Has there been a good horror movie released in the 10's?

Has there been a good horror movie released in the 10's?

>Cabin in the Woods
>The Visit

was Mulholland Drive supposed to be horror?

The Babadook

Evil Dead (2013)

The Witch
Let the Right One In
Under the Skin

>when your every conpspiracy theory was proven not-a-conspiracy theory in the past 5 years

i dont want this
i never asked for this

Wait LTROI was 2008 my mistake

The Innkeepers
The Borderlands/Final Prayer

Or just play Until Dawn.

>implying it was conspiracy theory and not just cognitive dissonance since everyone knew about echelon network

>The Borderlands/Final Prayer
Is this really good? Seems kinda meh.

Maybe. I chose the pic because it looked pretty.

I don't think everyone literally knew about CIA controlling cars for assassinations and having your electric equipment (micro, fridge) report when they are used.

Shit is scary

im not a serial killer was pretty good

Only The Kill List


Inland Empire if you count it as one

Inland empire came out in 2006 you mong

It is kinda meh, but the ending kinda makes up for it all.

Lords of Salem, Creepy, Split, The Visit, Get Out, It Follows, 31, The Ward

bretty fucked m8

Goodnight mommy was kino

Except for the fact that you can pedict the ''twist'' like 5 minutes into the movie when the kids are playing in the lake.

You're not meant to be shocked by the twist. You're supposed to know it's coming, but not have the release of knowing for sure. It's like what David Lynch does. Discomfort is more powerful and less overdone than shock. It's a well done horror film.

Mulholland Drive was released in 2001.

2001 isnt the 10's. It's the 2000's. I'm sure you know that though

The Babadook

Not as much a horror but The Invitation was really good

Maybe not a horror movie per se, but parts of it were definitely horrifying.

I felt annoyed knowing that it was just some sick little bastard torturing a poor innocent woman.

I know my lil nigga. Nothing in the OP indicates otherwise. I just chose whatever that was somewhat relevant to a horror thread I came across first in my folder.

Horror? non stop fap material 2bhfam

Let me download it then.