Considering getting into this show. Sell it to me as if I were a person who knew nothing about it

Considering getting into this show. Sell it to me as if I were a person who knew nothing about it.

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Seinfeld about poor people.

It's not meme humor. It feels like funny stuff actually happening while you watch.

Show gets dramatically worse after season 4

It's funny.

It's sort of shitty but Charlie is good

they're all funny except Dee and even then they kinda know she isn't that funny so they just use her as a foil which is pretty effective

Absolutely brilliant early on, then succumbs to extreme flanderization of each character. Although the later seasons are still pretty ok

Don't believe the memes, Dennis is the best character, not Charlie

fwiw I think the flanderization has always been intentional. They're the kind of pals who deliberately make a character shit

My first exposure was the time the gang pretended to be handicapped for stripper sympathy. Which ironically, was the first episode with Danny DeVito.

If you've ever watched Seinfeld it's almost beat for beat the same writing style but with more fucked up outlandish situations, the characters are hilariously bad people

Don't listen to this show is extremely consistent, there's always the illusion that a show gets worse over time.

gets good when danny devito comes on the show

It's my all-time favorite show.

Just watch it, bitch. The first season is great.

1. The Gang Gets Racist (they address racial and sexual issues in the USA, without being preachy and it's funny, unlike episode 1 of the latest season)
6. The Gang Finds a Dead Guy

Season two:
2. The Gang Goes Jihad
3. Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare
6. The Gang Gives Back

If you don't like any of those episodes, it's just not your thing.

>without being preachy

I didn't dislike the episode or anything, but when the cops shoot a 10 year old child with a toy because he was black, that seemed like overkill. I get that cops in inner cities are relentlessly corrupt and try to get away with shady shit, but when have they shot a child that's barely middle school age?

Oh of course. All I had to do was google it first. It was a toy gun, of course, but yeah it happened.

Jesus fuck man.

might as well skip the first season
it sucks

the characters get flanderized so badly that its incomparable to nearly any other show. neck yourself retard. the show is demonstrably worse than when it started

T. Europoor American cops shoot at anything tht moves

Sniffing garbage bags in your neighborhood might be more entertaining that this piece of shit