"I'm sure we've all heard the news...

"I'm sure we've all heard the news. American companies are lowering their standards of freedom in order to reach the Chinese economy. Examples include the recent NBA controversy, South-parks ban in China, and Activision/Blizzard taking away first prize and kicking out a pro Hearthstone player because he wished Hong Kong well on their fight for freedom...

I am new to 4-chan, but your reputation proceeds you... I've come to ask for help and for justice.

I believe there's a way we can:

1.) Help Hong-Kong

2.) Punish morally bankrupt companies that have bent their knee to China


3.) Mess with Communist China

-and have fun while doing it!

Here's what we'll do. Like Winnie the Pooh, we will get the characters from moral-less franchises like Disney, Blizzard, etc. and purposefully get them banned in China by creating memes that paint Communist China and their leader (Xi Jinping) in a bad light.

But who to start with? Why, Captain America of course! We'll use Captain America in memes fighting Communist China, then ,Chinese censors will see it and Disney's symbol of freedom will get banned.

Not only will this put immense pressure on Disney to take a stance on the issue, but it will EASILY make the news rounds due to Cap's obvious American idealism ,and if successful, could easily be seen as an attack from China on good ol' American "tegrity". If enough companies are banned from China, it could be chaos economically forcing political change. But we must be focused in this; if we try other companies all at once, I feel our strike will not hit as hard.

With that being said, get to shitposting 4-chan. Post EVERYWHERE. And as much as I hate to ask of them, I'm formally requesting Reddit to help. We need to make this spread like fire.

After we hit Disney, I'm unsure of who to target next. Blizzard seems to be making quite an ass of themselves as previously mentioned, but I'm unfamiliar with their stuff.

Stay united ,and lets get creative"


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Other urls found in this thread:


I like Hong Kong as a city but alot of the people there are terrible
Just thought I'd mention that

disney is large company to target but non the less bump,

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its about fucking with Blizzard, Disney and the CCP. Meme-magic cant help the Hong Kongers that much tbh?

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china is home to some of the largest bot farms, similar to war marketing can be explain by "the art of war" specifically the five categories of victory.

Way – Your personal connection to other people
Heaven – Environment outside your control
Ground – Environment under your control
General – Ability and Attitude
Law – Discipline and Commitment

Attached: MickyinHongkong.jpg (1160x773, 427K)

You suggest?

Postin what I got

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Attached: MulanFightsForHongKong.jpg (1666x1182, 165K)

idea that goverment oppresses all is instill in most children from a young age the younger the more likely your way to them is paved.

heaven largly controlled by content that is observed from their perspective (the intent of your campaign I believe)

Ground- this is controlled by the goverment of china and they do a good job at this,

general- can be swayed by heavan, but again this is another area that chinnnesse government has good grasp of.

law- i live where there is not much to be said about content controll but every month i'm noticing more and more, this is a battle ground that will divide many and could easily distract

tldr: marvel is a good choice because of it's target demographic and popularity

Based OP. Here's a bump.

Attached: DisneySays.jpg (1100x619, 227K)

we should try to get bots for use in this

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I can't think of a better character or francise, just hope disney distances themself before.

Captian America shows well on tv is dying in a profitablity sense so marvel might not protect the asset with the might it would for black widow.

I'm having trouble understanding the argument if china decides to allow their leaders be compared to some of the most popular/profitable superhero

That doesn't even make sense God damn niggers are stupid

Attached: Just abrourt Mcfruckring har it.jpg (800x535, 47K)

>hey guys lets compare a country leader to a superhero
>that will definitely make him look bad.
winne the pooh has quality that you do not want to see in a communist country. unfortunately i'm thinking the shedding light on chinas emperor children.

inb4 children in an argument is reprehensible

if we frame it like i think it was the mcdonadls as a point of pride. > ie china is so fat because we have lots of food in a communist country

I was pointing out that most Hong Kongers need an attitude adjustment
I got no idea about the whole blizzard and disney thing

>American companies are lowering their standards of freedom
...lowering their *WHUT*?!
L0Lno fgt pls

exactly joyus clown who shares his burger surplus with everyone. is probably a better and more likely to be pretuated by the Chinese bot farms than muscular world leader that fights for american ideals but satirically

Yeah, the Marvel idea was scrapped in the old thread since it was retarded, the current targets were mostly mickey/minnie mouse, mulan and Mei from overwatch.

It's about getting disney and blizzard content banned in china so it cuts into their profits, this would set an example to not sell out to china.

We all know how much western governments and corporations like to suck off china. Lets fuck them over.

Attached: Meiatprotest.jpg (1100x619, 240K)

Bump, still skeptical about this plan working out but if it does, im just going to watch the fireworks

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It would work out if retarded fucks like you would actually participate instead of just writing 'bump' under every thread while jerking off

is anyone actually posting anything outside of here or is everyone just expecting things to magically happen? if so then post a link

This isn't 2009 4chin, you're barking up the wrong, dead tree.

i think numbers would be a better choice, when taking down a pyramind you don't start with the strongest blocks on the bottom you take small blocks from the top.

many we are strong but not for the largest bot farms in the world,

i reccomend will ferrels elf. huge money maker the large corporation who would protect it are not their like with winne the pooh plus it is sesonal gaining immediate tracktion and likely to get more to you cause.

why the absolute fuck would I do that

there have been several posts on reddit and imgur so far, I didn't save the links though

like this

Attached: page layout elf (1).jpg (700x700, 79K)

>Implying Sup Forums had absolutely no influence in the 2016 election

On mobile but tooth a few screenshots from the trailer that’d be good to meme or throw a #FreeHongKong over


Some of the r*ddit posts have been taken down

Attached: 3A14A623-FA16-4BAE-B5F1-FB1DAFE15C1B.png (1250x732, 68K)

imgur posts do exist

for example

post links you useless dipshits

i got no skill but this is a damning cmparision that also allows for it to be salvage lessing the likely hood that it will be immediately taken down, basiclly someone might be able to justify it's good for awhile

Attached: photshop gods i beseach the.gif (363x400, 1.35M)


From the Operation Take-Out thread

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This is too hard and Sup Forums hasn’t had a good raid in a while...


ohh fuck no avoid hong kong that shits is a positive for china

china went in killed some people and got the guy who started/funded this astroturf movement. hong kong is a bad example and not likely to make it much past singles day.

tldr: hong kong protest will last until singles day/black friday

Its time we dust off the tism. I havent had a good REEEEE in a while

It may take awhile to post enough to gain traction.

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Save Images!
Share where you are posting!
Contribute images!

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shouldn't we be more worried about what Netflix has on it ? like in terms of quality?

this, just spread the cancer.

type "Hong Kong Facebook" on Google and find a shitty FB page to post the fake tweets, they are probably too retarded to fact-check them

Thats not the point, the point it to fuck over corporations like Disney and Activison from censoring shit and people to get their chinese gibs.

Also the fact Mulan is coming out in a few months, makes it perfect timing.


new growth undetermined job=new species looking for a niche environment

fucking newfags with no crit thinking

>intelligence check

rolls a 6

A few weeks ago when I was looking for a new smartphone, I was looking up websites trying to get an idea of what phone I should go for.

To my shock, the majority of these lists were promoting phones owned by Chinese companies.
Should tell these influencers NOT TO PROMOTE CHINESE SMARTPHONES

Companies like
Honor (Which is owned by Huawei)

Maybe also some memes praising Samsung for moving production out of China?


seriously this

Let's do it

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Had a couple fake news posts going, but they lost steam pretty quite.
I think twitter and reddit would have better results with the right amount of fake outrage and fake hate at the outrage.
Like someone getting pissed that Disney actors are mixing politics with movies when they just want to consume product.





Attached: Fourwheelsoffuryitsallgoingtothese_7f50b4_7335139.jpg (568x929, 101K)

Hong Kong are essentially the Anglos of Asia, except without the thirst for Aryan blood and jewish connections to wage endless proxy wars and political schemes throughout the continent.

I don't thinks we need more images. Just this, Pooh and the fake-tweets.

Bump for potential

Can someone draw Captain America punching Xi Jinping in his big, dumb, Winnie the Pooh face?

nigga shut the fuck up

human attention span is lower then a gold fish content is king we will not anaylze the photo and we expect it to be top quality google anaylitics can give more details but figure it new image get maybe a second more obsevered time compared to old reused images. while like get more eye new get lingering eyes

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square enix already tried this


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dont forget facebook groups! That website lives on ignorant outrage.

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fuck off buy final fantasy


>Japanese to Chinese approval ratings are at an all time low

ignorant american can't tell difference between leader in china leader in japan

allegory of USA Mexico and china japan

china leaders are japan sympathizers

china leader refuse to talk to japan leaders

china throwing fit about japan attending U.N. tea party

Attached: pntrc.png (86x92, 3K)

not a good idea to piss off china guy all my stuff is made their

china is an ally, they have help prevent countless wars.... biological wars too

china is a large cog in Mutual assured destruction

we should be helping them

Attached: whatareyouyellow.jpg (1024x768, 14K)

Not the best but something to start with anyways

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Found the fed

Someone add “fuck da police” and “#FreeHongKong

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I recently bought a $20 chinese keyboard, and I would say it is of superior quality of Corsair
of course the chinese one is named after some weird Vishnu thing, and Corsair is a stupid name (I guess cooler master would be a better comparison) but you get the picture

Nigger no one cares. Its not even about hurting China, you shill faggot.
The fact you think that shows how much of a disingenuous cunt you are.

no one is gonna buy the same fucking keyboard as me I'm a genius
Also shut the fuck up

Is the guy taking requests for fake tweets still around? I want that Bob Igor Rose Tico kissing Finn again, got fucked when i tried to save it so its blurry as fuck.

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China is a long time financial partner, many countries futures are tied to it's economic well being


I'm on my phone now, sorry

The fuck is wrong with this fed? Are they autistic or something?

Why Disney first? I get the symbolism... but I don't think it will be much than a quick breath out the nose worth of attention.
NBA (Nike) and and Blizzard are much more ripe in the news right now.

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Cuz Disney has been subtly cow-towing this kind of shit for years. Remember the Ancient One from Doctor Change being changed to a White Woman because a Tibetan would be to offensive to the chinese.
Also its because Mulan is going on in a few months, so its perfect timing to fuck Disney over.

Made a meme dump on imgur, through in the fake tweets too
