Martini;shaken not stirred

Martini;shaken not stirred.
>of course, misterrrr...
Bond, James Bond.

Give me one reason this wouldn't be great. The bond girl could be Daisy Ridley or Natalie Portman or Emilia Clarke.

inauthentic, bond is intelligent

Because he's not English?

James Bond serves Her Majesty the Queen of England.
The British Royal Family in its history is responsible for killing MILLIONS of black Africans during the days of the British Empire.

THATS why its a bad idea and if Idris Elba took the role he would be a disgrace to his African heritage.

Black guy in a nice suit is obviously a spy.

British royal family dindu nuthin. Its all big corp. and parliment.

Stop portraying them as criminal. We are all equal.


He's too old already, also your bond girl suggestions are shit

because Bond has an iq above 85

No the real answer ,because Bond is fucking british. And the stereotypical brit is still a white tea drinking aristicrat

I don't think you made this thread in good faith.

You mean they're responsible for transporting them away from Africa, improving their quality of life by about 500% despite enslaving them.

because a black James Bond wouldnt make $$$ in most of the world.

Because the character of James Bond is a caucasian man?
What kind of retarded question is this?

So have him be from a Moorish family.

>Daisy Ridley or Natalie Portman or Emilia Clarke.
>how to spot a redittor

why not a dog?

>the names bone
>James Bone

No. No no no no.
You did not just say that.

Should've been Motoko, what an opportunity wasted.

>implying any thread with:

>"lol look at this [black guy]"

>"lol let's discuss this [women]"

>"lol how does everyone feel about all this [by the numbers bait about all the heavy-handed "diversity" shit being shoehorned sloppily into everything with little or no finesse of subtlety]"


>...isn't some group's obvious shillbait, whether it's from lazy Sup Forumstards trying to keep everyone salty, China shills as they continue their campaign to slowly subjugate western media, or clickbait writers trying to drum up bullshit to write about

>implying Sup Forums doesn't faithfully and consistently take the fucking bait every single time, due to being stunted white NEETS will low IQs and self control.

Yeah, like Irish Pierce Brosnan, Scottish Sean Connery or Australian George Lazenby

This guy gets it. Sup Forums is full of cancer

The name's Bond. Bail Bond.

>The bond girl could be Daisy Ridley or Natalie Portman or Emilia Clarke.

Now you're crossing the fucking line.

Only would be good if the bond girl in that film is a white woman

I'm not gonna watch Idris fuck some black bitch. Fuck that.

Disregarding race, he's too fucking old to start playing Bond. Craig has one movie left in him (supposedly), so it will be AT LEAST 5 years before the next Bond's first movie even starts production. Elba would be nearly 50 by that point. That's older than even Roger Moore.

>They say this cat Shaft is a bad mother...
>I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft.

Give me one reason this wouldn't be great.

HAHAHAHAHAHA good one user

Because ethnicity and nationality are linked. They are an inherent part of the James Bond character.

Bond is supposed to be ingrained in the British establishment. He is half-Scottish half-Swiss, but of aristocratic descent. However, the actual character of James Bond is supposed to represent a type of people. He is supposed to represent the White British.

This is why cultural marxists are so desperate for Elba to succeed in the role. They want the entire image of an ethno-national group transformed.

this is bbc. this is cuck. this is memes.

Why do we need a black Bond? We already have black Moneypenny and black Leiter. Let's make Bond a chink. Or even better, how about an Indian Bond?

being on the right side of history is more important than money

American or other?

maga xd

black lives matter xd

Three measures of Sprite, one of Promethazine... Shake it very well until it's ice-cold, then add Jolly Ranchers and serve in a double styrofoam cup. Got it?

ayo gimme dat martini shaken bitch
yo, back in da hood we used ta eat niggas like dat for brekfas, i ain scurred
world domination? dats some white people shit right there

>Jolly Ranchers

> Aight Bond, here ya car G, the new Trayvon Martin DB5.


Pretty simple OP, Bond isn't supposed to spend his day robbing convenience stores and banks to pay off his drug dealers and hide from his baby's momma.

Also Bond isn't supposed to drink Colt 45's and smoke Newport's

Will he actually be able to insert his bbc into two universes? King sort of asked for it but i think Fleming would turn in his grave!


I unironically wanna take his dick ballsdeep up my ass and experience the feeling of being [BLACKED] inside. No homo.

neither was connery.

>Already 50

He's too old you cuck
