Are you good looking? honest question looking for honest answers and how it's affected you

are you good looking? honest question looking for honest answers and how it's affected you.

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I don’t think I’m attractive on a level that people would take notice and think “he’s hot” but I think I look attractive enough that once my personality becomes involved in the mix I’ll be just as attractive overall as the classic Instagram guy that gets thousands of likes.

(Continuing) I guess it’s a blessing and a curse really, the chances of hooking up randomly is lower but the chances of an actual relationship is higher.

I get told I'm good looking and I've definitely had my share of good looking girls.

Most of the time my friends gfs end up giving me hints that they want to fuck, and if I message them, chances are I can usually get them to come over. I'm not sure if it's my personality or my looks. But I know that's an asshole thing to do so I kind of cut it out.

traditionally, yeah. it's something i feel guilty about because it allows me to treat people kind of poorly.

Among average people I think yes but to 'upper' people I'm not.

Yes. It just means you can date attractive women and it’s easier to get with them. It’s easy to find yourself getting into bad situations like fucking a girl who has a boyfriend or fiancé or whatever because some whores will initiate on you when they’re with somebody. Whoever you fuck will have a craving for you and will do crazy things to get you back. Also people will like you more at first sight and your easier to talk to.

The problem is not girls, it's other men. They can be bitchy and jelous. It's kind of fucked up. I'm not just taking about socially, but at work and with bosses. You can see their insecurity.

I was also blessed with a big dick, so women are never an issue. I always have a woman or two around to mess with. But I consider myself single.

yes, male ranged from 7/10 to 10/10 in my life depending on health status but above average.. never gained advantage out of it...

depends where i am. i live in new england, where everyone is of english origin. i have slight iberian blood and seem foreign because i'm not completely pale or have freckles. i've been to south america and been immediately labeled as a gringo and they were fairly indifferent to me. but holy shit, i taught english in japan and just being of european origin had me drowning in kawaii.

I’m TV/movie attractive and 6’3 with size 15s. Most times if I just wear normal street clothes you can see about half the women that pass try to steal glances or make up excuses to talk to you. Everyone is very nice and inclusive / interested in what you say.

If I wear my canali suit then honestly I think I could get away with almost anything and they’d apologize to me or give me whatever I wanted. Its common to get asked out by strangers or invited to random stuff. It’s like that episode of 30 rock where Jon hamm is in the bubble but it’s true and it’s you life.

Nah, I would say not. I lost the genetic lottery and some of it is my fault. Bad, rolling acne scars on my right cheek and a bit overweight. Also, my face has very poor symmetry.

It doesn't really bother me that much though. I don't look so bad that you would turn your head and stare or some shit.

i'm doing fine but i just wanted to say that ironically, the poorest places often have the best looking people. hear me out. poor people have the most kids and poor people also don't feel like they don't have many options. if they're good looking, they see no reason not to mate immediately, especially because they're sought after. they have kids early and become bound to the town whereas the ugly kids have time to find a way out. the beautiful people age poorly because they're burden early and have poor education on self hygiene, but their genes are good. you end up with a city of pretty children who become ugly adults and die.

yeah but only because my dad married a former model. he's a pretty successful autist and i inherited looks but also retardation.

Yes. 6'2" thin toned male. More people expect more out of me in every field of work I've been in, I'm always harshly scrutinized by any anyone's parents, there's fags of all shapes and sizes that either wanna be my princess or rub their chodes all over me and get permission (or not) to try out my boipussy.
On the upside, more people talk to me and are nice to me in public, I get random compliments a lot or just compliments in general that make me feel all warm and fuzzy. People look past a lot of flaws in lieu of my voice actor voice and looks, girls go wild for me and if everything in my life goes to shit, I can at least strip down in a mirror and look at myself and admire my large dick and nice body for a moment and then jerk off and cry in the shower.

I need to pay closer attention to personal hygiene but I have beautiful green eyes so I don't have to try very hard to be charismatic.

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I think so and have been told by several women ive been with that I'm good looking. I also have very poor self esteem because I'm socially awkward. So it hasn't affected me in a great deal. I have slept with 15 women. 3 of them had bfs

I'm very ugly inside, was fun back then utilizing people for fun back than when I was stellar looking. Now I'm ugly both sides, but I have had enough, and people won't fall for my shit anymore.

same. i'm empty inside and know my charm has an expiration date. in the meantime, at least i've been able to fuck my former best friend's mom and sister.

kind of. i'm tall and lanky, but if i was under six feet, people would think i'm ugly. my friends in the 5'8 region get pissed that i just stand around with zero charisma and attract girls.


Didnt really know it till mid 20s. Accurate post, easy to strike up conversation with strangers, people are open to meeting. Always "got the job" as a face, being good looking means people will want you up there in front. Sorta expected so can't really be shy even when feeling it. Ive since learned to ignore by shyness, cause its not what people expect when they see me, they expect confidence etc do by just doing wat they expect i mastered it. Its not that i don't have shyness, rather i just know how to ignore it. Its like acting i think.

Also there have been times when i have literally felt like a piece of meat, but don't care since ive tried to use my powers for good.

Also getting laid alot doesn't suck, but there are way more important things in life than just getting laid or just being attractive. Blah blah its what's inside that counts

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10/10 lets see a pic pls henry cavill

not really, so i learned guitar and now i'm "unique looking"

Nope, i am ugly both inside and out

I don't think of myself as especially good looking, average at best. But people always tell me, I am.
Can't really say that helped with the girls, cause thats where confidence and personality is much more important than apperance.
So even with looks and personality in place I was still not lucky. It was only when I came out of my shell, and not only accepted but embraced my dominant side, I supressed for so long, that women started to notice me again.

being respectful but not caring is the ideal. the whole over confident, "pick up artist" vibe is sleazy. overly nice is also uncomfortable and can be seen as a manipulation tactic on its own. just make it clear that you're interested, but wouldn't be bothered if she walked away. the lack of pressure makes her attention more likely.

oh yeah, so how did me affect that?
I'm way more confident, I've married a women who is willing to at least try almost everything once, as long as it isn't too dangerous.
It got easier for me to take the lead, when I noticed that people actually want someone else to be in charge. As someone who always struggled with accepting authority i think I needed to see that people actually want me to exert control over them to feel comfortable in that role.

I look like absolute horseshit, you'd think the insides might be better but I have dozens of health issues. Good genes come in packages.

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this makes me guilty. i drink more than a fifth every day, i'm thin, and have a total clean bill of health. my guilt only makes me drink more.

It really depends on the day. Sometimes, my fringe is just right and my eyes are really bright and I feel like I could have any girl beggin for me. Other days I feel really average. I would say ima 7, with my nose being the inky really noticable flaw in my face.

Yes respect is very important, but that falls to me under personality. If you have a good character you should also be acting respectfully.
Accepting boundaries and not trying to push past them should be common sense but somehow some men are still primates.

I'm considered very cute, but not drop dead gorgeous. Being cute has helped me though, as I'm a male sexworker. Mostly male clients who value that I'm cute, shy and kind of innocent

i mean i don't actually respect them, but conforming to social norms to get what you want is a necessity at times. i'm aware of what makes women comfortable around me, so i do it. in the end, is it wrong to do the right thing if your heart isn't in it?

I'm prob 8/10 or better, plus intelligent, tall (6-1) with good education, etc. Helped me all thru life, got a good job, attractive gfs and wives, etc. When I was young (hs, early college), I wasn't confident but still got laid plenty because girls would come on to me or often respond if I made any effort. Shit, if I had only been more confident, I could have fucked hundreds of women. Oh, well, making up for lost time now....

Definitely above average but not insanely hot or anything by traditional standards. I’ve been a skateboarder/musican pretty much my whole life and I still have that look. I get cold approached by women quite frequently and have never ever had to really try to get laid. It’s nice but also kinda sucks because I never learned to develop my “game”. I’ve had friends give me shit about how I don’t have to try at all and still get more women than them.

Also now that I’m hitting my late 20’s my hair is slowly starting to go. That’s a bummer because my super thick wavy hair has always been one of my best features. I wager that by the time I hit 40 my looks will have declined significantly as my hair thins.

I was not until I hit about 20. I basically looked like Bobby/Jonah Hill until then. I got made fun of for being Jewish a lot (Im not jewish). Took me until I was in college to get a girlfriend (some like 4/10 from my home town). After about 6 months, I was like, fuck this, I can do better than this. I lost like 40lbs and grew a basic beard and started paying for more than $12 mall hair cuts. Im 23 now and in a very nice relationship. I look a lot like Sammy Hagar now. Being unattractive for such a long time has given me a lot of resentment for women, especially attractive ones, as well as fat bodies and people who refuse to care for their personally apperence.

Well whatever floats your boat. But this only works if you go clubbing in an unconnected community where your reputation isn't damaged after a series of fuck ups.
In our local BDSM scene you'd be outed as abuser/lier pretty fast and nobody would date you anymore. I'm not a fuckboy anyway I need a connection to a girl before even considering having sex with her.
Again this is not to be judgemental, if thats you thing, fine, just know that it won't work everywhere.

Don't worry about your hair, user. I've got a lot of hair loss after having nice, longer hair when I was in my 20s. You'll be fine. As long as you look reasonably attractive, women will still respond to you because their focus starts to evolve to include much more emphasis on how intelligent you seem, how well you relate, whether you have a good job and social situation, grooming, clothes, etc. Looks are still very important but as long as they aren't a turn off, women will take a lot of other factors into the "do I want to fuck this guy" equation.

im as ugly as the shit you last took.
no one likes me. everyone treats me like shit. thank you.

Thanks man. To he honest it has really really been stressing me out ever since I realized it was starting to thin. I even tried propecia until I started to feel side effects. I recovered completely which makes me luckier rhan some. Keeping hair ain’t worth losing dick function.

Yes-ish but only like a 7 or MAYBE an 8, if I wear that one pair of clothes I have and I actively try to look more normal

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Good call about dick function priorities. Hair loss is really not worth worrying about. You'll still get your share and more, although you may not need that extra security crew to keep them away, lol. Ageing impacts women MUCH more than men, as long as you stay in shape. I've got very significant balding now and I STILL pull much younger, hot women, in addition to women my own age. Women like maturity, accomplishment, etc. If you're decent looking as well, you're golden. They just don't have so many options as they age. They are competing with younger, hotter, more available women to a much greater extent than men.

i was a child model who got hooked into geocities, funnyjunk, rotten, and eventually the chan.

i get you, but you didn't really hear what i'm saying. i don't abuse women, i 'm just good at seeing what they want and then i e whatever they want. but even if i was, the best crime is the one that nobody knew happened.

I'm the kind of good looking that girls start correcting their hair when I come around.

194cm so 6"4 and I lift but I'm not a gym rat.

It gives me great advantage with women, social situations, career and in life generally.

Not a 10/10 perhaps but for sure got lucky

i've successfully gotten a girl to masturbate with me on omegle. even if it was 1/500, it validated me.

i didn't think i was until the girl i was seeing yelled at me because all of her friends apparently wanted to fuck me.