Spiderpig, spiderpig, does whatever a spiderpig does

Spiderpig, spiderpig, does whatever a spiderpig does

Autism autism
Watches the Simpsons like autismos do

what was the joke?

an entire decade later and i still don't get why everyone thought it was so fucking funny

it's like spider man only with a pig


It's Spider-Man, but not. It's a pig walking on the ceiling pretending to be Spider-Man. A pig couldn't possibly be the superhero the world knows and loves, and yet here he is walking on the ceiling. Comedy gold.

OP, OP, post a Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums.

Does he suck a bag of dicks? Yes he does, he's OP

Look out. He is OP

Are you stupid?

The punchline is the surprise that comes from the well known spiderman song being altered in such a retarded way. It doesn't rhyme nor does it make sense. It doesn't even parallel the original song ("does whatever a spider can"/"does whatever a spiderpig does").

Fucking normies memed this into the zeitgeist.

9/11 reference

Can it suck for twenty years, no one knows, except queers, lookout here comes a shitty show.

It's not meant to be a joke, it's world building

Kind of like Sneed's Seed and Feed, only with a pig. Now we know that there was a pig that was referred to as "spider pig" at one point

Hi, Groening.

tfw my normie sister loved this movie and made me watch it with her twice

it was the most successful normie bait to ever have been pulled off

that five second clip was fucking everywhere. it was proto meme. spiderpig is the first (and only, because it was a terrible film) thing people think of when they think of the Simpsons movie. it worked like a fucking charm

aninated series turned into movies always do that. they are worse than the worst episode of the series. they drag and are shit and get a different pace , and that ruins everything.

There is no joke.

You're probably familiar with Animal Farm. As in Animal Farm, pigs are commonly used to symbolize fat-cat bourgeois of society who exploit the workers.

Spiders commonly symbolize unforeseen evil that work in the shadows, as spiders are nocturnal and hunt by animals falling into their hidden traps.

Concatenating "spider" and "pig" implies that the leaders of our society are not only exploitative of the common man, but operate in the shadows as well--behind the politicians we see on TV.

"Does whatever a spiderpig does": Listen to tone here. Think "so it goes" ala Kurt Vonnegut. It's an apathetic statement conveying the hopelessness of of situation. The workings of western society will not change.

can you remember a single thing about the Simpsons movie? I can remember the universal studios Simpsons ride better than the movie.

It wasn't fucking funny at all. I felt like Luke Wilson watching Ass with the amount of people laughing.

A time wen memes were more wholesome.

EPA wanted to turn Springfield into the next Grand Canyon


I remember that unfunny line from OP, Driving up a the inside of a dome, Tom Hanks saying, "if you see me on the street, please, leave me be" and Albert Brooks playing a villain that should have just been Hank Scorpio.

The evil dude throws his binoculars at the dome and it bounces right back at him.


It's The Simpsons

Homer being stuck between a rock and a hard place and bart nude skateboarding only because it was in the trailer

does anyone else remember the audience at the Simpsons movie being really fucking obnoxious? like, not just children grown adults losing their shit at the worst jokes. my friend was convinced they put laugh tracks in theatres

Bart's penis

*Bart's uncircumcised penis

seriously why did they add that in? That's basically cp, the tone of the film was so off

Just imagine what kind of movie they would have made in the classic era.

Is it worth a watch?

It would have been a 90 minute version of Kamp Krusty. That was their original movie idea.

>on your death bed as an old man, hopefully sur,rounded by some semblance of loved ones, if not holowaifus,
>and still have trouble naming them all or knowing the full details of your life due to dementia
>but if someone mentions the simpsons movie, nearing a century since it came out possibly, there is a highly likely chance this line with 100% recollection will pop into your mind.
>it could even be your final thoughts.

the native american with saggy tits

Albert Brooks as EPA man (why they didn't just bring back Scorpio I don't know)
Dr. Nick dying for no reason
Homer flipping everyone off as he sinks into that hole
The wedding tape with Close to You playing

Movie isn't even remotely the worst thing The Simpsons has put out but it's very inconsistent with lots of dumb writing decisions. Like why did they rename Rainier Wolfcastle to Schwarzenegger? That was the fucking joke to begin with, even the stupidest normie figured that out.

And it would have been fucking great.

>The Simpsons Movie came out a decade ago

his name was harry trotter (like harry potter) lol

that porn someone made that used the scene where the animals rip off marge and homer's clothes in the log cabin in the snow

I distinctly remember a flock of Pokemon birds flying into the dome

anyone watch this in the theaters?
when this part came on literally every single person recited it like it was funny.
Have never cringed harder than that desu

Honestly, it feels older than that.

Spider-pig spinoff movie when

Honestly the worst movie I've ever seen

Objectively, there are worse films

But as a fan of the Simpsons since I was 4, listening to the DVD commentaries on repeat ad nauseam because I had seen every episode too many times already, it was not dissimilar to being molested. My childhood had its hairless balls cupped by the big hairy hand of this shit film.

Advertising told people it was funny so they all pretended in was.

>listening to the DVD commentaries on repeat

Thought I was the only one who did this. I do it because it makes me feel like I'm watching the show with friends instead of alone.

Honestly the show had been through worse at that point so I thought it was just okay.

Though maybe it deserved to bomb, maybe it would have killed off the show for good.

Look up Opie and Anthony and watch them talk to the whole Simpsons directors/writers crew. And then keep watching Opie and Anthony.

It's the next step into pretending you have friends

Don't fight it

I remembered Green Day dying in the beginning.