Are physics professors like this?

Are physics professors like this?

The last time I took physics was in high school, and the teacher was an old rocket scientist with a flat top, short sleeve button down, and a pocket protector. Like a true American hero. Those guys are all dead or in their late 80s/90s now though, so yeah you're probably stuck with Sheldon or whoever that is

How can her be a teacher tho? Are his students such cucks that they all follow his rules so he doesn't spaz out? I don't see him being a teacher most students respect unless they know his actual scientific body of work.

To me he would be like one of those substitute teachers no one respects and the classroom turns into a mad max-esque free for all.

I work with a guy who has a degree in mathematics and physics and he's a stereotypical turboautist. Very intelligent though and helpful at working out complicated shit. Not much of a fag like the one in OP's pic.

He's a researcher, he doesn't teach, at least he's not meant to in ordinary circumstances.

To answer OP's question, Physics professors are usually turbo autists. The higher and more respected their work is, the worse they are an actual teacher and a bigger nightmare to work with.

Imagine Sheldon, minus the comic book, geek shit, 65 years old or older and far louder. I've heard of people getting papers they've written thrown in their face, being told it's all shit work. One of my friends with another professor quit his PhD because his Supervisor went into his office, turned his computer off when he was working on it and told him his work was so bad he didn't deserve technology.

The worst teacher I had would come in 2 minutes late, never look at the class and just mumble his way through every single lecture and he only wrote equations down.

Most physics students are complete autists too.


My dad has a PhD in Physics and Maths, and he really likes TBBT.

>Told him his work was so bad he didn't deserve technology.

This is top fucking amaze craze

>tfw to stupid to science

Most of the physicists, professors, and grad students i've encountered are all pretty much full blown normies.

I can't imagine a complete turboautist sperg to make it in academia unless they were a genius savant of unparalleled talent.

>Mfw to stupid for maths

You'll never know true pain.

I know this pain user.

>TFW 32 and still need to do the hand thing to see which one makes an L to know my left from right

Physics Professors? No

Physics Undergrads? Yes

-t. Phys&Math major

>do the hand thing to see which one makes an L to know my left from right

what the fuck

Depends on the field in my experience. The most autistic physicists I've met were from theoretical quantum and solid state. Although I had a quantum prof who was just a huge asshole and another that was a nice guy but way too smart for everyone. Experimental is hit and miss, but astrophysicists have been pretty decent. This has been across physics departments at 3 different universities for my undergrad, masters, and PhD. I'm in medical physics and everyone is pretty cool, but it's not considered "real" physics. Students have been relatively normal. A few major nerds but most have seemed well adjusted to me.
Overall though the hard theoretical physicist that Sheldon is supposed to portray has been fairly accurate in my experience. Some of these guys are just so fucking smart and are completely absorbed by their work that they come off as neurotic autists who don't give a shit about anything else.

You put your hands in front of you extending your index finger and thumb. Your left hand will make a capital L and the right will be a backwards L.

I know that, I didn't know people were this fucking stupid.

That's how you get your head caved in. Especially if the other guy was working all day and not saving often enough.

My wife does it. Drives me insane. She pretty smart otherwise so I don't know if she's joking sometimes. But I've caught her doing it while driving.

See for me driving it's when I don't have to think about right from left. But if I'm giving/receiving direction or have to be descriptive of a location is when I have to take the extra couple seconds to think about it.

This. Both my parents are in academia and hold PhDs and LOVE this show. I know TBBT is targeted for their age demographic, but I think it resonates for them more on the career aspect, since there's no other shows I can think of that follows reseachers/professors.

Not my cup of tea, but glad they enjoy it.

Currently in college. Not specifically physics professors, but yeah. A lot of professors in college are cringy, pop culture spewing, autists like OP's pic.

This. You need Camarilla levels of politic skills to survive and prosper in Acadamia.

Not in my experience but most physics students are, they're also incompetent retards that invariably drop out towards the end of the year.

Holy shit your friend got BTFO.

>One of my friends with another professor quit his PhD because his Supervisor went into his office, turned his computer off when he was working on it and told him his work was so bad he didn't deserve technology.

I know this a second hand account, but I don't believe this story.

This is exactly who i imagined reading that

>The worst teacher I had would come in 2 minutes late, never look at the class and just mumble his way through every single lecture and he only wrote equations down.

My Complex Analysis professor does this. So fucking annoying.

>turned his computer off when he was working on it and told him his work was so bad he didn't deserve technology.


I have a bs in physics and a bs in economics. Most physics professors are old ass men that speak with a riddle every 5 minutes and ridicule you if you can't understand. They are nothing like sheldor. Sheldor would be stuck in antarctica or on some mountain in his 30s.

I saw my future in physics and used my math in a better degree.

I just think of the side of my face that's dead from the convulsions, that side is left, the other is right