20 new moons on Saturn to be named by the internet any ideas for names

20 new moons on Saturn to be named by the internet any ideas for names

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Moony McMoonface

Boomer Kuwanger

Now things are getting interesting

Montezuma's Revenge

Oh shit here’s my chance, NOTYOURPERSONALARMYIMGAYPLEASEKILLME NYPA NYPA NYPARAPEMYFACE. Did I do it right? Am I pretty kewl guy yet?


Guys, I want my grandchildren to be able to visit "Hitler Did Nothing Wrong"

lost interest when they ran out of roman names and have given hawaiian names nobody will ever fucking use for some of the most important shit in cosmology. can't wait for the culture war to be over so we can delete all the fucking polynesian from cosmology. they're not even a culture of technological mastery and they're not educated or cosmologists so I don't fucking get it. hawaii is literally just Leftist Fort Island, all the locals are their hotel slaves, what the fuck SJW science admin is beating it to this dead culture they vacation on top of? fuckers.

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I wanted to drink a nice cool glass of hitler did nothing wrong but mountain dew wasn't having it.

really sad that it took 6 replies for this to be posted

That was a sad day frien

We gotta get Sup Forums on this

Placing the obvious vote for the moon "Nigger" or "Nigger Faggot"

No! Commander Yammark or Infinity Majinion. Give those names meaning.

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Infinite Mahjong? get the fuck out of here commie this is american space


Not a bad idea

Its from the Japs, not the fuckin ugly reds. Also it's not mahjong! He's supposed to be a water flea! How the fuck does Majinion mean war flea! At least claim that fucking word for the Red, White, and Blue!

Voting for earth


trying my best for Satan. made a semi long tweet hoping people don't read all of it

I vote for sneed feed and seed

not bad. not bad at all

cricket moon. home of the moon crickets

If Rockman can get some space rep. I'm all for it. Any American allie gets my support. Even you French and Spainard fucks, cause you were the first! (Fuck China)

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The Polynesians were the first to navigate using the stars as reference. Literally a Google away if I didn't know that already.

Get educated

Moot, sreggin, or moonsixx

Oof , when you try your best but you completely fail and humiliate yourself , learn to read.

>here's my chance

why? are usually they crybaby cunt saying "boohoo. halp me b. this kid is a bully and he hurts cats"

Granny's jimmies

we should try and make one a British colony.


Stupid Faggot Ball #1
Stupid Faggot Ball #2

you get the idea.

Fuck you Jupiter I've go more moons now

Fapple. We name one fapple.

Came here to post that.
Still funny after all these years.

how about one named cock, ball, and dick

Secret Nazi Base


I'm behind this 100%

shhhh. don't tell anyone

and replace it with what, "hitler did nothing wrong" x1337?


Moon 2 Hindsight

I’m interested, but this is pure newfag bait

Moony McMoonface

Bernie Sanders is a faggot!

anything else is a bad idea, and normalfags will choose it because it sounds funny
please, we must leave an imprint in our universe somewhere

yeah, that's not going to happen the way you think it will


Nick guh
Nick Guruios
Meiny Kumpos
rate my names please

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sad how moony mcmoon face might win