There is nothing more unattractive and humiliating than balding for a man. You can be 6'5, built like a Greek god, but if you're balding... it's just embarassing.

I hope I never bald. I have fucked up skin on my scalp.

In order of embarrassement :

Manlet > Balding > Can't grow proper beard > Uncircumcised > Balding with an shitty balding pattern

Is this an WASP thing?

What if I have all of those?

it's nothing if you're over 40, very normal

balding is only embarrassing if you're like 25, you should still have a head full of hair at that age

>tfw im 5'10 and girls actually laughed at my short stature yesterday

>Can't grow proper beard
Is this even a thing? Maybe if you have a babyface or a weak jaw

I saw this pic last week on buzz aldrin's instagram

> uncircumcised

>tfw all of these things

should i just kill myself?


It's funny. Though this stuff does matter, Sup Forums cares about that shit more than anyone.

I'm 5'10" and girls tell me I'm a big guy for them. That's probably cause I'm living near the border in spic land texas and everyone is turbomanlet.

>over 1000 calories in one meal

So "balding" is more embarrassing than "balding with an [sic] shitty balding pattern"? Or do you just not know how greater than/less than signs work?

High test causes hair loss
I bet he fucks like a racehorse

Yes? I eat 3 700 calorie meals a day and I'm a manlet and 155 pounds

What went wrong, Sup Forums?

Fuck. I know I should be disgusted by this but being on the 6th day of a water fast it looks so fucking good right now.

can already see the JUST starting in that picture

More like Joe Rogaine


Large man tits > everything

So that's why he shaves his head...

The jews taught this faggot well

>6th day of a water fast
I've been thinking about fasting. How's that working for you?

You'd think that gene would have been bred out by now. Fuck baldfags

Receding hairline
Decent beard

>tfw sensitive nips

Fucking kill me

Some of the most powerful, influential men in history have been baldfags. How's it feel being completely inconsequential?

He was already experiencing male pattern baldness when he took up roiding. People predisposed to becoming bald accelerate the process when they start roiding. It occurs to a lot of men. My best friend are going bald and they're not even thirty yet and both have done several cycles of that sweet sweet nectar. Also notice how his head is so much fucking thicker, another symptom of steroid use. What he gained in muscle aesthetics, he lost in facial aesthetics. I did one cycle and didnt like how fucking round my face was, after my cycle was over I've been cutting down and so far I've lost 35lbs of muscle and fat and my facial aesthetics are returning. Now to lose another twenty...

>having a fully intact penis with no ugly Jew scar is embarrassing

t. Rabbi Fellatioberg

>balding is only embarrassing if you're like 25, you should still have a head full of hair at that age

Shit, been balding since i was 16, was already unattractive. Good thing my beard came in around the same time...

People age, retard. The guy's 50 years old and probably in better shape than 90% of men his age.

Joe already shaved his head years ago

Feels a little less JUST. Weren't receding hairlines once revered?

>Fuck baldfags
lmao butthurt hairfags
We're still around because we still get laid.
There is nothing more masculine that male pattern baldness, it gets high Est women wetter than an otter's pocket.

We use the abbreviation kcal for a reason. It's _kilo_ calories. 3700 calories is 3.7kcal, which is fucking nothing.

found the kike

>and probably in better shape than 90% of men his age.

lmao, Joe's pretty much fucked up every part of his upper body
>It's a "Joe dispenses fitness advice in between discussing his latest round of shoulder surgery" episode

not necessarily, though a full head of hair was seen as a sign of youth while balding was associated with age or wisdom

Japs give themselves the MPB look so they appear more manly and dominating.

>be me
>full head of hair just like my father
>can grow thick beard but keep it at a stubble
>aesthetically perfect 8"x6" cut dick that's fit to mold dildos
>still 35 yo khhv

either you're extraordinarily ugly or extremely autistic



>Can't grow proper beard


>Balding with an shitty balding pattern

Phew, I'm only 53% an embarrassment. Close enough.

>The guy's 50 years old and probably in better shape than 90% of men his age.
More like 99.9%. Just having abs will put you into the top 1% at 50.

that exercise looks like a good way to accidentally fuck yourself up

6'7" is retard height.
You should change your name to Mongo and be kept in a cage and charge people for admission to view you.

Literally underrated


good goy hahahahaha


having a typecast autist/sperglord face/build > weird balding > extreme manlet > bad beard genes > manlet lite (5' 10" - 5' 8") > balding normally/receding > voting for Hillary > [powergap] >uncircumcised

Bbc here. Can confirm.

>proud owner of a mutilated cock looking down on anybody

HAHAHHA you are so non white it hurts LMAO

Literally lmaoing at all these inesecure hairfags.

Male baldness is caused by high testosterone levels. What that means is we tend to be more masculine than the rest of you. The thicc girls love a bald man who lifts, trust me

this when I was younger it took me a long time to get muscles. After 25 till 28 I worked out the second time rigorously and I don't think I'll ever have as much muscle as I did back then. The only period in my life
where I got laid so much my dick burned.

Also started balding at 24.

ya i have zero balding in my family but im pretty sure being bald is irrelevant to getting women unless youre insecure about it.

>Manlet > Balding > Can't grow proper beard > Uncircumcised > Balding with an shitty balding pattern
actually it goes: manlet > poor/still lives with parents > balding > tiny dick

I think HGH usage over time increases your skull size. Look at Joe and Dana Whites head growth.

Am balding pudgy still live with my mom , still get laid, also manlet. Gf is not a 10/10 more like 6/10 but rides my dick like a champ.

When will he come out?

nice fanfic

have 8 inch dick just have anxiety issues. ;__;


It's not a JUST since Joe has never tried to hide the fact he's bald. He's owns his baldness.

insecure americuck detected

guys should i get a hair transplant, gonna cost me like 8k. am only 29 ;_;

>basing your life around what the shitskins on Sup Forums think
haha xx

I'd much rather be a balding manlet living at home than have a tiny dick.


Joe is married, a millionaire, has a loving wife and kids.

Reality tier you're a virgin who will never touch a girl. eventually you will try to rape one. she will overpower you. you will be arrested and jailed. neet life didn't pay enough to supply a comfortable lawyer. you land forty years. basically a lifetime in a prison where you have no visible suicide beyond tyrones dick and fists. two things you strived to deny.

a haunting vision

balding is literally having a lot of testosterone, it is literally a sign of being manly. thats why men in many ancient cultures shaved their heads in the same way if they werent lucky enough to go bald

skinny legs>everything

a man with skinny legs is weak. You can toss him around like a ragdoll. How are you going to defend your woman with those twig legs?

>shoulder surgery
What a moron.
The healthiest way is to be slim and do maintenance fitness.
But he's on the bulky monkey, let's get that chimp clit hard bandwagon.

Dude that skin feels so good even when I wash it, it makes my day better.
The sun shines harder when I touch my uncut prepuce.

>You should change your name to Mongo and be kept in a cage and charge people for admission to view you.

How can lankies even recover

Yeah but that's the exact t reason why joe is bald because he went into full manlet panic mode and started taking massive amounts of testosterone and human growth hormone to compensate for his height and now hes bald and has a swollen watermelon shrek head. All his fault.

testosterone makes you bald

look it up. truf.

>t. Shlomo



This is the new manlet defense..

Holy shit