Do people actually watch this?

Do people actually watch this?

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im redpilled, i only watch white superiors

I hope not. Its blatant minority pandering.

it's disgusting how they aren't white like us

Jemele is legitimately retarded

he's not white like us with superior brains, so what do you expect? They are simply inferior

>Fuck Trump and fuck White people the show

No shit.

They simply are too inferior of mind to understand how Trump is actually saving the white race and Western civilization

>this sheer degree of bong asspain

>loving shows for literal apes and retards

think you are the inferior of mind here, sweetheart

This shit is still on? I thought it died after they stopped shilling it in every commercial break.

>Nigger Sportcenter

No thanks.

hell no

what about this

>women talking sport

I haven't watched a live TV show regularly since Jersey Shore and The Price is Right threads were a thing.

It's ESPN's 3-4 non-game show with around 410,000 - 525,000 viewers (good for current ESPN, terrible for ESPN of 10 years ago) Also, it loses 50% of it's lead in (PTI) viewers.

>ratings are real


oh, shit
>tfw I'm a city

Don't know what this is but I want to bang Jamele she is fine .

honestly ya I would too

It is just ooga booga and political shit with E!SPN endlessly shilling their products of NBA and SEC college football mixed in

how did Disney/ABC fuck up this bad?

1990s ESPN was goat tier. bants and sports.


>how did Disney/ABC fuck up this bad?
propaganda before profits

it's by design

I haven't watched an ESPN show in years. Even classic shows like Around The Horn seem corny to me. The only reason I tune into ESPN is for NFL games. That's it.

First Take is a dumpster fire. Stephen A blaming race for everything and Max Kellerman sitting back like a big fat pussy is absolutely insufferable. Skeeeeup and Shannon are getting worse too, but at least I get to hear SKEEEEEEEEUP.

>I haven't watched an ESPN show in years.
dropped complete around 18 months ago

even watch games on DVR delay

>waaaaah ESPN no longer caters to my dying worldview waaaah

SC6 is the networks most popular and highest rated show, there are plenty of black and multiracial people that like sports and have cable. This show is designed for them.

It isn't marketed towards autistic virgin Sup Forumstards, you fucks don't even pay for cable so why would they care? Why make a network for those who don't even buy your product?

The paying viewing audience likes superficial hot takes and athlete instagram drama. The archetype of SportsCenter as a highlight show with meme catchphrases is dead, anyone who wants highlights can just watch them online.

what a dim shill.....baka

>SC6 is the networks most popular and highest rated show
what a shitty bait

ESPN is pure propaganda, Ratings aren't real.

Too bad, Michael. England is my city

I'm convinced there was a situation similar to when a company lets their domain registration expire and some randomo buys it and then ransoms the website rights back to them, and Jamal Hill actually owns the rights to Ironman or something
Can think of no other reason why they'd attempt rebranding her failures15 times over. Certainly can't be any sexual harassment blackmail


No Michael and jamele are god awful hosts
I wish they would go back to time since so many times I'll watch pti skip this and watch the sporting event after

>tfw township

I certainly wouldn't consider her my favorite ESPN reporter but Ramona seems to have genuine interest in actual sports reporting. (getting scoops, breaking stories, etc.). Not hooting and hollering like the le woke negroes on SC6

Doris Burke, while I despise her voice, actually knows her shit when it comes to basketball

Didn't mean to quote the dude talking about (((Kellerman))) my bad

>Multiracial reporting in

Its shit dude.

Literally Shaun King, the show

Ayoooo moo boh gib
*smacks lips*
Muh diggings we WUZ sun budda guv huf sum
*tries to use big words*

hi shill

PTI is actually p cozy.

>PTI was actually p cozy.

Mid to late 2000's ESPN was great. Then they added SportsNation, and the channel steadily declined.

>caters to an emerging consumer base is unintelligent persons who glean their political knowledge and literally pay to watch people scream at each other

>emerging consumer base is jobless minorities

>b-but minorities are important to a thriving economy! Diversity is STRENGTH!

The businessman in me appreciates Shekelberg for milking the 56% for easy shekels, but the American in me hates what my country is becoming

lol Jemele is the girl m8

No, no one watches this shit. No one even watches Sportscenter anymore: modern technology has made sports highlight and discussion shows totally obsolete. That's why ESPN is in such trouble.

do they ever talk about real football/soccer?

because otherwise their show is shit by definition

hi shill

it's like 80% NBA at this point

so their show is at least 80% shit, gotchya

nobody on ESPN mentions soccer at all outside of their ESPN FC show

they might show 2 minutes of highlights on sportscenter if it was the day of the CL final or if messi or ronaldo did something crazy but otherwise nothing

>Caring about other peoples' opinions
>Caring about other peoples' opinions about sports
>Caring about niggers
>Caring about nigger opinions
>Caring about nigger opinions about sports

This is a list of things that I seriously hope you guys don't do.

well, there you go

this is the reason why it's going down the toilet
americans are longing for real football, but ESPN, bribed by the NBA/NFL, won't give the american people what they want



I’m not shilling shit. Shilling would be “heh calm down fellas, it isn’t that bad of a show and ESPN rating drops are overrated.” Explaining a recent demographic shift and subsequent capitalization of such in an effort to make money is just an observation friend. Don’t be offended, it’s no different than Apple being #woke so rich white apologists/minorities buy all their shit, or Trump pandering to nostalgic blue-collar whites who think he gives a flying fuck about building a border wall. It’s all just a con dude. Sit back, detach yourself, and enjoy the show.

*shilling intensifies*

>Hating ESPN makes you an ESPN shill
Hey Jemele

>it’s an “angry half-breed gets upset and shits all over the conversation” episode

Fuck I might as well be watching ESPN lol

In some ratty-ass low income student apartment, an ESPN intern is getting paid sub-minimum wage to come on a Bangladeshi dog cooking forum and type *shill* over and over. SAD!

I hate ESPN too

You're still a shill

>muh niggers
>muh 56%
>muh ratings
>muh ESPN is a legit business

You're not even good at it dense motherfucker. Try some subtlety next time.

>You're not even good at it dense motherfucker. Try some subtlety next time.

>can’t reply to two posts at once because this is your first time getting paid to come on Sup Forums

>some random ass Google Images Pepe

>assuming that this has been a single person destroying ESPN & their pets and not that it’s the general consensus of not only nearly every single poster in here but the American public in general

If it's a con, then it's a shitty one. They're not making money.

ESPN's business model is collapsing, and the middling ratings and profits these shows generate aren't even close to saving them. Left-wing identity politics just aren't popular with the wider viewing public. Even with the demographic shifts you mention, sports fans still lean right.

But right-wing or apolitical shows wouldn't do much better. As I mentioned earlier, sports discussion and highlight shows have been made essentially obsolete by the internet. The only thing of value ESPN has is live sports, but they pay more in broadcasting rights than they generate in profit.

That's why they're screwed and laying off people left and right.

I definitely see your point. So it’s either A) ESPN made a short-sighted decision to pander to a broke consumer base or B) ESPN made a conscious decision to push this shit on us for a “greater purpose” so to speak.

I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall in their 2013-2016 board rooms meetings.

still trying huh?

>They're not making money.
it's not about $. It's about control. ESPN is fake news.

But you know that. (it's why you started the thread)

you must really miss your bots

>ESPN is a legitimate business
>Skipper resigned because of errrrr. substance abuse!

That's the ticket

the mouse could lose 10 million dollars a day on espn and still buy out all of you smucks

Well said. I think it's a bit of both.

At the end of the day, the media market changed that made ESPN so successful changed, and executives weren't competent enough to recognize and adjust their corporate strategy accordingly.

If they don't change course quickly, they'll go the way of (most) newspapers and Blockbuster Video.

>ESPN is a legitimate business

try try again

you can stop samefagging

you 're not fooling anyone

>>Skipper resigned because of substance abuse

This. I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell anyone who buys that.

Sure. But how long does Disney want to subsidize a giant, unprofitable asset?

Even if Bob Iger is willing to accept modest losses (by Disney standards) to push left-wing politics on sports fans, how long will shareholders put up with it?

Have a (You).

I think people of all races and nationalities can hate jemele together

still samefagging

why don't you tell us why John Skipper and Jerry Richardson mysteriously stepped down on the same day .

There's no good nfl coverage and the only good basketball coverage is TNT.

NFL media director mysteriously gone too

And TNT's coverage is fucking horrendous. Chuck and >Shaw yelling at/over each other the whole time while Ernie tries to wrangle the retards into sharing analysis. >shaw says nothing of worth, Chuck makes fun of him, they show a photoshopped pic of Chuck and then it descends into hooting and hollering while Kenny just yells COME OONNN MAN.

Seriously, fuck TNT's coverage of the NBA. It's only interesting when something really fucked up happens in this country and we get to hear some pragmatic shit from some of the greats of the game before tip off. Other than that, it's shambolic.

>Jerry Richardson
owner of team that employed the VERY sketchy Cam Newton. Really liked that interview w/ the women reporter stunt that ESPN jumped all over like a rabid dog. VERY believable. Not fake news at all.

sorry but why would i use a proxy and get banned just to reply to a british guy at the beginning of a thread

I had the misfortune of seeing SC6 on a TV at work the other day.

I looked up and saw


It was hilarious

>why don't you tell us why John Skipper and Jerry Richardson mysteriously stepped down on the same day .
it's all a coincidence of course

Once PTI is off the air, I'll have no reason to watch ESPN anymore.

I use to love to watch ESPN for Cheap Seats, Lumberjack Competitions, Sumo Wrestling and Sportcenter. I use to watch Sportcenter every single day, almost religiously. Now, I can't remember the last time I even seen Sportcenter

The gym I go to always has ESPN on, and I'm usually there when this is playing. The monitors are muted so I can only see what's going on, thankfully I can't hear it.

I play a game with myself sometimes and try to count the white men that appear on the show. Generally in an hour long episode I will see less than 10-15, and that's including in the highlights. They don't give a fuck about hockey or baseball, and barely give a fuck about college basketball. Everything is the Nigger Basketball Association or the Nigger Felon League. If someone from another country was watching an episode of SC 6 and didn't know where the broadcast originated, I bet they would think it was some African nation

smith is okay, jemele is a fucking embarrassment and should lose her job, and not just because the white house called her out, she should lose it because she is retarded.

dropped last year

corrupt too

>it's a Wilbon shills for Will and Grace episode

skip and shannon are the best becuase they both know their just in it for the money and they both look like there 2 seconds away from cracking up at any given moment when they spew their "hot takes"

>lifts but can’t play ball or football


Floorsqueak a shit

It seems like one of them is always gone now

people don't like to be fucked with

they want to be there about as much as Lebron wants to be playing basketball

I actually do play basketball, I prefer watching college ball though, it's more focused on the teams than the individuals.


ramona shelbourne looks like a slug, or a Hutt

PTI is awful

>a fucking timed clock for discussing something

>watching anything but The Herd and SVP Sportscenter and your local sports talk regional shows


americans are not human

how did you even manage to make this post, OP?