Casey Neistat is doing meetings with Spike Jonze while you scratch your nuts and shitpost like the loser you are

Casey Neistat is doing meetings with Spike Jonze while you scratch your nuts and shitpost like the loser you are.

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>hack is having faggot dick sucking sessions with another talentless hack

im sure missing out

oh yeah, and being ugly as sin is also a huge motivator, which i lack

sean penn's mongoloid spawn?

H-how did you know I was scratching my nuts??

I thought he was gonna quit youtube?

but Her was mediocre AF

he was only quitting his vlogs which he's doing again apparently

He reminds me of a mix of Ben Horne's brother and a caveman

does he ever take those fucking sunglasses off?

t. pleb

He has far more money and thus can easily get any woman he wants, and he has indeed has many.

Meanwhile you're still a virgin posting on a cartoon board

he looks 10x the hob goblin without them
gotta hide his own face

village goblin meets hipster faggot beta cuck

more news at 11



It's a real shame that women don't prefer redpilled gentlemen like us

Is that a wall cake? What the fuck.

I like him.

Well, I'm not an astoundingly hideous kike, so at least I've got that going for me.


>He has far more money and thus can easily get any woman he wants, and he has indeed has many.
source? I'm yet to see him with a single girl.

I'm 6'4" and currently in uni so its not that hard to get laid either.

>You will never go out on a coffee date with Karlie Kloss and later catch her as she falls from your skateboard


looks lit desu

Yes, we redpilled individuals are real lookers I agree


Why do you keep making threads about yourself here?

Why the fuck is this ugly goblin shilling his channel here so hard lately?

Fuck off Casey you hobgoblin

Who watches this guys stuff? Its like pewdiepie, its not that entertaining.

You fucking suck Casey and are a worthless, untalented cuck desu

he also makes $100k/month

keep crying bitch nigga

he could make a billion a month and he'd still be casey "gremlin" neistat

then why doesnt he buy a better face?

Then you'd know his true form, an ancient Germanic goblin

Hillary Clinton.

Is there no fucking pictures of his side-view?
Why do you always use a shadow to prove he has a kike nose?

stop shilling this faggot here