U woman of always wanted equality until it comes to paying the bills #hypocrites

>u woman of always wanted equality until it comes to paying the bills #hypocrites

Is based Phil, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

Other urls found in this thread:


He's the sort of bloke that would be based if he wasn't so thick. His opinions stem from ignorance rather than observation of fact

>Makes comments about women years ago
>Nothing said or done to him
>get a job involving women

can't someone explain the reasoning behind this. Is it ok to be sexist untill you get a job with women?

It's literally just the media searching his Twitter history, as they would have done to whomever got the job, knowing that the perpetually offended would be numerous enough to make it snowball.

Funny how Neville gets away with it yet Mark Sampson got completely BTFO.

Shows the benefits of being a big name who's friendly with the media.

i prefer the one where he battered his wife

This tbqh. Phil is thick as fuck.

Is this guy going to be the quickest sacking ever? I kinda feel sorry for him.

>Say a load of midly sexist things
>Nobody cares
>Suddenly get a semi-important job

Sacked and forced to live in a hut in the wilderness away from society before the end of the week.

Though I'd usually agree, the England's women's job really shouldn't be going to such a person. This appointment was already a farce, these tweets have just compounded it.

He'll last longer than Big Sam tbf

He already lives in Manchester though

this, basically. if your job success is completely dependent on having a bunch of women respect your decisions, it's a bit of a special case


Top kek

>u woman of

what a pleb lol ALUKO will rip him to shreds

The name Aidan sounds incredibly gay

>using twitter
>using any social media
>putting your name to anything you post online

It was a real tweet from his account.


Football is such a fucking weird industry. You somehow get more credibility after doing your coaching badges if you happened to play the game at a high level, even though the two are completely unrelated. It means some thick cunt like Phil Neville, who by his own admission only learned how to boil an egg and make coffee after retiring, can get appointed to high profile jobs without being suited to them. Whereas non-players like Jose Mourinho, who got to the top of coaching through intellect and leadership skills, are the exception in the top jobs.

It's a shame that you can't do this, if you're not a liberal/lefty tbqh