Who /Tyrone/ here?

Who /Tyrone/ here?

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He seems like a cool guy desu senpai

That looks like a lonely apartment.



seems like he has to pretend to be interested in every mainstream/popular piece of media due to the type of content he makes. imagine spreading yourself that thin. i wonder what his actual interests are, if any are left?

>points in the air

fuck off, reaction channels are scum

He hates based Eliot so no.


Pure cancer

He is a fucking weightlifter. He accidentally got GradeA's own video flaged and had all the cash from it go to him just because he reacted to it, he did not thought that he did anything wrong or need to give that money back. Motherfucker sayd in his own video that "people" found him a picture of GradeA's face and that he could beat him in a fight. Fucking weightlifter.

>click on random video
>in the related videos it's him watching the same video with more views

>male reaction video
>not of a cute girl who you pretend is your gf and shares her thoughts with you of the trailer


The only guys who hate him are hardcore Grade A Under Aged fans.

After all that story with GradeA i did'nt started hating him i simply lost what little of respect i had for him.

He looks like Homsar tbqh

Explain. What happened between them?


Thanks user, will watch.

GradeA made a video, Tyrone made a reaction video to GradeA's video, Youtube for some reason thought that if Tyrone's video had more views it means that he owns the video. So Youtube redirected all the revenue from GradeA's original video to Tyrone, it was something around 300 bucks. GradeA at first tried to talk to Tyrone, but Tyrone sayd he did nothing wrong (he is a nigger after all) and made several videos about it trying to look like a fucking victim.

Listen pal, I don't know what you're problem is but being a fanboy isn't cool. Grow up, learn proper English and fuck off.

He gave you a decent explanation. No need to be rude

>being a fanboy isn't cool
Sayd Tyrone's fanboy. And i'm not GradeA's fanboy, dude has mild anger issues. But in that whole story Tyrone was clearly in the wrong.
>Grow up
I'm 29
>learn proper English
Bыyчи инocтpaнный язык caм, a пoтoм пизди
>and fuck off
Can't make me, i live here now

If youube is at fault why should the user take responsibility for a wrong he didnt do ? Why did gradeA demanded cash to another user instead of trying to resolve the matter with youtube ?