Literally a day ago Sup Forums was calling Whedon a beta numale hack

>literally a day ago Sup Forums was calling Whedon a beta numale hack
>now he's an DChad and one of the most talented directors alive
These are the mental gymnastics required of being a DCuck

Other urls found in this thread: times/


So is he going to ruin DC females now like he did with Marvel?

>babby's first time on Sup Forums

Not even Whedon can make me care about Derpgirl. Also, I bet she won't even be a redhead.

Nothing wrong with letting the numales handle the chick flicks
Got to keep the DC money flowing so we can get more Alpha League movies

>expecting anything more from nonwhite videogame playing numales

>literally a day ago Sup Forums was calling Whedon a beta numale hack
You act like it wasn't deserved. When he unJUSTs himself, gets fit like Snyder, and moves away from the SJW propaganda, then he'll truly become a DChad

>everyone is the same person
>brandwars aren't entirely maintained by paid shills

I for one am glad someone finally hired some film making talent to get these /fit/nerds larping around embarrassingly in bat costumes in line. Maybe DC can shit out something worth watching for once now.

Fuck Weedon, give me Refn's Batgirl instead.

As someone who is on Sup Forums for every waking hour I think I have the authority to say "No!"

Everyone is still shitting on Whedon. I can see you're eager to do ironic shitposts as a "DCuck" though.


Refn is absolutely the wrong man to take on a lame and uninspiring character as Batgirl.

He is the looser the chad pretend to like to play a prank on him

This would be great. I've always wondered what Batgirl would be like if she were an autist

>DC reigning unchallenged in the alpha male market
>now they want to take the numale cuck market from Marvel too


Why are you posting the incorrect version?


It's confusing and unfocused. Are you saying Donald Trump and Christianity are bad things?

>shabbos goy and shabbos goy religion are good

We won, you lost. LMFAO


Yes, we. Israel is based. Fuck mudslimes

Nobody has called him a Chad you fucking victim complex Marvel drone cocksucker.

>Israel is based.
Yes, thank you based (((Snyder))).

>moves away from the SJW propaganda
like DCfaggots with
>Jewonder jewoman
>muslim batman
>asian flash
>nigger waterman
>faggot Luthor

>>nigger waterman
I read that as nigger watermelon

Directing Bat Girl is the equvalent of sitting at the little kid's table while the DChads work on the movies that matter. Whedon might as well beg to work on an Alfred movie on the side. I will defend Whedon in the since that this project suits him. He's directing Batgirl, not The Batman.

This, every Entourage needs a "Turtle"

Refn would be better for Dr. Fate.

>Recalling their journey together, Ms. Snyder said she has gone from being someone who lived a “Sex and the City” life in Manhattan (out many nights, with weekends in the Hamptons) to a calmer more self-satisfied version of herself. “Now, I’m just content being with Zack, having my dogs, my family, my friends at my house,” she said. “I’m not looking for something else.”

How much of an alpha chad is /ourguy/ Zack?

I don't want to derail the thread with politics, but yes it is. Netanyahu is a good leader and it's the only non-shit country in the Middle East.

You do realize there are conservative Jews and (((Hollywood Jews))), right?

But I was agreeing with you.

>d-do i fit in yet?!

Nah we DChads aren't blinded by brand loyalty, that's not the KINO way. He's as cuck now as he was when he worked on your cucm franchise

>i was out getting fucked everynight in the hamptons by everything that moved
>now that my glory days are over im content with just Zack

>alpha chad
Top Cuck

Thats embarrassing as fuck holy shit haha

how old was she when they married?

Trying way to hard

He just wants to unJUST himself. Nobody is calling him a great director.

Based KinoGod Snyder was such a Chad that his future wife hired him to do commercials and then had to establish a company just to produce his first feature film. Literally /ourcuck/.

Based Zack, will he be able to redeem them all Sup Forums?

>can't even get superman or wonder women right
>"lol time for the batgirl movie!"
DC really needs to slow the fuck down

they are making money and won an "oscar". they dont give a shit whether you dont like it pal. as long as the masses go see it which they will then they dont need to slow down in the slightest

Who would win in a fight?

Your not wrong I guess, I just want a good movie.

Whedon automatically redeemed himself by signing on with dc

If they don't care that the reception has been poor then why have they been so reactionary? Why do they keep changing everything? Why does Batfleck look like he wants to end it all?

Why are these Marlets so fucking petty? Day after day, these threads on repeat. Do they even watch movies? I don't think so. Just blindly follow their Disney script.

Fucking awful, 0/10 see me after class

Refn should have gotten a Batwoman deal

Hit too close to home there. Day after day, literally same posts recycled thread after thread. I don't think anyone is actually dumb enough to believe Disney shills haven't infested this board by now.

>marry a used up slut that realized her clock was ticking
>>>Ms. Snyder said she has gone from being someone who lived a “Sex and the City” life in Manhattan
Even worse is that shes admits it and is probably close to his age so she was in her 20s getting railed by *** in jew york

No Marlets it just retarded, at least call them Marvelets

Says you

>keep changing everything
trouble being decisive doesnt mean your opinion on their movies matter or they care

>Batfleck look like he wants to end it all

Literally nothing to do with whether you like him as batman. Are you playing dumb or do you really believe memes?

Again if suicide squad made what? 700 mill something (without china) with all the criticsim and they immediately greenlit a sequel as well as a bunch of other shit...then its obvious. it sells. period, make more


with a double KO everyone

I was talking about your attempt to make a new insult name. I mean Marlets? Really? That's just embarrassingly bad.

Batfleck was going through a divorce and a relapse, but now he has completed rehab and he's back with his wife. Some say it's because the healing power of kino and the magical blessings of Zack Snyder, but it's not been proven yet


Marvel is so irrelevant to everyone that even their own shills are just wholly dedicated to talking about DC now.

Even the Iron Fist threads are embarrassing as fuck to read.

Not him but Marlets isnt new moron. ppl have been saying it for weeks. lurk more and stop embarrassing yourself

>Not him
Nobody believes you.

Reminder that these are geniune shills who spent months spreading photoshopped images of Evans laughing at Affleck, of Cavill with a bald head, and so on. These are paid to output that shit. It's funny going to see them try to bury Whedon now that he ditched that sinking ship aswell. Their only directors are just TV rejects.

>Day after day, literally same posts recycled thread after thread
wait why are you of all tourists complaining about this when you're easy to spot across the board without a trip, Borjesson?

But Cavill is bald

I prefer "oscarlets" or just "shills" when they are too transparent

You bet right

Say hello to Lindsey Morgan

you dont need to dipshit. all you need to do is control + f the damn Sup Forums archive. the word has been around now shut up about it

>Says you

Why don't Americans understand this phrase?


Are you that guy who posted the same pic 180 times? I hope the mouse pays you well

When the Marvel shill complains about "outsiders" while also waging corporate war smear campaigns on Sup Forums

Kill yourself.

seriously, snitch I know its you as you dump the same images over and over too
>12 hours


180 times

One hundred eighty times

That's the total amount this Marvel Paki posted ONE image on Sup Forums. Now imagine his usual folders of Evans and RT scores. He must've posted near thousand Marvel shilling images.

god this board has gone to shit

Literally no one has been saying that except for the one troll post

>completely destroying the dceu

>so irrelevant

The mouseketeers were really desperate for that to happen. It didn't. So they just fabricated it instead. It's also funny seeing them throw him under the bus so fast when they spent five years defending his piece of shit Avengers movies. The mouse knows no empathy.

it's not our fault the cuck won't let these cancerous Sup Forumseddit plebs on Sup Forums
just look at this and times/

this guy has spent 12 hours today already shilling and will for several more hours

Sorry user just needed to bully you over your stupid word.
Hopefully you give up on it so next time you won't get bullied again.

Wait, wut? Is he doing Batgurl? Egads, the quippification of the DCEU is complete.

A cuck is a cuck is a cuck

Snyder is our guy, the rest of them can go fuck themselves for all I care

Why are DCucks so paranoid?

>14 movies
>couldnt even win the lowest of Oscars once
>DC does it with their worst movie backwards

Fucking embarrassing kek

It's actually pretty new

>im too new and stupid

>14 movies
>no razzies
>3 movies
>4 razzies
Really fires my neurons

The word has been around, stop it's embarrassing

This right here. Fuck Whedon. Fuck Russos. Fuck everyone else. Snyder is the man. He makes kino and he pisses off faggot critics. The perfect man.

No need to samefag to save face, unlike Reddit your not anonymous.

Regardless it wasnt made up on the spot like that other user claimed

Someone give these people an oscar, it can't be healthy being this insecure

I know you wanted your word to blow up but it didn't, you're just not clever bud

>gets found out
>still going

but he sucks though. I still don't like his avengers movies. Not even close to being the best marvel director.

he's dead to me and still is

Is there an archive that has the data from foolz??

They already have them an Oscar and they're still insecure.
Dcfags are just beyond saving

>the point
>missed this hard

It's new though. "marlels" is the old and correct one.

Not that I know of, but you can ask the guy who runs this one for comparison stats if thats what you're looking for here: