This is a right-wing board. Your diversity bull shit is not welcome here

This is a right-wing board. Your diversity bull shit is not welcome here

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stfu newfag

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mehr bilder? ;)

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>implying your poisoned mind has any bearing on the posts here
>lurk moar newfriendo

ja ja ja ja

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this is a no wing zone you newfag.


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Germany is God's Country

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more you say? ;)

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Be silent vagabond! Your visage disgusts me.

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No it's not. Anonymous had nothing to do with your shitty right wing idiology, go back to Sup Forums

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go to Sup Forums you fucking newfag kys

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drown in piss faggot tranny lover

triggered righties fuck off back to Sup Forums and kys

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antifa chicks are better

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think about it

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Nice fantasy world u live in faggot
I'm sure your mother is proud

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Where am I?

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Is he wrong though?

Sup Forums started as a refugee board for old Sup Forumstards

seriously fuck off back to fortnite you fucking newfaggot scum

your brain on Sup Forumstard.

Sorry to disturb your echo chamber, nazi scum.

why are all nazi girls ugly af?

at least they're actually women

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... and the hadjis are invading it. What's worse, the German people have been cucked into not only allowing it, but encouraging it.

Hmmm...So he was behind that

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This isn't Sup Forums you retarded faggot, sage

but why are nazi girls so ugly?

there are no left wing females at all.


Lol. This faggot.

If only they'd bathe and shave.

Lol no faggots. There sure are a lot of lefties around for a right wing board.

OHHHH the dem-nazis will be out in force on this one.

They literally want to do and say whatever they want but also turn around and destroy any repub who tries to step into office, fucking Nazis they are.

she's a waste of good white genes

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>tries to step into office

sure that's why. not you know, the crimes committed in office. why are you so dishonest?

fuck you, your bullshit is what's not welcome, and once that fuckwit Trump is in jail where he belongs you LARP-ing nazi dickheads might just get chance to reflect on what idiots you're being

no u

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why are nazi girls ugly as fuck? do you have to be fat too?

oh no a skinny girl with dreads and the confidence to model, totally doesn't compare to my lovely nazi landwhale beauts

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There aren't any crimes, and what about the former commander in chimp? Barry actually obstructed justice, but the media doesn't care.

but is he wrong?

Democrats have committed just as many if not more crimes. Funny how silent they were when Hillary was being investigated. The truth is the Dems only want justice or freedom of speech when it's convenient for them.

Your party is losing its credibility one lazy "investigation" at a time. You shout down everyone who doesn't agree with you and try to silence them before they speak. Why else are the media outlets all democratic leaning?

fuck you beat me, okay user you can stay.

She did some nasty porn shoots too.
What a retarded bitch

>and what about
>and what about
>and what about

investigations ongoing, impeachment enquiry started.

>confidence to model

OK you got me. You’re trolling

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I love how there is a shooting in Deutschland and they have to throw in "It was near a synagogue!"
Welp, I guess they're Nazis again, right? If there were shots near a Christian church it'd be "2 shot in Germany".

>Not knowing they are 1 in the same

>when Hillary was being investigated
you mean the investigations that found no evidence of crimes?

>Why else are the media outlets all democratic leaning?
uhh fox news kek.


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Cause they are real women, not fucking dudes with their balls cut off, and definitely not fucking apes

How many shootings have to happen before we Investigate the Liberals for funding false flags to get rid of guns?

>girl posts pictures online of body


Heil Hitler!

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They are not. Such widespread and casual faggotry (9001 trap breads, porn breads, etc.) aren't tolerated over there.
Right anons?

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Look at the sack on Santa. My word.

why do your 'real women' look like manatees? how shameful for the white race.

why are nazi girls ugly and fat?



I don't know. It's clearly a gun grab.


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Storing federal data on a personal server IS a crime .. derp.

apes run amok and u come up with this shit again

You named one. Now compare that to how many stations are left leaning. I think you'll be surprised. Kek.

Nice bottom text meme you fucking retard

>Real women
>Toothless smelly rednecks and bitches who were "bullied" in grade school

No wonder so many Nazis are miserable literal faggots, surrounded by bitches like these
I'd probably turn fag too

top kek

haha stinky! xD

oh then I guess she was charged then? show me where she was found guilty.

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Did I say that? Nope. But when she was doing shady shit you Democrats couldn't care less..

Also you're pretending like the Clinton's have done nothing wrong? Take a step back dude. They're the most corrupt family in American politics.

Only diversity that is good is that of nations not within a nation. It completely defeat the purpose of diversity to have everything the same. It's so fucking stupid you just want to cry in to your pillow. A country needs to be as nationalistic and profiled as possible so like minded people can join and people who don't like it can leave for another nation of like minded people. That is how you make for a good and happy diversity not by cramming it down people's throat.

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it's because reality is left leaning, truth is left leaning. it's no surprise at all that most outlets that report the news, are representative of reality.

you have a point at all?

Who tf is this guy and what's with all the shit memes involving him?

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Bad troll is bad.

You must be at least 18 years of age to post on Sup Forums, young man

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Except all the leftest media outlets do is exaggerate the truth and lie about people they don't approve of. You sound like a fascist to me.

That bottom left pic is the hottest shit I've ever seen and makes me diamonds op.

why do you faggots keep reaching?

>Storing federal data on a personal server IS a crime
Not enough evidence to charge.

>Also you're pretending like the Clinton's have done nothing wrong?
never done this ever, but you morons love to play this game. C O P E

I really hope your a troll otherwise I just feel sorry for you.

Hahahaha gottem

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