trade and discuss child pornography. The lack of self awareness is almost impressive.

omfg i have a puppers that looks liek this :D

cutie pootie

Sorry is this 1 thread out of the total 150 taking away space from your following threads?
>capeshit whining
>Star Wars shit whining
>girl being in a movie whining
>shitty show that has a general not being made to use general
>capeshit company wars
>celeb said this on social media whining
>gender / race of cast whining
>interracial porn
>movies women will never understand
>SJW falseflagging
>waifu thread
>Me on the left
>Sup Forums
>pedo thread
>it aint me starts playing
>is it kino?
>Who will play [unrelated to film & television] in the inevitable biopic?
>eceleb trash
>[unrelated to film & television] black person doing anything
>What’s his endgame
>celebrity's personal lives drama
>persecution complex whining
>Does anyone know some films about [unrelated to film & television]
>Late night talk show host is... *Sup Forums leans forward in anticipation*.... a cuck! *Sup Forums erupts in applause*
>wtf I hate [unrelated to film & television] now
>thinly veiled Trump shilling
>Jewish Hollywood Girls
>What did [unrelated to film & television] mean by this?
>unflattering pic of celebrity
>screencap + forced meme from shitty movie
>Billy Batts
>Really makes you think
>(Disengage safety protocols)
>quote from Spider-Man movie altered to include Sup Forums humor
>screencap of RT score of blockbuster
>Dan Schnieder posting
>Recommend Trumpkino
>Watch it
>daily John Oliver life update
>daily Lena Dunham life update
>white male
>stronk womyn
>Why do women pretend to
>crab legs
>Mary Sue
>white genocide
>what's next for her career?
>*blocks your path*
>pic of white woman standing next to black man
>daily Amy Schumer life update

is okay, comrade. Big American coca-cola Janitor will keeping good care of chan of fours.

Can you even imagine being an innocent belter who happens to be a foodie, who doesn't utilize proper password security, and gets hacked by Russians wanting Trump to be president, and you not only have to endure Hillary chewing you out in private but also the crazy Russian propaganda machine making up insane lies about you just to promote Russia/Trump?

I hope and pray that this guy is publicly redeemed after the investigations are complete.

Thetans! Holy fuck!

it was actually the creepy child paintings in bondage that got it rolling

It'd be one thing if it was some poor-ass whistleblower going up against a powerful multinational corporation, where the legal fees alone would be impossible to cover, but this is fucking Alex Jones, he has deep enough pockets. The reason the threat of a lawsuit worked is because Alex knows he doesn't have a leg to stand on and would get wrecked.

i actually laughed

Did somebody say THETANS?

>muh Russia

OK schizo

>it's okay to make things even shittier

You realize the OPs of all those threads use the exact same justification you're using right? It's not a good excuse, you're just contributing to the problem.

Unless those creepy paintings were somehow included in the wiki-leaks emails, actually it wasn't.

Thetans mmmm

OK comrade. Trump literally conceded that Russia was behind the email hacks in the very first post-election press conference, but you're right. Everybody on the planet, including Trump himself, is crazy except you.

Whoa, proof that Russian "hackers" invented pizza gate?

Wait I thought it was Sup Forums neets who invented it? Being a liberal is hard. Too much double think and contradiction.


You just went back on your own statement lol. Tell me all about the "crazy Russian propaganda machine" and the lies they made up about Podesta.

Go ahead I'll wait.

Besides, don't you want a world without borders?

Russia hacked Podesta. Trump freely admits this. It is also a well known fact that Russia utilizes the Internet to disseminate propaganda. It was certainly a group effort, and there's plenty of blame to go around.

So you made up in your head the """fact""" that Russia spread lies about Podesta. And you're in a thread saying the right wing is delusional.


Crybaby faggot OP feels picked on ... for a thread that is bullying a man who has never been arrested for OP's bullying accusations, let alone put on trial.

Fair trials. Remember those faggot OP?

Why do Republicans hate the Constitution?

Are you the same guy who keeps mistaking everyone who disagrees with you as the same person lol. Fucking stop. It's weird.

they have gross body proportions and lack the childish cuteness.

I think you mean movies in which a man is vilified by small town red necks over baseless accusations from children

Top 5 Sting songs:

(1) Tea in the Sahara
(2) Synchronicity 2
(3) Message In A Bottle
(4) Don't Stand So Close To Me
(5) Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic

>It's weird
>unironically written in a thread making accusations of pedophilia without evidence

"Are you the same guy mistaking everyone as the same guy"


Wtf wheres Every Breath U Take

Stand back everybody, Alex Jones is taking care of this mistaken accusation

Please point out where I said that.

Whether or not they did or did not come up with Pizzagate, the hacked Podesta and released the emails. Now let's give it two seconds of thought...

Here is what we know.

>We know Russia hacked Podesta. Every US intelligence agency maintains that this is the case, and even Trump admits this.
>We know that Russia uses the internet and internet forums to disseminate propaganda. It has been documented for and discussed for years. Here is an article about it. And before anyone shouts "fake news", this was written in 2013, YEARS before Trump's alleged Russian connections were a relevant matter of public interest.
>We know that in the wake of Pizzagate, the only people that seem to be talking about are on Sup Forums. In spite of this mountain of """""evidence""""""' no one has been charged, there is no investigation, and even Alex Jones, the alpha right-wing conspiracycuck has publicly denounced it.

Now, with that in mind, WHY did Russia release those hacked emails? Was it to help Podesta and the DNC? Probably not. It was meant to discredit them. What did pizzagate do? It served to discredit them. Whether or not the details of Pizzagate itself is of little consequence, because it it served to accomplish their goal. However, being that Russia has employed people to disseminate propaganda in this exact way, I fail to see why it's a stretch to allow for the possibility that they helped the process along.

The woods