What was the first R rated movie you done seen?

What was the first R rated movie you done seen?

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300. I was 8. Shit lit me the fuck up.


I saw Still have nightmares about the trips

Road Warrior

robocop. i was six years old.

jeeper creepers 2, I think I was 6. I tried laughing to the others but I was really scared inside


Fuck outta here, you gotta 21+ to post on here.

Die Hard 3 was the first one I saw in theaters. Still one of my favorite movies

Demolition Man. It owned

neighbor's house: broken arrow

at home: ghost and the darkness

theaters: the matrix

Braveheart. I've known it for as long as I can remember, so probably when I was 5 or so

Oops forgot to say I was 6. 28 now

Body Double, de palma. I was like 12

Kill me

It was either An American Werewolf in London, South Park, or Saving Private Ryan

I don't remember. I remember seeing Mortal Kombat (PG13) on my 13th birthday because it came out that day.
but R?
were any Austin Powers R? or The Matrix? I really doubt it, they did so well.

2008 was 11 years ago, he'd be 19.

Full metal jacket.

I was less than 10.


Underage b&

It had the Australian equivalent of PG-13 but I saw Deep Blue Sea in a theatre when I was 6.

True Lies

In the theater? Gladiator. I was 12 and my Dad took me because I was into history at the time.

In theaters?

I think the first one I watched outright, without it just being on and catching glimpses of it from another room, would've been The Matrix.

I saw scary movie 2 in theatres when I was like 5 or 6, we were supposed to see shrek but my cousin lied and took me to see that instead with her friends

>be 12
>want to see scary movie
>dad goes to see it to see if i can
>"hell no"

Me too senpai. Good start.

In theaters? Terminator 3
At home? Probably godfather with my dad when I 4

Wild Wild West

It was wild.

I was 3 at the time and I saw it in theaters with my parents. For some reason my dad didn't think it would be as violent as it was. I got scared and started crying a few minutes (I think there was a scene where someone got murdered in a bathroom or something) and we all had to leave. My mom was furious at my dad and she still occasionally brings it up to this day.


Don't remember how old

Sounds like a great dad, most wouldn't make the effort to see it first

I think I was 4 or 5. First titties I would've seen as well.

Starship Troopers.

>13th birthday
>South Park movie is On Demand or whatever it was called
>dad lets me watch it
best musical ever


I saw some jaws ripoff when I was like 6 because my dad is not a responsible parent.

I remembe a scene where some guy gets his arm bitten off and it traumatized me for like a week.

Me too except I was about 5 or 6

Anna Faris was extremely cute at this age with dark hair. I didn't even know it was her til a few months ago

I watched Saving Private Ryan on VHS at home in 2000 when I was 7. First in theaters was Hot Fuzz. Told my mom I was going to see Spiderman 3 and snuck in. First one I saw of legal age was the fighter

Was it about a croc?

Basic Instinct iirc

I didnt see this until I was like 25 and goddamn why did I wait so long. 12 year old me would have worshiped Sharon Stone in that movie. Based Verhoeven.

started out with melgibsonkino
passion of the christ
been a patrician ever since

Best Action movie of all time.

Probably not going to remember the very first one as I would have been very young but my parents took me along to see There's Something About Mary in theatres in 1998 when I was 6. I'm sure there was something before that though.

same!! when i was six. Got it from the library and said it was for my dad

The first I remember at least


My dad told me to cover my eyes, but I still saw her boobs.

For some reason, the thing that really stood out to me about that movie was the fact that she bit into a banana from the side, peel and all.

That's how I knew that movie for 9 years

Candy Man 2 & Blade

Still haven't re watched Candy Man and never will.


Kill Bill vol.1

I saw The Exorcist when I was 8, holy hell that freaked me the fuck out

Borat. I'm glad my brothers let me watch it.

The Thomas Crown Affair. I was 17

how do you guys remember useless information like this?

The Thing
It was the first movie I remember watching. I was probably around 3-4 and was sitting between my parents on the couch in the dark and wondering what the heck was wrong with the doggie.

How retard

My mom took me to see Anchorman and the Village when I was a child.

Terminator. Saw it when I was 8, shit changed my life

I remember some movies I watched when I was a kid, mostly those that I saw in theatres. You're saying you can't remember anything from when you were a kid?

Also some people here seem to have only first watched an R rated movie a lot more recently so that would be easier to remember.

Jurassic park 3 when i was 6 years old, i remember staring at the clock waiting for 7pm. I loved it.


9 1/2 weeks, I was maybe 9 and it was on cable at my grandparents house.

The Fly when I was 7, my uncles were fucking jerks. That shit stays with you.

That shit wasn't rated R

yes it was

I'm pretty sure it was Terminator. My dad wanted to show me all of his favorite movies but they were all too inappropriate for a 10 year old so he would fast forward through parts he deemed innapropriate.



You're full of shit dude

What kind of shit hole are you from? It's rated PG-13 in freedomland

not in the Chinese bootleg

IT (2017)

I remember the first one scaring the fuck out of me when I first saw it. It quickly became one of my favorite movies and still is.

Dude, William H Macy literally gets ripped in half and his death scene is like 7 minutes long

I think it was the first Matrix? At least that was the first R I saw in theaters. My parents really didn't give a shit about me watching R rated movies

>that larva birthing scene

Ooh, that's a tough one. Hmm, let me think........ I'd have to say The Terminator on VHS, as it was unedited for TV and was the first time my young eyes caught a glimpse of a woman's breasts. I can't remember how old I was, but what I do remember is that it was what made me restrict myself from watching R-rated until I was 17. Can you guess what was the first movie I saw then?

First one I can recall that was on VHS and not a shitty TV edit was probably Highlander.

What's uh, going on in this picture user?

I dunno, maybe Scarface?

Dawn of the Dead (1978). Technically the version I watched was unrated. I watched it, and the rest of that series one night when I was 9 or so. Spooked me good.

I think Predator. Maybe Air Force One.

Was I on lsd the first 12 years of my life? I could swear Macy survives.

Yeah, that gave me nightmares for weeks as a kid.

Last Samurai. It explains a lot of how I became a Japanophile

a blond qt not giving a fuck about muh black lives
what do you think

I remember watching Conan with my parents on HBO when I was probably around six, basically because I was sitting between them and both of them went to cover my eyes when really goring shit like Conan's mom losing her head came up

lethal weapon at my cousin's house
I was probably 5 or 6


idno we dont use that rating system

Nothing will ever beat Jurassic Park for me, ever.
It hits every note right with me and I could watch it at any time.

Thank you Spielberg and crew.

Original robocop. Shit was off the fucking chain

I think it was childsplay when I was in preschool. My dad wouldn't let me see r rated movies until I was seventeen.

Rambo first blood when I was 4/5

Either Jason X or Saw