
these people are not your friends

Stop shilling this garbage.

The shills aren't even subtle anymore

me personally, i loved this episode

I value their opinions on all things pop culture!

Nerd Crew is the best RLM show.

They're really milking this single joke for all it's worth

awww shit

very cool

FINALLY My friends are back
Didnt know what to think about all this pop culture news going on
Thank god theyre here I was getting very confused for a couple weeks there

I love the jokes, but aren't they a bit late with this? Isn't the mass-marketed "nerd culture" dying? I wouldn't know since i don't talk to nomies, but it seems that way.

haha oh shucks, it's like they're really my friends but in yootoob form!

They need to mix it up a bit though. I'd have Jack with a laptop on a couch doing "fact checking" or do a piss take of those shitty movie battles.

Good. They can stop when all the retards doing that crap seriously get a bit of self awareness.

No, whenever anything Star Wars related news leaks, even something like a fucking toy box with Rey having a different haircut, it has tons and tons of fucking talk about it.

It's like the old farmer saying "don't stop milking until there's some red than white"

are you mad that they're making fun of style of youtuber you love, or because they said the justice league trailer was shit?

Really? I haven't emt anyone who cares about this apart from this one normie girl who wears a Star Wars bomber. And she's not into SW at all, she's doing it ironically to piss off nerds

but thats literally one person, i have never met people like the Nerd Crew is spoofing

Sup Forums BTFO

I think you're not getting a very simple joke

Not even mad, to be honest. RLM are the living embodiment of the smug, detached Gen-X ethos.

I'd venture to guess none of them has felt a single sincere conviction about anything since childhood. They exist as polyps upon the colon of culture, satiating themselves on the perceived failures of others (i.e. "The Man") while adding nothing new to the discourse aside from ironic complaint.

They're a group of insecure, lost, rapidly aging burnouts who silently believe they could do a better job of making films than the professionals in the industry. Yet they lack the ambition and ability to actually enter the very industry they're obsessed with. They choose instead to fuck around and make student film piss-takes well into middle age.

They are awful, awful people. I've met thousands just like them, and the last thing we need is for these people to gain any attention for their navel gazing.

Please, Sup Forums, do not aspire to become anything like these people. Theirs is a lonely and pathetic road leading to depression and a life devoid of real purpose.

I hope they disappear and their disaffected followers stop subsidizing their lifestyle. Perhaps that would force them to do something productive with themselves.

go look at screen junkies and their sycophants they have videos that get millions of views about this shit

You should take a look around youtube then. There's tons of vids like that with +800k views.

DCucks and Reddit One cucks blown the fuck out yet again.

I think I'll just float here on the salty sea of your tears for awhile.

How limited can a mind be thats copy pasting reddit tier shit?

>feel depressed
>see that there is a nerd crew
>smile immediately
I feel that's even more depressing.

At least point us in the right direction to get some proper movie review entertainment. I promise I won't laugh,

I only watch John Maus videos and conspiracy documentaries senpai, nothing else pops up in my feed and related, senpai.

I clicked on trending videos one time and it made legit depressed


>DCucks BTFO again

Don't you have an Arby's application you should be filling out so you can get health insurance, Sam?

There's nothing like RLM to shove the creative bankcuptcy of Hollywood in your face once you forgotten about it a bit.

I fucking hate movies

I just emulate him because i think he's cool. But i'm way more fucking useless since i'm afraid to actually do anything like he does and only procrastinate a lot.


>Star Wars Land opening in 2019
Perfectly summing up what the franchise has become with TFA&R1 - theme park bait.

You won't find legitimate film reviewers on Youtube. Youtube reviewers don't scrape the bottom of the barrel. Youtube reviewers aren't the bottom of the barrel. Youtube reviewers aren't below the bottom of the barrel. Youtube reviewers don't even deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence with barrels.

I don't get it

>embarrasing 90's hairstyle

>tfw you realize Mike kicked Jack and Rich out of the room they were filming Pre Rec in so they could build this set in this room and now Jack and Rich have their Ikea couch in the room where they store all the VHS tapes and DVDs

beating a dead horse at this point
not funny anymore


t.granny that can't cope with social media
Its a joke about his size, because for some reason, size is a constant point of insecurity for people on Sup Forums in general.

Pre Rec shows are actually pretty cool when they have guests and talk about anything than games. Bonus points if Rich is playing and not talking.

It's pretty funny. Makes sense too when you see how many more views these videos get and that Mike and Jay make nothing from Pre Rec. Soon Rich is gonna be in the basement with a bunch of boxes.


>that ending

Fructis is really bad for your hair, don't use it.

>its okay doe, were just being ironic :)


Justice League looks good. These film illiterate manchildren couldn't possibly comprehend Zack Snyder's approach to cinema


>all those butthurt rogue one manlets

please go on

Best RLM production, yet again

Yes, I'm not kidding. My sister owns a hair salon and they even leared about that stuff in school. One day she came home and threw all the Fructis out. I mean, it won't make it fall out suddenly, but apparently its about the worst product on the market. Basically Dr.Pepper Nacho Flavor for your hair.

I heard Head and Shoulders might be bad and cause red bumps on your head. Your sister have any advice on that, buddy?

So their criticism of Justice League is its not like the comics, yet they pretend to be people who dont know anything about comics at the end?

>Dr.Pepper Nacho Flavor for your hair

That's bad?

17 minutes
oh dear

You don't have to read comics to have a general understanding of it.

this is just awful
BOTW and Half in the bag are the only good video series AND ONLY with Mike and Jay present
Beardfat and jack suck, and never bring back Max Landis

Mike's resemblance to Campea makes this unnerving.

I was howling with laughter at some points.
This should be a thing whenever one of these huge movies like Star Wars or Marvel/DC capeshit comes out.

Noone is paid to shill for RLM by the way. It's a lie and a pathetic attempt at smearing their image.

But they havent demonstrated a basic understanding of it

So do you guys really watch videos like those parodied in this series?

Literally all they say is that the Justice League are generally thought of as being colorful.

Yeah bro how dare anyone even think that, not to mention suggest something like that.

>reeee why aren't I the third member of the group like i pretend to on my friends simulator

everyone knows that comic books are colourful bc they're aimed at children

>which operates on many levels
>mainly one

I do and I get two subscription boxes, but I can still laugh at this because I'm not some thin skinned fag. I'm just a manchild with tons of expendable cash and free time.

Very cruel, very cruel.


It was OK, but not as good as the first two, maybe the bit is getting stale.

Still better than replay or whatever the videogame show is.
I just hate that they used some of the same bits again, like "very cool" and head nodding, its starting to feel like Archer post-season 4

I have no idea what the appeal of Jay is. Everyone is blowing shit on that guy. I mean, he's constantly getting passive aggressive, because he's the only one in the room who actually wants to unironically discuss those shitty movies they watch. The others make jokes and he's visibly getting pissed off, because he gets interrupted making obvious observations.

Cancerboi, I can see being somewhat of a friend or dude who helps out. But Bearfat? I can't imagine that they even like the dude.

Actually yeah. Anti dandruff shampoos are usually more aggressive. If you can't handle them, get a PH neutral shampoo from a drug store preferably.

I love how they never miss an opportunity to shit on reaction videos.

i didn't even know about the spiderman trailer till i watched this ..... now ive seen the whole movie, jesus F'ing trailers, but it saved me money because it looks like meh

Did you have to get one of those plastic three tier drawer things from a big box stores to put all the worthless trinkets in like I did when I had one for like 6 months? God some of that shit is beyond retarded.

Very cool, very cool

Beardfat isn't Jay

I watched one of those screenjunkies videos once and it was embarrassing. Also a movie fights and again it was embarrassing, but those videos have hundreds of thousands sometimes millions of views. And those fucking loot boxes are super popular, thats why there are a ton of companies doing them now. I assume loot boxes are mostly aimed at man children living at home so they have expendable cash because they're entitled millennial cunts who don't work hard enough to save for a house.

Shit I mean Josh. Josh is his name right?

Yep. Paid for the full years too. Only five more months of worthless shit I don't want 95% of left!


Thanks, hygiene-man.

Yeah thats one of the worst trailers in terms of "giving it away" that I've ever seen.
Even scenes like Ironman helping with the ship, which is the perfect stuff to leave out of a trailer, is in it.


Who's best girl and why is it Jay?

Hey, I might be an entitled millennial manchild cunt who doesn't work hard, but I own my own house pal!

>only one in the room who actually wants to unironically discuss those shitty movies they watch
Maybe that's the fucking problem, you retard.
We don't need a 40 minute discussion on some piece of shit movie from 80s. You think MST3K was loved because of their in-depth breakdown?
It's a fucking comedy show, not a junior college film class.

Not only does beardfat think anyone gives a shit about those crappy movies, he actively tries to derail the comedy.

It should be
>nerd crew = plinkett
>half in the bag

>so many vistas

I guess the Texan girl, from Black Ninja and Crazy Fat whatever II.

I feel like Jessie might have been OK in her prime, but she's got shit taste, and she's a Wisconsin 7, which is like a 5 in most coastal states.

>Maybe that's the fucking problem, you retard.
Yeah thats what I'm saying you idiot.

>Be me
>Get home from work
>New half in the bag is up
>Put it on
>Fall asleep on the couch watching it
>Autoplay is on and starts playing video after video
>Start dreaming that I'm Mike's PA
>I show him some video I made
>He really likes it and compliments me
>Wake up
>Feel intense shame over my dream
I still feel like an asshole.

You said you didn't get the appeal of Jay, I was confused.

Yeah they are, I pay them $15/month, of course they're my friends.

Because I'm too stupid to remember their names. Its not you, its me.

not as good as the last one. actually, this was kinda shit.

Nadine > Lora > Jack's wife > Gillian > Jessi > The orc Rich is engaged to

>did the check clear? do i like this movie?


I don't mind how they rip on Star Wars because it is well deserved, but the Marvel dick sucking is objectively annoying.

Ebert's dead and he's not gonna rise from his grave any time soon.

Sure, movie criticism has changed to the worse since it moved to the internet but, man, hate the critics, not the medium.

>Did the check clear? Did I like it?