Pitch me food to serve at my dinosaur zoo Sup Forums

pitch me food to serve at my dinosaur zoo Sup Forums

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An eva unit


I know there's a meme here regarding a mishearing, but I've forgotten

Shrimp with lobster sauce

that shaving cream where they stored the fossil dna

looked tasty as fuck

First let's start with the basics

Dino tendies

Bolivian Mackerel


These niggas

>shaving cream
it was whipped cream u skullfking retard

Guacamole and mahi mahi

I'm gonna say lobster and gogurt packages

Dino burger

>Lobster tail served over a bed of wild rice and dino-yogurt


Dino-Sauer: Brats and sauerkraut

Me? I'd serve crab legs

baked sriracha chicken thighs (skin on) with rice and butter, plus cucumber sticks

chili and sea bass


Chilli & Sea Bass

Step aside

Sea Urchins of Each Way

These were really good ngl

dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets

It was shaving cream. Newman putting it on somebody else's pie showed what a selfish jerk he is.

Literally barbasol

it's chilean sea bass you fucking fucks

>he fell for the meme

Me? I'd serve crab legs.

so am I

Dino Fries: Chips covered in a green coloured spice blend

Brontoburger: Gigantic Veggie burger

Deep Freeze: Frozen dessert with candy dinos in it