>no southern team in the owl

hold me dixiebros

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STFU you inbred faggot. Why are Southerners such fucking obnoxious faggots with all the 'muh Southern pride'?

I mean it's clearly just false pride to cope with the fact your region is collectively a 3rd world shithole.

>soyboy mad at culture and pride
lol kys senpai

y*nkees are more mutt than southerners.

Feels gud ma nigga

I'm rooting Patriots since new England is more souther than Philadelphia

>new England is more souther than Philadelphia
Pennsylvania is basically the south of the north

>new england/upper midwest has been the whitest region for pretty much the entire history of the United States
>coal burning slave owners muddied the gene pool before the country was even founded

top lel


Warren Buffet, Sam Walton and the Koch brothers run this bitch

I thought we all had African ancestry. Make up your fake science minds already you dumb kikes/

we killed more y*nkees than they killed of us. they got so btfo they had to REEEEEEEEE and burn shit like autistic children

>culture and pride

why'd you let them burn your shit?

Sherman did nothing wrong.

>southerner enters the room
>southerner: "Well bless your heart. I'm sorry to upset you." *leaves room sipping sweat tea*

west pennsylvania best pennsylvania. everyone knows philadelphia is an nyc tier shithole

He didn't destroy the South nearly hard enough.

Yeah, nothing makes the soydrone more jealous than seeing other whites who enjoy their own culture and have pride in it. I don't understand it, but I observe.

sweet argument, putting that southern education to good use.

Bless your heart yank.

>own culture and have pride

arguments found: none

>Nanny State faggots
Imagine having to sacrifice your rights because they hurt niggers feefees

friendly reminder from /cfb/ that southerners are not genetically human


Dixiecucks and jews imported niggers here and now have the highest interracial marriage rate in the country as dixie landwhales have niglets with them.

I think a lot of people just have contempt for southern fags because they brought the nigs here and ruined the new world for all posterity. It is loathsome desu

The fact that you choose to continue to live in the stinky sweaty anus of the US also makes people question your intelligence. Only NoC can happily function in heat like that

>t. butthurt redneck faggot

Enjoying Jamal's BBC and your 3rd world living conditions, faggot? Still mad about a Civil War 150+ years later?

>I'm a soy drone with nothing to say but my programming is going haywire and I must keep replying

Tough truth right there.

Do it again Uncle Billy!

please, mighty leaf, educate us about southern "culture" and "pride" since you're so well-versed in it

>I'm a leaf who's genuinely too retarded to explain my own posts and larps as a redneck for some reason

Every southerner i ever met was a total cuck for niggers especially negro felon league players and college football nigs. Most white pride people come from Montana, Utah or other western states.

This is now a South hate thread.

ITT: we express our hatred for the Southern region of the United States. Why do we hate the South? We hate the South because it is characterized by the following in high rates:

>White Trash
>Drug (Meth and Opioid) addiction
>Trailer parks
>Religious zealots
>Awful education system
>Retarded accents
>HDI (quality of life) on par with that of 3rd world nations
>Cringeworthy Neo-Confederate 'hurr durr durr the South will rise again' faggots
>Life expectancy on par with that of undeveloped nations

Bottom line is the South is a fucking joke and collectively a 3rd world shithole. It is a taint on America and the South has the highest amount of white trash per capita in the world. White Southerners have tarnished the reputation of white people permanently on a global scale by making whites look like a bunch of uncultured inbred redneck morons.

Southern Genocide, when?


>caring about NFL football

I watch casually just because I enjoy football but the yanks can have every owl for the rest of time so long as no team above the mason dixon line ever wins the CFP

>i like my black bulls young

Yes, yes, let the tears flow Dixie

>come back to my thread 40 minutes later
>yankees have invaded it just like i predicted

A leaf talking about culture. baka

In all honestly, the South held America back in the early years. Hamilton and Washington were way ahead of the curve when it came to industrialization and growing wealth. But the Southern land owners got all butthurt about it because "m-muh agrarian american dream, m-muh southern lifestyle" The plantation system was not sustainable and paled in comparison to industry. The South held back America for a good seven decades before based Lincoln finally put an end to that shit show. Imagine how advanced we would have been if we properly industrialized the south in the 1790's instead of the late 1800's. America would have been the dominant superpower well before the World Wars.


I guess Dixieshits are obsessed with College Football because most of your states are irrelevant flyover 3rd world shitholes that attack no capital investment -- hence the reason you have no major sports teams.

I guess Crimson Tide football is all you got, huh Cletus?

>He actually believea this
>Despite the fact that blacks were slaves for centuries in the south and still live there

amazing discourse in this thread


New England the Pacific Northwest are by far the whitest (and most liberal) parts of the country kek.

>100% black

Well indeed the South has pretty much been a shithole in general for as long as I can remember.

I mean I can literally give you quotes from articles that were published in the 1950's that refer to Alabama and Mississippi as '3rd world' states.

Don't forget Louisiana is a member the 3rd world Triumverate

Literally nobody outside the south ever thinks about the civil war. You faggots bring it up, we make fun of you for it and then your respond REEEE OBSESSED.

Nobody is obsessed with the south. There are nice spots for vacations there. That is literally all anyone thinks or cares.



The South is literally a leech on the rest of the nation. California doesn't even get 75 cents back for every dollar they give to the government because it's wasted on propping up inbreeding and obesity.

The South was a mistake. If we let them secede the US would would have higher world rankings in just about every major category

I'm black and I'm a Jags fan and I'm mad. Jax is lowkey a Chocolate City. Fuck Boston.

The Civil War fucked them up real good desu, failing to send all the niggers back to Africa after the war sealed their fate as America's asshole.

hell yeah bro. northerners on Sup Forums are racist af. black people will always be part of the south.

Except football.


I'm a Midwest (i.e. Michigan) faggot. I just love making fun of South as does everybody who isn't a Southerner.

You're a fucking nuisance on America as this country would literally improve in virtually every measurable category without the South.

>just fried shit on sticks

but user, their FLAG!!@! their HERITAGE!!!

>black people will always be part of the South

Let's get down to brass tacks here, replace "South/Southern/Southerner" with "nigger" because that's what you're basically complaining about.

niggers are the majority of the south so when you say southerner you basically already mean nigger

no. southern white people are the most disgusting type of american by a WIDE margin

>niggers are the majority of the south
you fucking what?

>pride themselves on work ethic and heritage
>had niggers do everything for them
top jej

I'd rank hippies as more disgusting desu

Wasn't it like less than 10% of southerners owned a slave and like less than 5% owned the plantations with loads of slaves?

>black "population"
>posts house with 0 (zero) people living in it

What did he mean by this?

Reminder that shermanfags are commies. Southerners are a bunch of cucks though.

>Implying White Southerners are just as subhuman

Look at West Viginia or Appalachia. You're white niggers yourself, Billy.

come on now there are loads of them. i had to stop off 95 in middle of nowhere georgia and it was like a dave chapelle skit. 2 am in the morning and there was nigs just sanding around in a circle, nigs meandering out of a children of the corn style field, nigs who worked at the all night mcdonalds were all outside shucking and jiving and talking on their phones. its a different world man

i know thats just an anecdote, but you and i both know its hardly unique

>work ethic

sherman was conservative. not our fault commies worship him falsely.

Is that guy from Pittsburgh ITT? Dude, I fucking love you. I'm the guy from Florida that also makes all those anti-South threads on Sup Forums.

why do Sup Forumsfags hate the south so much? I thought they would like it because muh slavery.

What self respecting redneck owns an Austrian pistol? 1911 or bust.

6 percent of southerners, which made up 1.4 percent of all americans. from the nature of our public discourse youd think every white child was being carried from place to place by a team of black saves

Sup Forumscucks are jealous because they are mutts LARPing as whites and us southerners are whiter than them. this is also why they hate germans.

/k/ has lots of southerners on it which is why i mostly post there.

I think you have been buying into too much propaganda my dude

>Sup Forumscucks are jealous because they are mutts LARPing as whites
This is what makes Sup Forums is hilarious desu

Slavery is wrong and you're Sweden tier cucks as both Virginia and Alabama demonstrated.

All of Sup Forums is just people larping
The same guy posting communism generals and BLACKED threads also posts "1488 gas the jews"
>t. That guy

Florida isn't in the South so there already wasn't

>Jacksonville isn't in the South

The rednecks in the panhandle are the worst ones.

I'm from Texas, we're not included with South cucks, right?

no pedro calm down

The entire west coast, northeast, and midwest from time to time elects democrats.

you likely stopped in the black belt. Georgia is majority white.

Struggling to find a single reason, even for devils advocate purposes, why ANYONE would care if the entire south disappeared tomorrow.

That region really should have just been allowed to fuck off from the union entirely.

What does Sup Forums even mean by white? Just skin? Are Argentines white? Most of them I saw there had white skin. Are Italians white despite having dark skin? Greeks?

Ironic that the loudest autistic screeching comes from Americans who are objectively the most racially mixed mutt people on earth, even Brazilians can trace their heritage more than Americans can.

>losing the Civil War

white and black have never meant anything, genetically. they're terms that brainlet ingrates throw around to try to justify politics. notice that the groups who swear by "white power" and "black pride" never actually get anything accomplished?

Philly here, I got no hate for the south

All my hate is focused northward at North Jersey/NYC trash

got rekt in the war and in this thread. Southeners on suicide watch

That's what you get for turning the stan Lee playoffs into a fucking sideshow wwe circus with trashville

South jersey fag reporting in

>tfw no Susquehanna state

>tfw New Jersey isn't two provinces like it once was and should be again