They caught me driving and my BAC was 0.27. How fucked am I?

They caught me driving and my BAC was 0.27. How fucked am I?

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Like a sissy trap in a negro-prison

Fuck man. What should I do? How do I get out of this? I can’t have this shit on my record

What country. Good score tho.

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USA I’m in Chicago

Should have thought about that before you got behind the wheel brah

ziz max you NEED a good lawyer. age?

OoOOOoo license suspension and driver reeducation courses and a MADD meeting and $$$$$ (((fines)))

Shit on water? Fuckin top score. Just deal with it. Ride a bike to work for a few months, enjoy the savings, then question whether driving is worth it anyway like a man.

absolutely based.
they'll drop the charges if you go to the arresting officer's house and light it on fire

You won't be able to drive for some time, sorry user.

Fuck you, you're not going to get out of it. Don't try to lie and say that this was your first time driving drunk either, I bet you do it all the time but this was the first time you were actually caught. Enjoy losing your licence and then having to use an interlock for years, you faggot. Doesn't seem quite so easy to take risks with other people's lives now does it

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Everybody does it. I didn’t crash and i didn’t feel that drunk

I’m 22

If I do all that they’ll keep it off my record?

>niggers already stole his bike

Shut up. No one likes you here either.

It doesn't matter. Now you got caught and you're fucked because of this type of thinking

Begone, sperg

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I got one at 26, might be some jail, WILL be about 10k in fines/payment for classes, laywer can figure out what you can get out of.

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what nationality are you? if you're white, you're fucked. if you're anything else, you could probably get off the chargers.

People do it all the time. I’m super safe when I do it. I go the speed limit and make sure I stop at every light and sign. I’ve been doing it since I was 17 and I’ve never been in an accident.

Depends what country you are in and there legal levels.

>Everyone does it

No they don't. You were impaired, you couldn't drive properly.
You should legitimately kill yourself, because you're more of a danger to society than a benefit. Your life literally has no vale. Go fuck yourself.

You're young and this is your first offence. Stop thinking about your future - it'll be fine.

Focus on actually feeling sorry about your actions, and think about how you could have harmed others. Be mature about this.

This will also pay off with the judge. They'll let you off light if they can see you've learned from this adventure. Now fucking learn from it.

So is this like trolls trolling trolls or one person or what?

Cause it is all sounding retarded now


>If I do all that they’ll keep it off my record?
Yeah if it was like mine it gets removed from your record for 1st offense.

I thought you had to get like 5 dui’s to get your license suspended? Under the impression this is OPs first offense.

Absolutely deserved. If only everyone who drove drunk could be punished harshly.

Okay perfect. Thank you

If this is another dui of many, I’m happy you won’t be on the road with me. Maybe it’s time to go to AA?

First time. I’m not an alcoholic.

>Maybe it’s time to go to AA?
>implying AA is anything but a scam

You were pretty wasted user. It's a lesson. If you don't have the control to limit yourself to one drink if you have to drive, don't drink and drive at all.

I live in Wisconsin and the limit allows for 1 beer or 1 shot every 2 hours and not be over the limit. Even only having 2 beers or a double will put you over the limit in a 2 hour period. Self control or abstinence.

In Canada they can take it away based on how severe the crime is even if it's your first offence. My buddy got caught going 125 in a 50 and they took his license away for 6 months.

Then don’t sweat it dude. Just learn from it and make sure you hang around the bar for extra an hour before you leave and drink some water and eat something. It’s not it worth it to drive around drunk, especially if you’re a bad driver which apparently you are bc it was noticeable.

I really don’t think I was that drunk though

It’s not? How are they scamming you? it free you fucking retard. Plenty of people go religiously and take pride in their sober chips. You’re genuinely a stupid person

That's why they use numbers and not feelings.

>How are they scamming you?
Because it doesn't fucking work any better than just deciding not to drink.

On your record? Is that what you're worried about right now? Are you retarded? Anything over 0.16 BAC is treated a felony DUI in US. You dun goof'd.

The best advice I can give you is talk to a fucking lawyer, and try to get out on technicality (i.e. expired calibration on lab equipment). But that is a wide shot. Don't expect it to work.

The second best advice is to listen carefully to what this guy has to say.

Good luck.

I’m not a bad driver one of my headlights was out and the officer said he could smell liquor



>this shit on my record
Good luck traveling to any non-shithole countries, they probably won’t let you in until you get a pardon.

It doesn’t matter that much for getting a job though. Unless you want to drive a truck or operate heavy machinery lol. You won’t get hired for that.

Any other job they won’t care. I got hired for two different accounting jobs with drunk driving on my background check and they hired me. They only care about stuff like theft, fraud or the bad violent crimes.

But DO NOT get another one. A second one is pretty serious.

fuck you, you get what you deserve
so many people are killed by drunk drivers
next time think before you get behind the wheel you asshole

You will never see the light of day again.

for everyone who is not OP:

if you have been arrested for DUI, DO NOT CONSENT TO THE TEST HOLY SHIT DON'T. You are not a good judge of your BAC. you're better off spending the night in jail than being a felon for the rest of your life.


I've driven drunk literally over a thousand times. Nobody died.

similar situation op. got my dui at 23, blew a .30. it ain't the end of your world. you'll have some serious fines, probably a 9 month "education" course, madd classes, and some sort of community service/house arrest/or jail time. i opted for jail time just to see what it's like. wasn't awful but it's super boring. you're not fucked until you get your 2nd dui. do not let that happen. that's when shit gets real. someone in my edu course was on his 3rd at 29. his life is a big old bag of turds tumbling around in a washing machine.

No, I am have been an alcoholic longer than you have been alive son and I never drive drunk. It is a stupid and selfish thing to do. Kill your self slowly, dont get behind the wheel and kill someone else fast.

as far as i know, refusing the test is admission of guilt. you'll still be charged with a dui

in germany you can have 0,5 bac, why you dont leave your third world country already?

yes, a regular non-felony level DUI. You don't want a super DUI, and you're already fucked, just swallow it and don't say a word without a lawyer present.

.5BAC would kill you, retard.

.05 is your legal limit. .08 is ours. fuck off kraut nigger

The correct answer is to submit to the test but demand a blood test. At least in my state they have to comply. You can request which hospital to do the test within reason. This gives you some time before your drunk ass is tested and hopefully your BAC goes down.

Of course if you were consuming drinks right until you leave your BAC might actually rise. I know if cases where a cop gave a breathalyzer then held the guy another 30 minutes on the side of the road and tested again to get a better result (which is probably illegal as fuck but the justice system doesn't care).

i thought a first dui without injury or serious property damage was always a misdemeanor? i'm the user that blew a .30 and i was only charged with a misdemeanor. the arresting officer even commented on me being surprisingly lucid in the report.

Haha you retard

it depends on the state, but there are some real son of a bitch super-DUI laws in certain states. it's just better to never speak to the police if you're already busted.

actually the correct answer is to not drive drunk and potentially kill someone. do you know how many kids there are on the road? so many people get slammed into by drunk assholes every year, don't plan for how to talk your way out of a dui just don't drive drunk like a responsible adult

yeah, BAC tends to spike at about 2 hours after your last drink if i'm remembering right. also, i know a dude who got a dui the morning after a night of partying because he was still legally intoxicated even though he didn't feel a thing. blew a .09. BAC is a funky thing

mine was in california and i imagine their laws are pretty strict on it. still just a misdemeanor though fortunately.

Well obviously dipshit. But if you are going to try and game the system at least do it right.

For everyone who's considering listening to this guy:
Laws differ significantly from state to state and country to country. Find out what people who actually understand the law in your area say about what you should do.

cum in my eyes

Anything over 0.16 BAC where you live in Illinois is a felony DUI. You are fucked in the ass hard. Enjoy being a felon dumbass.

do you want to cum in my eyes?

Sure thing, whatever gets you prepared for jail bud.

singe my retinas with your wholesome sperm. make my eyes a swimming pool. i crave the moisture of man

How were you able to move?

all you guys are either unlucky or overly cautious. I go to the bar and get trashed all the time. And I mean absolutely wasted, total blackout walking. I assume I'm pretty good at looking halfway decent tho, I always wake up at home in my bed like a boss. Sometimes I have absolutely no fucking clue how I got there. Bags of shit in the car from places I've never even heard of. Woke up in jail once, no charges tho, somehow they had gotten me on an unpaid fine. lmao.

Hopefully you slam into a pole and die painfully next time

Hmmm...So he was behind that

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But what I'm saying is that telling people "There is a right way to do it" encourages so many alcoholics to say, "Well I'll do it but I'll do it the right way" and then someone's family is dead on the highway. I've fucking had enough of that shit man! How many more motorcyclists have to get creamed? How many more kids in backseats are going to die?

i have evaluated your response and hereby deem you the most likely candidate to let a fat globby load shoot into my eyes

See if you can settle out of court. You'll have to pay everything up front.

You cant settle a felony charge out of court lmao

haha, oh yeah, I've slammed tons of shit. Never got hurt tho, booze is magic for that. I tend to drive big metal cars, so I usually just back up and drive off. I cant even quantify how much property I've wrecked. I honestly dont know how I get away with it sometimes, godly luck I suppose. Aside from all the driving fiascos, I tend to get very destructive when hammered. I just break shit. One time, there was this house for sale I walked by, picked up a rake and shattered every window. Broke all the windows on some cars outside, went inside, ripped down lighting, chandeliers, everything. I forget what I was on about, or if I was even upset at all or just bored. Anyways, cops questioned everyone next day (yeah, this house was less than 100 yards from where I lived at the time now that I recall) and, I shit you not, because my friends bro had some people over the night it happened, and one of them was black, cops focused right on him. You can live life like a boss, just need some luck on your side =)

They caught me with heroin and I did a few years in prison.

Its nothing to worry about tbh just deal with it

First of all, why even drive drunk in todays day and age, you have enough disposable income to spend on booze you can afford a Taxi/Uber/Lyft. I hope they fine you a large amount and send your ass back to driving school.

are you fucking stupid or something?

a bottle of vodka costs 8 bucks, do you know how much a car costs? have you never ordered a taxi?

Cheaper than the 10k to 15k OP is gonna be paying in fines on top of jail time lol

LOL a bottle of Vodka is not 8 dollars but nice false equivalency. An Uber is like at most 20$ and it beats not driving drunk, or fucking don't drive at all you mong. Jesus christ these people that think they can get away with it. So many people die each year from drunk faggots thinking they can drive intoxicated and act all surprised when they get caught or kill someone. 'oh I wasn't that drunk officer, only 4 drinks officer, it's my first offense officer." fuck off faggot I hope you crash and die alone.

You have no idea what you're talking about, honestly

He most likely will never do jail time, and the fines are gonna hover closer to 7/8k, its his first offense

A bottle of Nikolai 100 is 8 dollars including tax, I bought one yesterday, please don't tell others they are wrong unless they are actually wrong

If your Alcohol blood content is enough, then no problems user

Where did you get caught in Canada I'm guessing? If you show that you're willing to learn from it and go to driving school like traffic school then you will just get a soap on the wrist. It depends how cooperative you are with the officer. Did they tow your car? Which province were you in?

It's a class 4 felony where he lives. Those fines are almost doubled for felony DUI charges and he had a chance for jail time. You're fucking retarded like OP

So it's almost like 8k is a worse fine to pay than 20$ for a taxi or an Uber. People are so fucking stupid.

~10k in fines. Will probably have a breathalyzer in your car for a few years and MADD/ADSAC course where unless you lie out of your teeth, you will probably have to attend some form of treatment program

yes... that is worse to pay... im glad you can math

but just because you're driving a car, does not mean you have money in your pocket

Hes not in Canada lol

Actually yes it does lol. If you can afford to drink you can afford a way home. That's the most retarded logic I've heard all day.

Only idiots drive drunk

And no everybody doesnt do it. You must be hanging around alcoholics too much to be trying to normalize drunk driving. Yes it will stay on your record and yes you will have some hefty fines thrown your way. Doesn't matter how good of a lawyer you get you'll still be in the hole money wise. Enjoy possible prison an crippling debt faggot. Lol

what are you even talking about?
do you leave your house, ever?

I cant tell you how many times ive been flat broke driving a car full of veggie oil and stolen gas

other people lead different lives mate, and you do not know everything

Sounds like you should fix your shitty life instead of drinking cheap vodka and being a degenerate

i didnt realise you were perfect, and so much better than I am

a million apologies sire

(you sound like a piece of shit)

So then why are you wasting money and not being frugal? If you're 'poor' why are you wasting money on stuff you don't need I.e Alcohol. Now he'll be even more 'poor' because of the fines. But he'll still come up with the money somehow to drink. Mate.