I need your help Sup Forums remembering a show from my childhood. It was about robots and I think it was CGI. No...

I need your help Sup Forums remembering a show from my childhood. It was about robots and I think it was CGI. No, it was not transforms and it no where near that genre. It think it was also educational. I don’t remember it being on a major cartoon network like CN or Nick. It was pretty surreal seeing it back then. Does anybody know the show?

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its not reboot?
reboot is show about robots in a pc kind of odd

can you tell us the erra? 90s? 2000s?

you might have to provide some details beyond the nonsense you've posted so far
>Your Mom, The Ho-Bot


Early 2000s

Like what?

Details son, something more specific no matter what you can think of!

. It's like if so said
>Had a drink once, but it wasn't water
>It was wet
>I don't think a major brand made it

We need details user. What was it about, what did the characters look like. If you didn't see it on a tv network how did you see it? was it on tape/dvd, did you see it at school? There has to be more info you can give us

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go watch reboot anyways. better than whatever you're asking about

It's almost always ReBoot

Dang it OP you got me wondering but I can't find reference online. One I'm thinking of wasn't CGI but standard cheap kid cartoon animation. Robots played an arena sport and the heroes of the a cartoon were a more ragtag bunch of robots with girl and boy robots. Was around in 2000s

Well I don’t really know how to describe it any better. I remember it had segments in every episode and that at the end of each the screen would get covered. I also remember a creature or robot wolf talk at the beginning and ending of every episode.

Mystery Science Theater 3000

It’s not reboot

Did you watch it at home or at school?

Was it beasties or beast wars?

Beast wars. That was my shit. Doubt its what you mean tho

Nope, looks familiar though


I remember it because it was so creepy to me back then. I saw it on tv but only when I went to my uncles house. Never at school or anywhere form what I can remember.

Is it robotboy or my life as a teenage robot?


Megas XLR?

Code Lyoko?

What country, and what province/state/territory?

Not even close

I was in Texas in Austin when I saw it


good luck

Rolie Polie Olie??


That show has the scariest soundtrack.


Man, I have no clue there user, sorry. The only suggestion I could make is to try and track down a TV Guide archive for that time. If you know roughly a year and date, probably a weekend or holiday I'm guessing, you may get lucky. Will take some work but best of luck user.

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Yeah I guess I’ll have to look harder. Just figured someone on here would instantly know the show but oh well. I will be back once I find it


Wow pulled that fucker out of my storage banks.

Not even close

This is the one from my childhood that I remember:


max steel



Did you watch more then one episode? Did it follow a central storyline or character or was it episodic? Trying to narrow down a show by might be CGI, might be educational, and might have aired on a local network instead of cable in the early 2000's is kinda tricky.

Not CGI, but just in case...

Attached: Medabots.jpg (350x280, 65K)

Yeah, figured it would.

The only thing I can think is one of my favorites as a kid called Inhumanoids. It had a weird opening with a giant hand, faded out segments, and was generally all over dark for a kids show. I don't think it was a series, more like a mini series

If you remember a giant skeleton dinosaur saying DEEECOOOMMMPPPOOOSSSEEE then it's it


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Captain Power and the soldiers of the future


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>surreral CGI
Do you mean Cyberchase OP?