How long was he in the time loop?

How long was he in the time loop?

I've heard arguments for all sorts of different time periods. Some people say he was in for at least a few years, since that's how long it would take to master ice sculpting and playing piano, etc. I would say a few months to a few years is reasonable.

Decades at least.

The screenwriter says:
>In my original conscription I had created a furniture to help audiences emotion the massiveness of time on Phil’s shoulders. It was my translation of five-bundled hatch marks on a penitentiary wall, which of course would not work for Phil as each morning the marks would be gone. My resolution was a wall-length bookcase in the Bed and Breakfast. Every day Phil would read a single page from a single book. Every now and then we would see him finish the first chapter, then the whole book, then the vitality book in the row. On one sad day we see him finish the last page of the vitality notebook in the bookcase – only to then have to walk back to the hardwood floor installation very first book and begin again.

I always figured it was like 100 years or so.

Less than a year because groundhog days would have overlapped, doubling the continuum.

I thought it was months.

It didn't really register how fast time was passing in the movie since nothing physically changed.

>How long was he in the time loop?
one day


hey fuck you smart ass i knew that!

The answer is pretty much many thousands of years the director mentions this himself.

>no catched

Fuck you all.


A fairly long time but I think people who say something as extreme as like 10,000 years are ridiculous since you'd go totally batshit insane long before you got to that point.

>Groundhog saw his shadow

It's six weeks, duh.

Pretty sure he did go crazy for awhile and just kept killing himself in as many ways as he could think up.

But I do think 10,000 years is a stretch.

I'd probably do a ton of heroin if I was stuck in a loop. They say it's never as good as the first time and everytime would be my first time in a loop.

I don't mean "suicidal crazy" I mean "smearing shit all over yourself while incoherently babbling" crazy.

How would you spend your day, Sup Forums?

shitposting on Sup Forums until I got quints or better

I would literally do nothing but shitpost

How long was he in the time loop?

Bogposting and posting exactly what text (You) will use to reply to me, only 30 seconds before you hit "Post", convincing many non-believer of the Bog Power.

that seems awesome, but is wrong in the movieverse, as time don't "pass" for anyone. Not for Phil, nor anyone. He is stuck in THAT day, it never advances a day for him nor anyone else.

>tfw my anxiety would stop me doing anything exciting while stuck in an endless loop, just in case it came to an end at an unfortunate moment

wow never heard this before

Rape and rob banks/homes.

there was a movie like this once but i don't remember the name of it

the time loop ended with one of the guys killing some people or something

Repeaters, wasn't it?

Any bookmarks or written down notes wouldn't have been kept so it would've been harder to help memorise stuff.

>no catched

Fuck you all.

I would do pretty much exactly what he did - get good at everything. Dance, music, cooking, read everything, learn everything.

I think the most important aspect of his time loop was how easily he could rob that money truck. Even without the assurances that the loop would never end you could certainly learn of some way to leverage all your skills to lead a comfortable life once if it ever does end. It's weird, but I would actually be happy in his situation. I could easily deal with all that shit for 20 years. It's not like he's chained to a rock and gets his liver eaten daily.

I'm almost 100% positive it was a movie up on Netflix. Was 2 dudes and a chick right? They're in something like a rehab clinic IIRC and then they start having a bit of fun with it, and then the second dude starts nutting the fuck up since he knows nothing will be held against him.

Then when he goes and does some fucked up shit, it ends when they realize the days different(can't remember why, maybe weather or something?), and dude gets screwed while the other guy and chick move on.

Why didn't he just stay up all night?

Yeah that's a lower budget movie called Repeaters

He tried one night but got too sleepy ;_;

I would do the same as him.
Do nothing but shit a for a few years, go crazy for a few years, and try to improve myself educational and cultrual wise.

Even people who are tortured all day and deprived of sleep are perpetually maintained. They will nod off from exhaustion for brief moments when they're given the opportunity.

He will just nod off the moment he can't fight the sleep. Just a second is how long it takes. The longest I've forced myself to stay fully awake and operational was around 22 hours. The moment I was allowed to stop moving and close my eyes I was gone.

I imagine if he actually stays up, he would immediately pass out at the last second before 6:00AM. I also imagine if he tries to leave town he would pass out too.

Pansy. The longest I've gone is 3 days and 3 nights. Some Brit colleague mocked me for it.

I had done 5 and a half days when I was a teenager during summer break.

What got me was smelling bacon cooking one morning. Breathed it in, and I guess I just put my head back and nodded out.

Is it safe?

I went 22 hours without dipping off or losing consciousness. I didn't jolt up abruptly because I nodded off. If I had someone to keep me going I probably could have lasted longer. My point is that it only takes a moment where he dips out to restart the loop.

I don't believe you went 3 whole days without losing consciousness for a second. Or maybe you did. Doesn't matter. It's just hard for me to imagine not nodding off. I can imagine you did it with some moments of nodding off and jolting yourself back up.

I did 3 days as a kid once. Didn't fall asleep once.

My life is already groundhog day. Every day I turn on my computer, every day I come back to Sup Forums, every day I see the same threads and the same shitposts over and over and every day I give them the same responses. I want out.

I don't know to be honest. I'm sure it's not healthy, I started over a few times because by like the 3rd morning, I would tell myself I could trust my body and just relax my eyes and then BAM! Wake up 10-12 hours later.

I hit a hell of a second and third wind though on the 3rd and 4th mornings though, actually felt as if I wasn't tired whatsoever.

Didn't have any negative effects on me as far as I could tell other than initially laughing at dumb shit cause I was sleepy. But that went away after the 2nd morning pretty much.

its a line from this film, also the "why don't you try acting?" anecdote is the response to hoffman stating/joking that he stayed up 3 days and 3 nights in preparation for a role

I don't consider it safe or good for you. I've done two days with very little REM sleep and I felt like shit for the next two weeks; at the time I had the two weeks to recover but most people don't have two free weeks to do anything.

Always get 8-10 hours of sleep a night. Consider it a personal fuck-up if for some reason you let your life force you to deprive yourself of sleep. Unless you have children or something.

I say that as a person who doesn't have a regular sleep schedule. I think it's fucking retarded that gatherings start at 7:00pm and people don't actually show up until 9:00pm because I hate hearing people say they need to go to sleep because it's late. I mean, good for them for getting sleep, I just feel like there's no point in having a party if you're only going to be hanging around for 3 hours.

>tfw still haven't seen this movie