Biggest baby that has ever lived

Biggest baby that has ever lived

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>Biggest baby that has ever lived

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Bet he shit his diaper. Nancy has his balls in a vice


Didn’t Hillary throw a tantrum and trash a hotel room and break a television when he beat her? Lmao.

I love how he thinks not turning over evidence is gonna save him, like he isn't gonna just post it all on twitter after snorting adderall for 72 hours

16 subs

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It’s just a matter of time before Drumpf blows his brains out to avoid the shame of impeachment and life imprisonment for treason.


I notice Sup Forums is somewhat turning against Trump. Does this mean Putin has given donald the kiss?

>I love how she thinks not turning over her emails gonna save her,

Oh wait..

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>Putin has given the kiss

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no, actually being a democrat is what saves them all

>get banned from Sup Forums for spamming this garbage
>start shilling on Sup Forums
Gotta make 8, huh shill?

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Why do trumptards fixate with previous leaders like this? You seem mentally ill.

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Its over

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They seem to need help

>position is everything

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Lol. Trolling and shit posting

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Pence has been briefed to assume the office of the president in the next few days.

no this is

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you post the same shit every day fuck off loser

Why am I not seeing a Republican uproar over the fact that, as detailed in the Mueller Report, many figures in the Trump Administration have unsanctioned emails, texts, WhatsApp, etc. while conducting official business? In particular, Mueller reported that he found it difficult to investigate Trump's ties to the Russian government because people in his campaign were using encrypted communication.

Don't get me wrong, though. I think Hillary was using that private server to dodge FOIA and I'd like to know why. There is plenty of sleaze in Washington with a (D) next to it, and it doesn't make it okay when My Team is doing it. Of current interest, Hunter Biden's dealings while Joe was Veep may not have actually been illegal, but they certain look fishy and the appearance of impropriety is almost as bad as the crime itself. I'll be voting for anyone else in the Primary.

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>23 pound baby
I'm glad I have a penis

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So the double standard may be coming to an end after all. How about that

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who's that?

The timeline of this entire situation is hilarious.

Trump/Barr somehow obstructed and spun the narrative hard enough to dodge Mueller revealing that he coordinated with the Russian government to steal with 2016 election, then like the next week he calls up Ukraine to do the same thing again, thinking that if he got away with it the first time, surely he would get away with it this time. Then reveals a damning cliffnotes of the transcript thinking that it would blow over. The man is a fucking idiot. All he had to do was stay quiet and keep blowing the whistle for his racist base for a few more months and he had a better than even chance of winning in 2020.

It didn't work

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I hope they aren't successful in impeaching him. I'd love to see another 4 or more years of Trump. He has done so much for the country and the world.
It now seems far more likely that we will wipe ourself out than with the last president. As a nihilist, anything the brings us closer to the brink I'm all for!

When someone speaks for you, you'd be surprised how many of that person's flaws you'd be willing to let slide.

Same principle with the left.

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Seriously guys, I’m a moderate conservative and I even realize this guy is fucked at this point. Call your senator and have them booted

You have to have honor to feel shame

low quality b8 is low quality

besides, if he's impeached then we get Trump 2024

No chance at all they will ever impeach him. It's a shit show. :/. The Dems are really pushing the highschools right now. Hoping to fuck up a new generation of kids with their bullshit and have a chance at all at the 2024 election.

America's education system. Omg, muh sides.

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Wtf do y'all not have taxes to pay? This dumbass made it so I won't be able to claim relo for tax season next year. Get rid of this putin puppet.

His base is eyes deep in the kool-aid at this point. They just disregard anything they don't like as fake news. I live with a Trumper and he has been particularly angry the last week or so often going on about "the Dems are a bunch of traitors going after trump like this" or whatever.

Russian government lawyer:
>This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr Trump.

Trumps fucking son:
>If it’s what you say, I love it, especially later in the summer.

Wow sure, everything sure seems to be above board here.

Look at that smokin hit picture of Melania...good God shes fukin fine !


Nigga thinks he's a king.

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I hear this a lot but I don't believe it. His base is weaker than people let on. Nobody wants to be associated with an idiot, and more and more his idiocy becomes harder to deny. Men will back the "strong" horse. Trump doesn't look strong anymore. He could give the impression of strength previously, but he's been panicking and acting weak.

>everything sure seems to be above board here.

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Yeah, I’m also into the tranny look!

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Who gives a fuck about Hillary? She hasn't held a public office since 2013.

Even if I liked her, which I don't, My Guy's crimes don't make Your Guy's crimes okay. Let them all be investigated, indicted, and judged.

Its over

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no one cares when you cry hillary, Billionaires are paying less money in taxes than the working class for the first time ever in american history thanks to trumps tax plan

I think you're too optimistic. Here in my NC factory a lot of people don't acknowledge the shit that Trump himself tweets. I can read, word for word, something Trump said or tweeted and they'll say, "Fake News!"

30-40% of this country is a lost cause.

>Who gives a fuck about Hillary?
Snowflakes that must face their own hypocrisy
When the scream "whataboutism" you know its really working.

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>no one cares when you cry
How does that make you feel?

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I've also talked to some guys from the deep red and they said "I'd like to punch him in the neck." There is a cut off point. People don't want to admit to being fooled, because they don't want to be made to look like a fool. As soon as they say "fake news" they're derided as stupid. They'll hear people mocking him as they walk down the street. They'll see constant messages about how big of a fool he really is. They can't actually live in a bubble, and eventually even they will realize eventually that their support for Trump is detriment to themselves.

>You are the swamp

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Don't believe it of you don't want.
Said trumper I live with just got his KAGA 2020 hat from amazon yesterday. I had to smile and nod as he proudly showed it to me while telling my how he looks forward to wearing it on election day (even though we vote by mail)

Little secret though.
I voted for the cheeto too
Fuck hilary slightly more.
Not voting next time, at leat not for trump maybe yang for the lulz. Might as well have 2 meme presidents in a row

>no u

respond to the second part

Looks like a Sanders rally. Was this when that guy said he was going to kill himself?

Implying the legal system handy been a complete weaponized joke for 40 years

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Models are actually known to try to mimic drag queens.
Hell, top models are often boyish as fuck.
Surprise surprise the model first lady kinda looks like a ladyboy

It's been over since Nov 2018.

He's a lame duck.

>Was this when that guy said he was going to kill himself?
IDK, I thought he was already dead

>his supporters actually believe this is his draining thw swamp and battling the peed taste


Yeah, Democrats are well known for their love of law enforcement agencies. I always love interacting with young left-wingers near my college campus about their enthusiastic intentions to join the FBI or police force. I go out to hipster breweries and the staff regale me with stories about how they're tending bars for now, but what they really want is a life-long career as a prosecutor.

Oh wait, no, all those institutions are staffed by republicans and somehow republicans still rack up dozens of indictments every time they end up in office.

Corrupt weaponized legal system changes over night in a liberal utopian dream.
We all know that evil wins irl

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Last I heard a bunch of Sanders supporters started a GoFundMe to help him.

You are an idiot

If it could be fixed overnight, then please explain the last 20 years it wasn't.

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That's fake

no u

>We all know that evil wins irl

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why america is past it's prime. Idiots.

Yeah, caskets aren't cheap, and you can't take it with you.

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who are you even replying to?

A lot of problems aren't fixed because right wing voters have been voting against their own interests for 50 years because they're fucking retarded.

OMG, Trump just responded to me!

>That's fake
Denial work for your molestation issues too?

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He's winning
Its over

I can't keep up with your scitzo personality


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So do yooooooouuuuuuuu :*


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>can't keep up with your scitzo personality
How many people do you think you're taking to because its at least 3

Where's the rest? This is 2019 we're in. This video ends a year ago.


Lurk more until you know how to follow a thread

The cry of the shill in its native habitat

Implying you know how to follow a thread.

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