Please recommend some movies or TV series with good acting. I'm not so concerned with the genre or plot...

Please recommend some movies or TV series with good acting. I'm not so concerned with the genre or plot, I just want the acting to be believable.

Pic related.

The Sopranos. Nothing else even comes close.

>Vikings, give it time and there's no way you wont love Travis Fimmel, though Ragnar being a god-tier character helps
>House of Cards, best acting in a series I've watched, together with True Detective
>If you watched Breaking Bad, which I'm not even including in the list cause I believe everyone has seen BB already, watch Better Call Saul. Bob Odenkirk is criminally underated
>Twin Peaks, It's Lynch, so the acting from all cast is just perfect
>Sherlock has great acting too, especially Martin Freeman
>If you're just caring for acting, watch S02 of True Detective, the acting is great


Kings was pure acting kino. Shame it got canned after one season.

Hannibal has pretty good performances.

>Twin Peaks
>Good acting

Six Feet Under

That and the new amazon show Patriot.

Westworld, Anthony Hopkins does an amazing job.


Came here post this


The Leftovers. Can be kind of hit or miss with S1 but goddamn S2 had some phenomenal performances

Within a few hours of watching Mary is going to appear and then you'll have to deal with her atrocious acting

This is pretty good op, short series.

a lot of it is in the dialogue but yeah this is as good as it gets

Game of Thrones, for most of the cast. Emilia Clarke is hot shit though

>Good Acting
Pick 1... there are few passable performances but in general the show is shit


Is Vikings something one should watch? I gave the first season a whirl, it didnt really do much for me. Are the later seasons good? I never got much out of the main dude

To be fair, there are some great performances in Twin Peaks, Ray Wise, for instance. It's the style of the acting that's somewhat off-putting, but once you get into the vibe, you can appreciate the work a lot more, and they do break out of the soap style occasionally in pivotal scenes.
Now the film, Fire Walk With Me, has really excellent performances all around.

>no mention of Mad Men
Plebs, the lot of you.

All Quiet On The Western Front (1930)

Goes downhill fast after season one