1. Iron Man (rating: 7.5/10)
2. Guardians of the Galaxy
3. Captain America: The Winter Soldier
4. Iron Man 3
5. Ant-Man
6. Dr. Strange
7. Captain America: Civil War
8. The Incredible Hulk
9. Captain America: The First Avenger
10. Avengers: Age of Ultron
11. Thor: The Dark World
12. The Avengers
13. Thor
14. Iron Man 2

Phase One movies should be higher. No way Ant-Man is better than The First Avenger or The Incredible Hulk.
My nigga for placing IM3 as high as it is, the best thing Marney has put out since the acquisition.

Heres my top 5. not doing them all.
1. Marvel's Captain AmericaMan 3: The Dispute of Ideologies and Resultant Squabble
2. Marvel's The Avengers Feat. Robert Downey Jr: The Assembling is Required
3. Marvel's The Avengers 2 Feat. Robert Downey Jr: The Ageth of Ultronium The Fearful
4. Marvel's Wächter von die Galaxis
5. Marvel's Medicus Aliena

I'd put Thor 1 in #3 but otherwise you're right

Winter Soldier > Ant-Man > First Avenger > Hulk > Strange > GoG > IM1 > Civil War > Avengers > Ultron > IM2 > Thor 2 > IM3 > Thor

GotG is the lowest

Iron Man 3 is probably the boldest entry in the entire franchise. Which isn't saying much, but still vastly underrated and overhated.

This except switch GoG with Hulk.

>iron man 3 anything but the last spot
top kek

>hating Iron Man 3 this much


It's a valid complain


1. iron man 2
2. iron man 1
3. iron man 3
4. captain america 1
5. thor 1
6. incredible hulk 1
7. captain america 2
8. ant-man 1
9. thor 2
10. the avengers 1
11. dr. strange 1
12. captain america 3
13. guardians of the galaxy 1
14. the avengers 2

and honestly if you disagree with this your a fucking idiot

1. Winter Soldier
2. First Avenger
3. CW, Thor, Ant Man, Avengers films

Weird list maybe but I don't read the comics and I saw the Cap films first, I just adore them for various reasons, Stan and Evans are perfect in their roles, I love WWII era too, etc.

Iron Man, Winter Soldier and GOTG are the only good MCU movies.

Trying too hard lad.

Think for yourself for once.

1. Winter Soldier
2. Iron Man 1
3. Iron Man 2
4. Civil War
5. Guardians of the Galaxy
6. Avengers
7. Dr. Strange
8. Ant-Man
9. Iron Man 3
10. First Avenger
11. Hulk
12. Dark World
12. The rest is equally bad

good list, personally i would do a power gap between the first IM and the rest of the Marvel movies but thats just me

What makes those movies worth watching?
Don't respond to me with sarcastic bullshit. I'm curious.

>MKEKS so fucking SHOOK by the new JL trailer they have to circle jerk about their awful shit shows just to get their minds off it

How the fuck do you even wake up in the morning lmao

Bad post.

1. Iron Man
2. The Winter Soldier

...and that's it.

What intricate thought processes went into forming this opinion? Anyone can make a bullshit claim, check it out here's one of mine: Star Wars prequels are the best movies ever made.

See? Easy.
Forming opinions through thought process? Not so easy.

is logan part of MCU cause i really liked that

>Iron Man
>Captain America: The Winter Soldier
>Guardians of the Galaxy

>The Avengers
>Captain America: Civil War

>Doctor Strange

>The Incredible Hulk
>Captain America: The First Avenger
>Avengers: Age of Ultron
>Iron Man 3

>Iron Man 2
>Thor: The Dark World

Iron Man, and The Winter Soldier are good movies. The rest are not. Pretty simple really.

The Avengers (2012) sucks.

>>The Avengers

>all these people putting GotG in the top 5

Winter Soldier > GotG > Avengers > Iron Man > Ant-Man > Strange

The rest aren't worth mentioning.

>still buying that fucking meme
You're probably a Redditourist from 2016 because the whole "this is reddit, this is memes" thing was 40% reactionary, 40% facetious, and only 20% serious back when GotG first released in 2014.

on a list of MCU movies, so top 5 doesn't mean all that much

The Star Wars prequels are also good movies. Actually they're the best movies.

See? Easy.

Braindead capeshitters lmao.

-Iron Man, Cap 2, GOTG

the rest

How much glue did you huff to come to this conclusion?

patrician choices my friend

not my fault your mom uses that much in her pussy

Excellent retort, my friend. I bet you're feeling good about yourself.

I literally could not name a more Reddit movie if I tried friendo

>You said it yourself bitch. We're the guardians of the galaxy :^)
Wow what a great movie!