Who would you cast in a Berserk movie?

Who would you cast in a Berserk movie?


Me as the midget who tortures Griffith.

It would certainly be the only thing this actor could do to get people to not keep hating/typecasting him.

nobody, hopefully never gets made

My Guts
Joseph Gordon Levitt as Griffith
Halle Berry as Casca

This is off the top of my head


actors i hated so i could end their careers

nobody on this planet could pull of Griffith

There wont be one. GiTS failed in theaters so studios are terrified of anime.

Anime is saved.

>meme actor
>meme actor
>a fucking 60 year old to play a 20 year old
Fucking terrible


>ITT anime casuals
the manga is better you turboplebs.

Idris Elba as Guts

What about that one swedish tranny? I forget his name.



Nobody said anything to the effect of 'boy I liked the anime' or any other indicators of animeonly pleb status


It's nearly impossible to cast. Guts and Griffith are both such elevated figures as far as Guts' totally beastly nature and Griffith's unearthly beauty that no actor could really capture it. Prime Arnold maybe, but that's obviously not feasible.

would maybe make a decent Guts but idk, he's still slightly off. I was thinking maybe Aaron Taylor Johnson as Griffith but he still doesn't seem quite right. Casca's different in that she's way more grounded and less of an archetype. Zoe Kravitz would be a good fit.

Yelchin, if he were still alive, tbqh

Janelle MonĂ¡e as Casca
Fassbender as Guts
Ryan Gosling as Griffith

Everyone replying to this are posting people who are CLEARLY men. You're not supposed to be able to tell.

Yes you are absolutely supposed to be able to tell Griffith is male.
He's just unbelievably beautiful, even more so than most women.

To be clear I mean prime Arnold as Guts, not Griffith


well fuck

Is Casca actually supposed to be black? I just figured she was kinda dark.

She's supposed to be olive skinned at most, imo.


his joker confirmed him to be a shit actor.

david bowie could have pulled off griffith.

Gerald Butler could pull off Guts

Fuck no

Idris Alba as Donovan

>in my opinion

me as griffith

Idris Elba as Casca


Post-torture, pre-Godhand, maybe.

He LOOKS like a woman in the new movies. So much that there are no actors that could possibly be described as "beautiful"

The guys these people are posting are generic hollywood hunks. That would be bad.

She has no sub-saharan features if that's what you're getting at.

All of this belongs in the trash except the godhands casting

>in the new movies
Opinion discarded, to be quite honest

No one you cancerous fucking pleb
go home

>eva green as slan
I approve of this


Nope, she's just ambiguously brown.

9/10 brown girls in anime and manga are Okinawan

Wouldn't surprise me, but in this scenario It takes place in something like a fantasy 1200's Europe setting and not Japland.

>in a fantasy world completely unlike our own

god, you are shit.

But this takes place in Fantasy Europe. If she was anything specific, I'd put my money on middle-eastern. But I don't think the show delves much into the background of its characters.

>goes from a solid 7 to a 5


No one because it could never work

I don't mean she's actually Okinawan, I just think that's where her character design comes from.

>in a fantasy world with Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and fairly normal looking European characters.

see the first part of this post, I really don't think it's a thing that Miura intends on working into the lore. And if Guts can have spiky black hair and tan asian skin I see no reason why Casca can't be Asian as well.

Seth Rogan as Griffith

So maybe more like Arab or North African? Or she could just be a dark skinned Med?

I've never read a manga, is berserk worth picking up?

>I don't mean she's actually Okinawan, I just think that's where her character design comes from.
Oh, sure yeah. I meant the character.

For a golden age movie:
Guts:Tom Hardy
Casca: Scarlett Johanson
Griffith: Jared Leto
Judeau: Chris Evans
Pippin: John Boyega
Rickert: Jacob Tremblay
Corkus: Keanu Reeves
Gambino: Donald Sutherland
Donovan: Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
I would also cut out the eclipse and replace it with an ambush that gets most of the hawk killed for being too violent

Maybe, I honestly don't know.

Oh and Michael Cera as Guts, of course.

Idris Elba

Even if Berserk's earth is the same as ours I doubt she traveled that far. I think that even if Miura's intention was for her to look Okinawan she's only in Berserk's version of Europe due to a fantasy setting letting him get away with it.

This is all Reddit meme actors but it's really the most believable

That Casca looks like complete shit, I'm tired of this trend of love interests being considerably less attractive than the male lead in films

Tom Hardy would be a good Guts. He mumbles a lot and walks intimidatingly.

He could do it.

eddie redmayne


that thing is not nearly as cute as Griffith

>Take out the Eclipse
>Leave in the BLACKED.com swordsman
What the fuck man?

This might be the worst casting for a movie I've ever seen

She's a veteran warrior, of course she won't be a 10/10. Everyone being relatively ugly and scarred is part of what makes Griffith so eerily beautiful by comparison.

Also, why would Gutts fucking care? His sexuality clearly doesn't work like a normal person's anymore.

Well 2D is better then 3D.

t. weeb

The problem is he's not really cute by 3D standards either

Absolutely, out of the manga I've read nothing compares to Miura's art and storytelling. The only downside is that it's known for taking long hiatuses.

>of course she won't be a 10/10
but Casca's got a rock solid body and a cute face

For punished Griffith

It would probably be better to hire an actress for Griffith and try to make them seem more androgynous. Imagine how applauded it would be, too.

>Casting someone twice as old

Eddie Redmayne can. You can't even tell if he's the one on the left or the right

>She's a veteran warrior, of course she won't be a 10/10
She was hot in the mango though, and personally I honestly don't have a problem with casting attractive women to play warriors as long as they aren't stick-tier

Delete this pls.


Cate Blanchett in her prime. Come at me bros

Back you go!

>he injects Guts with several viruses

This, I'm getting sick of all the shitty anime thread on Sup Forums.

anime is now Sup Forums related, baka

wtf i love bill burr now

Fuck off retard.


And Samuel l Jackson as donovan

Japs always make tomboys brown, because they're tanned from being outside all the time. Pretty sure that's all that's going on with Casca. She could be at least half Kushan, but if that were the case someone probably would have brought it up, seeing as Midland guys freaked out whenever Kushans were around because they're enemies, but nobody freaks out over Casca.

Either way, if she had to be cast, a black girl would probably match her skin tone the most, regardless of what her race is.

they are lke 17 years old during the golden age, how would tom hardy pull that off?

>a black girl
Too dark, any anyone who posts shit like zoe kravits are posting people with alot or non negroid admixture so they aren't even black to begin with, really. Just cast a spic and give her a tan if need be.

japenese people don't know how to draw blacks

The similarties with "Rome", interesting