Biggest speeding ticket you've ever got

Biggest speeding ticket you've ever got.

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Never got one cause I’m not stupid enough to get caught.


23 over the speed limit and no seat belt, 3 points

Yeah that's what I told myself too until I got caught

119mph in a PT Cruiser. Didn't know it could go that fast. Almost lost my license and got arrested but it was my first ticket so the cop cut me a break. Still cost me almost a grand after all the safe driving school and stuff.

Siccc tttrrriiipppsss

CHP clocked me at 117 and wrote me for 89. Also wrote me for modified engine before it was in impoundable offence. 900$ ticket....

used to live in ahwatukee where all the cardinals and suns players used to live. met up with some linebacker at a gas station that was also on the way to vegas, was in my mkIII supra (worked on that car for a few years). He had a bentley. Agreed we'd follow each other up. Thursday afternoon, pretty low on traffic so we were periodically racing. we got to those huge sweeping mountains, come over a hill, road block. Cops immediately get me out of car, explain they clocked him at 145 and I was right behind him. Cop was young and pretty chill so he only gave me a ticket for 85, what he clocked me after i had slammed the brakes. still the biggest ticket i ever got. in phoenix, if you have a huge lead and a good chance, you just run and if they have you dead to rights you stop, so all other tickets wer only for like 10 over.

never got one yet...but i passed the waffle house and saw all three cops were there so knew i was in the clear and took my Pontiac Bonneville up to 130mph and that was with a slipping transmission, fucking supercharged 3.8L was screaming at 7k in 4th gear and i was on dry rotted walmart tire that were 7 years old.. dumb as fuck but fun as fuck, that car had the best alignment i've ever experienced and rode like a cloud

got caught doing 35 in a 45 got shot 8 times

well stop being black

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Tonight, $165 for going 80 in a 70 zone on the interstate. State trooper was half my age.

I got pulled over for doing 125 in a 70 and the female cop ended up writing me a fake ticket for failing to introduce proof of insurance instead of hauling my ass to jail because I had a license plate that indicated my support for a college football team that she also happened to support.

90mph in a 2nd gen explorer with the front passenger wheel ready to fall off
she wrote me up for 79mph. $130

I got 2 in two hours when I was 16. 80 in a 55 then 89 in a 65. Explaining to my mother why I was going faster the second one was hard.

>Also wrote me for modified engine before it was in impoundable offence
which cucked state do you live in?

>State trooper was half my age.
somehow relevant
"your younger. i can speed"

148km on a 100km highway

465$cad 5 points

from toronto driving a quebec highway
>fuck the french dawg

>CHP clocked me
that'd be California, user. a very cucked state indeed.


Nice trips.

33 and never gotten a speeding ticket, and I drive 10 over most of the time, but I always keep eyes both front and back, and I recognize the rear and front lights they use so it's easy to spot them from a kilometer or so away.

33 and no ticket?

I had my first ticket within a year of getting my license. I was doing less than 10 over the limit if I was speeding at all. I think the cop was lying.

23 years old never had a ticket and i drive like a fucking idiot
go 10 over whenever traffic permits without fail
on long highway drives i regularly will go 90-110mph for hours straight
knock on wood

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$943. 89 in a 45. Cop threatened to impound my car and arrest me.

40kmh over the limit
I didn't designate the driver on the company car (Speed camera ticket) so fine was 8 times more than if a driver had been designated, on the plus side i kept my license.


Biggest one I ever got?

I remember in Charleston, NC I got a ticket that was a sheet of construction paper, like for a school project. Pretty big, can’t remember the dimensions of it.


I drive a sleeper with 2.5x the torque, but only 70PH more than stock, so it's not a car you turn your head on, and you don't need to as I pass you without the need to downshift.
I live in a place where the majority of cars have 70-150HP with about 100-200Nm, so a 320HP car with 540Nm that looks the same and sounds the same as the slow cars won't turn heads.

Literally a wolf in white colored black sheep costume on the roads.

It's 0-200 isn't impressive since the 0-100 takes longer than 100-200 due to wheel slip and traction control that can't handle it without dumping all the power to granny tier.

86 on a 70,NC, i didnt got a speeding ticket just a court citation, im not even from NC, i had my car register to VA, lots of hwy pigs these days on that state, fucking asshole not even a +20 mph or a speeding ticket, i hope these fuckers get bombed again

fuck cops, like if you were going to kil somebody or kys, fuck them

fuck NC, bunch of broke faggots that need speeding ticket money to keep up their debts and stupidity, that place looks like FL but worse

100 in a 65 4 points, got it knocked down to 80 in a 65 and 3 points at the hearing, $173. Stock '15 Focus SE, so nothing really exciting. Insurance payment did not change luckily.

also fuck you all with speeding reduction or price reduction you fucking white privilege cracker honkeys, go back to your farms and stay there

Brand new car, caught me as I was slowing down after I redlined it. Honestly have no idea where I topped it out, because it was night, and there were no dash lights. Probably would have killed myself and the 4 passengers in the car if there hadn't been vehicles I had to dodge around.

lmao then that was crazy, i dont speed when i have passengers with me, also get to know your car thats the most important thing before you hit the road

Sneaky fast car with little effort.

>i dont speed when i have passengers with me
made me feel guilty
the only passenger i have 99% of the time is my girlfriend
but now im thinking about how much danger i put her in going so fast all the time

its just inmaturity, not overall just when it comes to driving, the girl that i used to date she dont like it when i drive fast but she says that she likes "fast drivers not like me", i used to drive like fucking gta or someting, now i drive slower and i also do uber, plus i drive a slow lawnmower i dont have a chance with anybody on the road

Biggest I got was about $400 for going 105 in a 65. Cop wrote the to let down to 85 to be nice. Getting that ticket wasn't as bad as another I got in Utah for being 9 over the speed limit on a road in a canyon that changed speeds every 1/2 mile. Speed sign just came into view and I was going to coast down to speed and he still gave me a ticket anyway. Only $90 but it still pissed me off

come to WNC, faggot Asheville

I bet that shit was rattling apart faster than the space shuttle columbia

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smooth as butter, H bodies had their issues but they were reliable issues (same problem every time) non of that chasing a mystery problem like Fords and Toyota. Just intake gaskets and trans problems, fix them and your good for another 100k miles. 2 grand into a $1,300 car and you were good. I treed a 330hp v6 camaro and won so talk shit but it wasn't that slow either.
>best first car ever

mine was about A4 I think. I haven seen a ticket book bigger but they may exist.

I got a 1100$ ticket last month, impounded on top of that, 400 in impound charges, plus 1000$ fine from my insurance

lifes fuckin dopee

24 and I just got my first ticket last week. Went right on red, didn't see the sign. I drive retarded though so it was just a matter of time

What aren't you allow to modify on the engine?