Best pink ranger yes?

Best pink ranger yes?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, Chrysti Ane is the best pink ranger

quadroons not apply.

I really, really wanna lick her armpits. Is that weird?

That's not Emma.

>When Kimberly roleplayed as Rita and bullied Goldar

Punt ur love in my tunk and what do you gets?

Stan GETZ!

Kat says hello.

it's not weird to want to lick any part of Kim's anatomy

kat and cassie were also top tier

That's not Jen

I've never watched Power Rangers and I'm 29 years old. Have I missed out?

Don't make me go to plebbit to find an answer to this soul crushing question.

You fucked up.

Not really. It's fun when you're a kid but even by the time I was 7 I realized the show was pretty monotonous. Only way an adult could enjoy it is if they liked it as a kid. In any other case it probably won't do anything for you. I loved it as a kid and even I find it pretty unwatchable nowadays.

Is he /ourguy/?

genuinely yes

You want to watch at least the first two MMPRs, In Space, Lost Galaxy, Time Force, SPD, RPM and Jungle Fury

>women are now trying to have grotesque giant asses instead of this in the current decade.

what went wrong?

Autists are going to try and tell you otherwise, but it's a show for children and you missed nothing of note.

The black music for pushing giant added.

Should've just watched the whole marathon like the rest of us senpai

I feel the same way

Yeah missed out on a highlight from your childhood and the nostalgia rush with other jobless autists like me who all watched the marathon together.

Armpits is the thinking man's fetish


Yellow ranger is always superior.


Why not both


This is fucking ridiculous

Any love for Syd though?

I bet the new one doesn't have Dan Schneider grooming kids in his juice bar.


Kimberly is the reason I have a foot fetish

wtf!? THIS is what American high schools were like in the late 80s/early 90s?!?!

Oh wow this is butt-kino

yeah they were awesome fyi

what episode is that?



ugh, uglyyy

You dare Insult the Pink Goddess

1. Kimberly
2. Kira
3. Ashey
4. Cassie

>no Kat

Pleb detected.


>punk kimberly will never press you up against a locker and spit in your mouth

Why even live?

Didn't she always sprained her ankle like every episode

Kimberly was perfect

Even shitty acting on a 90s kid show could display more 'genuine' emotion than the ""best"" actresses today. Really makes you think.


Jesus wept


Who's the best actress?
Jennifer Lawrence?

At your, it´s better to watch Super Sentai or Kamen Rider, they are still shows for children but they are not as dumbed down as Power Rangers.

Watch Jetman.

She looks like those retarded spastik girls with the weird eyes everyone was posting a while back

you know how you always think that maybe it was nostalgia and these bitches weren't even that hot?

these bitches were even fucking hotter than I remember as a kid

Kat is super fucking hot too and I remember paying her dust as a kid but she's a fucking knockout

Furry scum.

be still, my beating heart


>akibaranger S3 never ever.


Is there any series of Power Rangers that actually approaches being good TV instead of just being good for kids?

The first twelve or so episodes of RPM are genuinely good

The little wink she did in the intro made my vagina feel funny

RPM sorta



Best ranger coming through.

Only boys like Power Rangers you liar.

Why is she so popular? I'm a spic and I think she's ugly, she has the face of a woman in her 40's.

>Posting tubbyranger


That's not Tommy

Professional rock climber Alex Puccio looks like Kim, just slightly more muscular. Pic related

You're charged with being fat



Tom-meme is a joke.

If this were Japan, our Pink Rangers would be doing porn by now.

The yellow ranger from Dino thunder was the hottest

>He's trying to go up against the sicc hyiahs

how did his giant dog head fit inside that regular sized helmet


>best ranger
>can't even fill a panel

This is only made more arousing by the fact that Kat was so shy and modest with her body/clothing most of the time. Kim was always whoring it up, wearing tights or revealing outfits (or as revealing as you could get on a kids show) so it wasn't special when she wore a low cut shirt.

Nice photoshop. You should work for CNN.

This is what Austin looks like right now.

If you like Jew noses. Jungle Fever and RPM had hotter yellows.

>implying that's not the case either way

he still has people going 20 years after power rangers' heyday, not bad desu

not at all shit was boring as fuck even as a kid, I really think it mostly appealed to kids on the spectrum. I was more into kino like recess and reruns of matlock.


It's the first video you come across when you search for "Austin St. John" at YouTube.



>tfw they fucking wasted the pirate costumes on megaforce

nice job photoshopping every frame, I'm impress

Of course.

More like the marathon was critical to your life and you missed out on that by 2 weeks

Also a lie. Bulk and Skull had a bigger panel with more people in the same venue.

>St. John has very obvious Native blood and plays Red Ranger.
>Blue Ranger obviously had some Jew in him. Made blue to match Star of David.
>Black was black.
>Yellow was Asian.
>Pink was white, and was made pink to match her beautiful tits.

How'd they get away with this?

Guys, what is this?
I'm watching through the franchise on netflix and just noticed that this has an 18th season. There's less episodes than the other seasons and lt seems to repeat titles. Can anyone explain?

Also holy fuck this is a lot of episodes to watch. I still want to watch Samurai Jack too. I'll probably finish MMPR then go to Jack then come back


Any other rangers that did porn?

>these fans with these gays ass questions
>how did jason get his powers back in Forever red

who gives a shit. depressing to hear that he was waitiing tables to pay for college after doing 100 episodes as the red ranger. they were getting fucked by Saban.

>St. John has very obvious Native blood
He doesn't, though. That's Tommy.