Why does Hollywood discriminate against short women?

Why does Hollywood discriminate against short women?

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le ass pad girl

Please answer the question, this isn't a waifu thread

They don't. ASSR is just lacking the talent.

Anna Kendrick is two inches taller than ASR. ASR has all the talent she needs.

which would you pick then, Sup Forums?

the tallette or the dwarf?

I want to be ASRs pusy slave

Real reason is Holywood is heightist.

le blind mong

i wonder if ASR was jealous of other girls growing up
they grew up she grew out


she's such a good actress, i feel like hollywood only wants skinny twig girls in starring roles and her booty is just too much.

I forgot music this generic existed

Does MEW bully her?

asr is her pusy slave

Does she pick her up and throw her around if she's disobedient?

All waifus are short

Only licky my Debicky is tall

I hope so. Womanlets need to know their place.

5'11" and 6'


There are many images




liiterally every succesful hollywood actress is ~5'3

Maria Sharapova though.

>Maria Sharapova

What does a "successful actress" mean?
Is it good acting or being a hot piece of meat?

Everyone knows tennis waifus are a cut above.

cum stains

Anna Kendrick is gross and relies on social media teams to "make" her appealing to others.

wow, womanlets are tiny, mews ass looks real nice.

she just holds her at her crotch until she taps out and assumes the submissive position


Who'd cum first if Felicity Jones and ASR rubbed their pussies together in a sexfight?

Felicity, she's young and inexperienced

ASR has so much more power generated by her fat ass that it would turn FJ into a drooling, babbling pussy slave.

They don't. ASR doesn't get cast much because she doesn't quite look 12 and she doesn't quite look any other age either.

Best ASR kino ever right here



>that guy on the left furiously trying not to stare at her ass

Anna Kendrick has some barf ass feet.
Shut it the fuck DOWN.

its probably hard to cast them against a male. Its why Most male actors aren't super tall either.

you don't want to have to do ever scene with one standing on a box and one standing in a hole just so their faces match up.

Hopefully Snyder casts her as SuperGirl in Man of Steel 2: Escape from Kandor
