This movie was fantastic

this movie was fantastic

Other urls found in this thread:ū_Maru

talk about it faggots

My dad was an old-school weeb (like in the 70s) so I grew up watching martial arts movies and classic Godzilla. I suddenly have a craving to get back that Godzilla nostalgia. Will this do it for me?

Also, which of the classic movies are worth watching again? I barely remember them since I was like 6 at the time

Pic unrelated

I hated the english of the "american" girl

>retarded eel
>boring japs trying to make a decision when they are too beta to do it
>lol let's continue using ineffective weapons on godzilla
>help us USA sempai

worst godzilla movie ever

It was kinda cool when we saw it several months ago, slowpoke. Got a ShinGoji in my last trip to Hong Kong, the SEGA one. Mildly interested on the new anime Godzilla movie coming "soon".

I loved it, it was hot as fuck.

yes it was, perfect action direction/pacing etc

that middle sequence w/ godzilla was sublime

That's the point. Godzilla was always about making political statements.

This one was about Japan taking the reigns of it's own decisions again and being true Japanese

It's satire that uses a giant monster as an allegory for the earthquake/tsunami/fukushima and the japanese government's response

if you want a rubber lizard fighting a rubber piece of dogshit look elsewhere

>worst godzilla movie ever

that's literally the fucking point and overcoming this in the end is what this movie is about

I loved all the Japanese government shit as much if not more than that goofy fish flop around on land.

big political message about being responsible for your own action, and the old while deserving respect need to make way for youth

this movie has the best soundtrack ever set to a motion picture

Yep. Godzilla is the earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear reactor of the Tohoku and Fukushima diasters. The movie is about the initial poor reaction of the Japanese government and the nation coming together to solve the crisis. It's more like Gojira (1954) and less like the stuff you ironically enjoy.

It has a couple of tracks from Evangelion and not the best from the serie

>b-b-but it was boring!!


GMK is a lot of dumb fun, watch it if you want that. Shin is good, although it takes a more bureaucratic approach.

Can't wait for shin godzilla to beat up the new american godzilla on a straight to dvd release movie.

I agree OP, it even has a cameo from best girl

It really wasn't

of course it is because because it isn't made by mongrel subhuman Americuck

If I die in this world

who will know

something of me

I am lost,

no-one knows,

there's no trace

>that part where the American B-2 stealth memeplanes get BTFO

Best part of the movie.

of my yearning

Either that's a guy with that name or if it's really her then why didn't they use the Evas?
Evas vs Godzilla fucking when?

If I die in this world


, Carry on,
esrow gnihtoN
f me

Why are they memeplanes?
They looks really fucking cool

Hang on, am i missing something?

shin godzillas DNA is mutating at incredible fast speed to adapt. The size didn't so it started to split off into a lot of smaller humanoid and seperate functioning units but they got frozen before the transistion was completed. Can't wait for the next movie.

Anyone have the webm of the Godzilla lazer attack?

>It's evolving!
>It could regress into a smaller lifeform?!
>A beast that evolved to be stronger than mankind

it was the next step in Godzilla's evolution



This is how best boys are born

I was very interested in the Fukushina disaster and I love this movie and largely view it as a parody as was the original Godzilla
When I saw them trotting out his blue uniform (as the Japanese Pm did during Fukushima) I was struck by the fact that the mistakes made by the Japanese government were the exactly the opposite of those made by Bush during Hurricane Katrina.
Any thoughts?

I wonder, is him spraying fire and lazers everywhere a way for him to cool himself down stopping his reactor from melting down like in that godzilla movie from the 90ies? He developed the nuclear fire breath to be able to live on land right? Shooting down planes is just a side effect?

how did godzilla sense that stealth bomber?

so, Angels.

Bravo, Anno. As expected of the master

What mistakes are you talking about?

The laser was in response to the planes. He was adapting to the American's attacks.


>this movie was fantastic
absolute garbage.

name one thing good about it


how did the serbs?

she was A CUTE

this fucking scene was goat

I think this godzilla will evolve once again and turn into the godzilla of yeolde to fight king ghidorah and other kaiju that evolved from the humanoids seperating from his tale in the sequel. The fact that his tale has it's own creepy face is a dead give away.

- shitty color grading, looked like an amateur movie
- bad acting
- bad action
- bad story
- bad monster

everything was shit

kill yourself my man

>kill yourself my man
cant handle the truth eh?

This movie is basically the early half of Evangelion, when NERV is very rapidly getting in over their heads, just stabbing the monsters with giant robots isn't working anymore, and they have to improvise solutions on the fly. Even back then, Anno was all about illustrating the paralyzing and potentially dangerous effects of ever-present bureaucracy and internal politics, which is exactly what this movie is about.

This movie is Anno going full, gloves-off Anno, and it's fucking glorious for it.

Godzilla has always been at least a little political in nature, and there isn't anyone more suited to make a Godzilla movie than someone who is both well-versed in giant monster fights, AND carrying a long-standing grudge against Japanese political attitudes and paradigms.

Did you like 2014? Just asking

TFW 2014 Godzilla was made by a tea nigger

Ever watched Godzilla vs Gigan?

The Japs almost let a massive meltdown happen because they refused to act just like in the movie.
THey refused to vent gases because of danger to civlians (the scene where they refuse to shoot because of people on the train tracks) which leads to a worsening crisis ( Godzilla evolving) a suicide mission to avert disaster ( The SDF attack on godzilla reflects the suicide mission the actual suicide mission the Nuclear company sent workers on to close valves) until a young man in a junior leadership positon takes decisive action ( At Fukushima the onlt thing that prevented a nuclear meltdown dumping mass amounts of radiation into the pacific was the plant manager going against his superiors direct orders and flooding the reactor with water)
If you are interested this documentary is great

>everything was shit

What the fuck Japan?

>shitty color grading
Can we stop with this meme word?

even more pathetic

Godzilla evolves to best suit its surroundings
Godzilla is "evolving" into people

>YFW this is Godzilla's way of acknowledging that human beings are better than it

Imagine a human shaped godzilla that's as smart as us but still functions on nuclear power and can use atomic breath

So what you're saying is

The next Godzilla movie will be about Trump

I didn't know Trump could spit a laser out of his mouth

When has he ever had to?

I-I guess, b-b-but I thought he was opposing the reptilians

I'm really worried Toho is gonna be retarded enough to abandon live action Godzilla in favor of pushing out the anime trilogy.

It turns out having a socially rigid honor based society has as many drawbacks as advantages.

If you make an executive decision on an issue, and your plan fails, you will forever be known as the guy who fucked everything up because he was a maverick retard who couldn't follow basic instructions. Nobody wants to make the hard choices because nobody wants to be the one who has to suffer the consequences should your choice turn out to be a shitty one.

Actually, I *was* joking, but the more I think about it, the more I think that kind of movie could actually work.

>Zilla-people split off from big G
>Big G still exists, stomping around
>Little guys are smart, bordering on sentience, and just want to be a part of humanity, because that's where all the success in survival lies, clearly
>Whole movie is basically about "Do we let these monsters into our society with the hope of peace but potential for danger, or do we exterminate them and anger the giant unkillable fuck-off engine of death and destruction?"

Basically a straight allegory for the Syrian refugee crisis.

Let them try anime for a change and see how it works then they can go back to do live action or both

A lot of the cgi was sub par but man when it needed to work they got it to fucking work. I was hyped to see that purple death ray scene and it went above and beyond in delivering.

Remember the scene wher the Japanese PM requested his uniform? The Japanese gov actually wore those worker uniforms during the disaster at Fukushima to make the people think they were hands on solving it.

Anime is fine as a side project kind of thing but making the full shift to it and having all future mainline Godzilla movies be animated is a big mistake in my mind.


Don't think there will be another Shin Godzilla. This last shot was a metaphor for "the real monster is humanity, godzilla is humanity". But sci-fi makes this metaphor concrete.

Literally Japanese Schwarzenegger

I would say it has more drawbacks acrually.
You know the saying Dont shoot the messenger? That bit of wisdom came about because if you punish people who give you bad news you become blinded to reality and myopic. Thats precisely what happened at Fukushima and is the underlying message during the speech to the SDF at the end.
This movie is an excellent uae of satire and subversion.

>yfw you realize the lyrics in Who Will Know are being told from Godzilla's perspective


>not a single blonde blue eyed japanese or females with giant tits and blue/purple/green/red hair

Anime is a lie

Again the movie is a metaphor for Fukushima. That remark she makes is in regards to humanity causing destruction through our nature ( inability to react) and a criticism of the Japanese gov for abandoning the idea of the needs of the many outweighing those of the few which is central to Japanese cultural zeitgeist.

Godzilla is constantly talking through the movie using the score. It is widely accepted.

well and Anno said he wouldn't be making another. That doesnt rule out a sequel, but it certainly rules out it being as good as Shin


I'm not sure how a sequel could even work without it falling into the same monster wrestling groove as the rest of the movies. That doesn't really seem to fit the tone this movie set. At the same time though it is certainly a shame if we don't see Shin Godzilla again since everyone has become pretty attached to it.


>character is half american, american educated, lives in states
>can barely speak english

what did they mean by this?

Too bad, the movie is a great callback to the original which was a criticismn of the handling of the Daigo Maru.
If you want a good understanding of Godzilla I implore you to read this:ū_Maru

High budget Hollywood films are no better with foreign languages my guy

Almost as if it's a Japanese movie for Japanese audiences, none of whom can speak english

This is small time compared to all the different ways American movies have butchered hundreds of different languages through the last century of cinema

> Cant speak english
Yup, average American

Reminds me of half the Mexican-"""Americans""" I have to deal with every day.

It's really weird the essay written by Goro Maki in the art book that never saw the light of day in the movie was in perfect English but this is gibberish.