

Attached: Djeeta 182.jpg (1086x1587, 245K)

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stop this

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gee, i'm sorry to have hurt you
can it run Half-Life 2?

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you better be sorry, im not sure what i did to deserve that kind of treatment from you but its time to stop it :(

Attached: Djeeta 98.jpg (550x958, 83K)

Whats the biggest lie you have told

golly, i didn't know i hurt you. you shoulda' told me something.

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im always hurt when i have to talk to you

Attached: Djeeta 76.jpg (850x1259, 202K)

are you doing this on purpose?

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yes a little bit, you said you wanted me to be mean so you cant complain about it

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I like this image

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you're so sweet, thanks
something something don't complain about the anime if you haven't seen the manga

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of course, i do love everyone after all so i was willing to give you your mean words, what are you going to do with them now though

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Hi everyone

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I dont understand

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why do you want to know? i deserve the right to privacy behind closed doors
bye everyone
just a meme i saw.

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thats a little bit concerning to hear, i hope you have fun though and enjoy your time doing whatever it is you do in your private time

Attached: Djeeta 77.jpg (850x1125, 161K)

I saw the image on twitter and it said something like that, but i still dont understand

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You can't just say bye for people. Pretty sure that is illegal

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alcohol can damage your liver
not enough stoppin powah
truthfully nothing
i just ran a joke dead into the ground.
but now if i ever want to be sad i can ask you.
my assumption is that the anime is bad

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Maybe, i wont see anime, it looks like a little bit boring

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o alright but i dont think i make you sad do i, youre way too happy to ever get sad friend and you keep being that way, it makes everyone around you even happier when youre like that

Attached: Djeeta 62.png (625x759, 500K)

Pretty sure alcohol is the least of my worries, Ive cut down a lot.

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yeah, same, but for all anime
i make myself sad and others are happy and when i make myself happy others are sad. how sad...
i remember when i was a wee little lad about 6 or 7 months ago i used to crack open cold ones with the boys
but then the boys all left me
good afternoonoonooononooonononononononoonon

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Tsundere loli.

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ic thats a predicament youre in and im not sure how to help you out with that so i wish you the best and hope you can get over that and always feel happy

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the happier i stay, the more complacent i get. it's simple scientology.

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Some anime is cool, not every single anime is boring or generic

I like taiga, i like tsundere and cute little girl

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sorry i'm just making some gabs
anime is cool. i like the one where the girl i post is from.
also there was this one about a virtual world or something, but it wasn't the popular one.

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that does sound simple yes i agree

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Doyr fe, doyr frender
Doyr sjolv det sama
Eg veit et som aldreg doyr
dom om daudan kvar

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Hi chi it's already night for me.

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I also like k-on everyone is cute, yui is probably the most cute of all
The anime of the virtual world isnt sword art online or something like that?

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yes, and that's why it's bad
skratta du
please, call me reatrd.
how are you this afternoon?
aw, gee, really? i think she is, too!
no, no, i forgot what it was... i haven't seen it in a long time...
the main character's chest was well endowed

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Oh, sword art has a male protagonist he doesnt have big... things
I dont know what a anime are you talking about, sorry

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Pretty good I studying with my crush in med chem I think she likes me. Hope we can keep meeting to study, and once we get to know each other enough I'll ask her on a date.

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Wrong language.

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yeah, no, i wouldn't think so.
me neither. i haven't seen it in a while. once or twice i see a character from it that i can still recognize, though.
... odd question, but are you religious...?
do you actually have relationships or just hit off with people for sex?
i didn't know what else to say, sorry.

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I dont believe in jebus but i respect everyone who believe in him

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setting up a tv is weird
woo! t-thats okay
im kinda worried about it tipping over but there's nothing i can do about it right now
me eight
its okay

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You could have said "Hello" or "how're you?" Or even "what are your opinions on the political sphere of the Balkan regions in their current state?"

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Not With this girl we met in bio class.

Although with my BF we met like that, but afterward we built a relationship after.
Just lost my virginity to him today and we have been meeting up since Sunday. Now were dating were seeing that joker movie on Thursday together.

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alright, sorry, i was just being dumb...
is it? don't you just plug in the HDMI and turn it on?
woo! okay, sorry
oh dang, tipping sounds bad. don't break your new TV! please...
me, niner
okay, thanks
oh, okay, sorry
do you believe in the Kurds?
it's a real clown world out there, huh?
ha ha

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Aegis is my waifu.

Rise up gamer.

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You though that i believed in jebus?

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If you told me a few months ago I was gonna lost my virginity to a guy I would have called you a fag and told you to Cobain yourself.

Life really is a comedy.
I've heard good stuff about it.

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I thought so too. Now I am eternal faggot.

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duh gee tuh

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Jebus dont like gae, you should rethink your sexual preferences

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Hold up a second.
So you have a boyfriend, but you also want to date some girl?

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i just believed in coincidences for a second

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i downloaded an app on my phone and it did a bunch of stuff and then i did some other stuff and it turned on to the weirdest thing
i-its okay
eh it didnt cost me anything so whatever
me tenner
youre welcome :)
im hungry

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Actually Jebus had no opinion for or against fags. The disciples made their own opinions.
Yeah he doesnt care, as long as I'm not with another guy.

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I look like a jebus follower?

So, i can be gae with other persons?

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And do you plan on mentioning having a boyfriend to her?

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ngl im a little bit upset i got the new atelier game on steam now...
i wonder if i can refund it and then buy it for ps4

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You should be able to refund anything on steam. Are they different though?

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If you havent play game you probably can

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If you want go ahead.
Yeah once our relationship is off the ground.

I wouldn't call my relationship with him romantic, it's more of a friends with benefits situation.

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oh, cool! i think...
yeah, but losing it might not be so fun! especially since you just got it!
me, elevener
thank you (:
want me to make you something?
shut the actual fuck up you stupid faggot, i hear you fucking use the Lord's Word in vain again and i'll fucking come to your house and grace you with the Jihad treatment
it's nothing

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Yay, i like to be gae with persons, its funny to do
Thanyou for telling me your knowledge

Pls tell me...

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>I won't tell my girlfriend about my fuck buddy until we're already having sex
Imagine being such a huge piece of shit

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You know for a fact he never said a word about it and that makes you uncomfortable. You would think if it was important he would have mentioned something about it.

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Nice loli

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the guy is a complete degenerate but hes a faggot what do you expect


I never said after we had sex you are purposely misinterpreting me and I dont wish to talk with you anymore.

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Taiga is good loli

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Why don't ya show some ass cheek

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>gets challenged
>clams up and says go away
based seras poster

why has seras been acting like a complete degenerate since hes been coming back

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shut the fuck up d. jita

I cant today, i dont feel comfortable sharing taiga lewd

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it was a preorder. there's no difference but i've got this bangin setup for my ps4 now

oh, sorry, i won a tv, its nice.
i guess
nah id probably be mad
me twelver
no thanks, ill figure it out, probably gonna go get a frozen pizza or something

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very cute

The faggotry, my love, the faggots got him.
Ughhh... so u are one of those.. fucking weebs.

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>I won't tell her that I regularly have sex with a man until we're already dating
That doesn't sound much better. I'm also fairly certain that if she does offer it up quickly, you'll conveniently forget.
Why not be a decent human being and mention it beforehand, at the very least on the first date?

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o hey there mordred, yea it looks like things have been rough for him as of late, i really hope he feels like hes doing the right thing and this doesnt all end up terribly

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Pfff, let him become a nasty faggot if he wants. He'll have to live with the consequences of being an outcast if he does.

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He's always been one, tbh.

I don't see why you wouldn't be able to. I'm sure steam knows that pre-ordering is a scam and people will sometimes be disappointed by the game. Even though it's not the case, I'm sure your refund will go through.

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i calibrated my monitor but i don't think it worked
i just thought you were someone else
that's not what bothers me. what bothers me is that you think Jesus Christ would actually allow someone like yourself to prize himself as "God's littlest bestest angel" and think that nothing's wrong with you for being the disgusting abomination you are
okay okay
i'll buy you a new TV
me, thirteener
ah, alright, cool. just call if you need something

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Im pretty sure that you also can cancel preorder, also how you won tv?

Thats meany :c

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(You)'d the wrong person, how embarrassing...
that's not what bothers me. what bothers me is that you think Jesus Christ would actually allow someone like yourself to prize himself as "God's littlest bestest angel" and think that nothing's wrong with you for being the disgusting abomination you are

I'm gonna be mean to ur ass, lil weebu. Better get some lube.

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He'll shoot up his school like he always wanted to if that happens.

like I give a shit

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has no personality

desperate for acceptance/attention for any reason

will end up dead

i guess so but i do hope it isnt too bad, he really does look like he's screwing up a lot and making mistakes he'll regret in the future

yea im noticing that more and more as he comes around

Attached: Djeeta 193.png (565x800, 540K)

>why does nobody talk to me
>fucking faggots