Is her career officially over, or is 'smelly vagina' humor and legitimate art-form withing the feminist movement?

Is her career officially over, or is 'smelly vagina' humor and legitimate art-form withing the feminist movement?

Other urls found in this thread:

>"and dont get me wrong you guys"
>"we love your cum"
>"only complaint..."
>"We want to do snow angels in it"

AmySchumer is one of the greatest comedic minds of our generation, and i honestly believe that this latest special has cemented her among the all-time greats of comedy : heres why.

She has expertly fabricated an entire ironic character that satirizes bad comedy. What's really genius is after creating her Persona she has begin to deconstruct the wide spread and pervasive "bad" comedy that can be found in most popular culture outlets, like the internet, or teevee.
Jokes like

"My pussy smells like a barnyard animal, okay"

and the one above,

show the feminist struggle to reform and change culturally embedded axioms of comedy. Before our very eyes the paradigm is shifting, under several layers of irony that are only detectable by the patrician among us.

She is literally, with every joke, deconstructing patriarchal comedy, and making us ask deep in our hearts, what is actually funny in this nihilistic and unforgiving world?

just kidding it's shit

Damn, Amy Schumer looks like *that*?!?

I thinks it's been photoshopped to make her appear more attractive.

Not to hammer it home or anything but seriously, this bitch is not funny. At all. She has absolutely zero talent. Her material is horrible, but even so, her character and delivery should be able to save it if she was funny. But she isn't. And perhaps that's the worst part. Her delivery is God awful. She sucks, plain and simple... I have no idea how she got to where she is.

Oh wait, yes I (((do)))

more like 'assignment' or 'mission'

wow you people are sad. You are just angry shes a successful, rich, famous single woman who dont need no man. She doesnt prescribe to patriarchy's idea of beauty nor body image. And she makes more in an hour than many of you GUYS make in a week

Steven Crowder, pls leave.

>i photoshop already absolutely disgusting amy schumer to look even more ugly because I think that people might find her attractive

I made my 67 year old mum watch it. She turned it off when it got to the ''''''''''''''''joke''''''''''''''''' about how cum tastes. She said

>If her vagina smells that bad, she should see a fucking doctor ASAP. She's got some serious problems. If a self cleaning area stinks that bad and you wash regularly, you got some major problems.

It got awkward when she said

>If this is suppose to be pro-feminism, then she's not help anything. She's just making men not want to have sex with us and think that's normal. It isn't. She isn't funny.

Last time I checked she had a net worth of $1m. Something I personally have more of. Sadly I'm 27 so it's never going to be anything of note. But she isn't funny. There are better comedians out there.

disgusting whore i hate her

>mommy please watch this hilarious comedy special with me


>Something I personally have more of.
If you're dumb enough to believe Hollywood and net worth sites are real, I highly doubt this.

>>If this is suppose to be pro-feminism, then she's not help anything. She's just making men not want to have sex with us and think that's normal. It isn't. She isn't funny.
your mom got 3/4 of the way to reality.

is this loss?

What was the 1/4 she was wrong about?

So this is an echo chamber, we get it. We all hate her.

But what do normies think of her? Are there any actual reports/pieces calling her out?

That fucking with young women's minds and erasing the concept of shame was the point.

This was propaganda, not failed comedy.

It's like a gallagher show for women but less funny and entirely unoriginal. She does the equivalent of smashing fruit with a giant hammer and the simpletons just fucking eat it up. Her target demographic is just stupid women.

Only feminists and numales like her, Normie's could give a shitless other than trainwreck, and she was a cunt in that


So basically legacy media has defended her and is warping public opinion again?

Its called marketing, and yes

that is quite a euphemism

Amy "General Fatton" Schumer
Amy "Apocalypse Cow" Schumer
Amy "The Guns Of Provolone" Schumer
Amy "Sandwiches Of Iwo Jima" Schumer
Amy "The Fat Patrol" Schumer
Amy "A-Pack-Of-Chips Now!" Schumer
Amy "McHale's Gravy" Schumer
Amy "U-571lbs" Schumer
Amy "Zero Talks Dirty" Schumer
Amy "Arby's Macht Fries" Schumer
Amy "They Were Expandable" Schumer
Amy "The Dirty Dozen Doughnuts" Schumer
Amy "The Battle of the Bulge" Schumer
Amy "G*A*S*H" Schumer
Amy "The Big Fed One" Schumer
Amy "Hack Saw A Fridge" Schumer
Amy "Waddlecanal" Schumer
Amy "Hamburger Shill" Schumer
Amy "All Quiet On the Weightloss Front" Schumer
Amy "Sergeant Pork" Schumer
Amy "M*A*S*H*E*D" Schumer
Amy "A Few Good Menus " Schumer
Amy "The Dessert Fox" Schumer
Amy "Cookie Jarhead" Schumer
Amy "Band Of Blubbers" Schumer
Amy "Schindler's Grocery List" Schumer
Amy "Dumbkike" Schumer
Amy "Ham Hock Down" Schumer
Amy "Pearl Heartburn" Schumer
Amy "Flags Of Our Fatties" Schumer
Amy "Behind Enemy Swines" Schumer
Amy "G.I. Hoe" Schumer
Amy "Three Burger Kings" Schumer
Amy "Tora Tora Tora my pants" Schumer

It's what they do best, you should know this by now user.

Truly she is captivating the world with her smell vagina and fart jokes, we should all stare in awe and she makes fart noises on stage like a 5 year old

*Her cousin, Chuck Schumer is King of ‘Pay to Play’ in the corrupt, rigged system of Washington, D.C. and how he exploits immigration law for wealthy real estate developers through the EB-5 visa program.
*Longtime mentor to Anthony Weiner, aka Anthony 'the kiddie fucker' Weiner
*Has accepted donations from none other than billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein in the past
*Rallied for a known sex offender/muslim athlete to be granted visa access. And when said athlete was admitted into the country, went on to sexually molest a child.
*Is most likely involved in child rape and sex trafficking himself

He seems like a real good goy.

Her career and "success" are due to her second cousin Chuck Schumer who is the most powerful active Democratic senator. He runs New York aka Jewland, and he's known for loving the camera and using the media to his advantage. It's not a coincidence that this unfunny woman managed to become famous and then go on to advocate for Chuck Schumer and his agenda. Her career won't end until Chuck's political career ends.

Well, the "sins of the father" or in this case, the sins of the cousin should not pass down to Amy.
There are plenty of reasons to dislike Amy that are not based around political speculation.

>is most likely involved
sure dude

She's disgusting to both the ears and eyes and all the money in the world won't save her from God. I feel sorry for her, she is an utter waste of an existence and she will cause many to lose their faith

mad jew detected

He's a jew. That's why he does these things.

I just realized that when Amy's new movie Snatched bombs they'll blame it on it not being an "established property."

They'll say "Oh, it was competing with all these other comic book movies, remakes, reboots, it never had a chance"

This Jewess is going to escape blame once again.

This was her 150 pounds ago. Amy is the only girl in history to get less funny as she got less hot.

I've listened to talk radio and comedy radio and podcasts for years, and I can say with all honesty and no exaggeration, Brooke Shields and Maria Menounos have made me laugh harder and WAAAY more often on the radio than Amy Schumer.

She's really just mediocre.

>is most likely involved
>sure dude
You know what they say, if it looks like shit, and smells like shit...