Anybody got a video of the recent shooting in germany?

Anybody got a video of the recent shooting in germany?

Attached: 100919germanyshooting_960x540.jpg (960x540, 100K)

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There is a video online available. It's just cctv footage it's not live streamed like the Kiwi Kebab Killer (Aka Christchurch

You are talking shit, he lifestreamed it with a helmet cam. The video is on Lifeleak de link was posted in another thread.

You're right I was talking shit. Holy shit. Also what a fucking failure. Didn't even think it all the way through and barely did anything

>incapable of opening a door

That's pitiful.

What a delusional coward going around shooting innocent and unarmed people. It was pathetic listening to him wimper as nothing went according to plan.

It was kind of shocking though how so many people seemed either slow to react, totally oblivious to what was going on or too panicked to do anything.

The one guy who got out of vehicle to help the lady who was killed took a rather long time getting back into his truck. There seemed to be a moment where the men in the kebab shop could have jumped guy while his gun malfunctioned, it seems someone could have just run him over, etc.

This guy has gotta be trolling

Totally agree
Those dudes cowering in a corner when they could have jumped the guy easily

Wow his guns dont work when he needs them to. Crazy how a few lives were spared because they jammed. that fat lady getting shot and the crying dude in the shop were pointless. I love how he calls himself a failure in the vid too. this is kino.

I have

The fuck was that women doing at the start? That looked like something straight out of a video game.

Attached: fat_kill.webm (640x360, 1.92M)


That's what happens when people are lulled into a false sense of safety. They are like nothing more than cows being lead to the slaughter in these situations. Vigilance and preparation are vital to one's wellbeing.

Looked like a roach tbh

Attached: Screenshot_2019-10-09-23-24-43-223_org.videolan.vlc.png (1920x1080, 1.81M)

Seriously those two cowering in the corner had so much opportunity to take that faggot down. Watching that video was pathetic for everyone involved. No one seems to have situational awareness. Fat bitch just walks by casually as dude has a fucking gun in his hands.

Damn, the video was deleted.

Waste of time watching it, unless you want to see an incel being an absolute bumbling fucking mong

You're not missing much. Dude was fucking garbage. If you're going to do something at least do it right

Not surprised it was a weeaboo

only killed 2? reminder that there is a record to break

whole video?

Kek, this wouldn't even be considered a mass shooting.

Preparation for what?

>one innocent white mom and a working turk
pathetic loser

Attached: co-sp-2019-035-0001-ipad.c00edf4.jpg (500x666, 55K)

Lmao he shot only those who were either still or walking slower than fucking turtle. Pathetic cuck

its deleted from likeleak
any other link?

Where to watch? Video suddenly got removed while my phone was malfunction (just like the guy's gun)

That guy is literally the most stupid cunt I've ever seen. He has a car filled to the brink will explosives and ammunition but he is stopped by a locked gate which isn't even properly locked. He killed innocent people just to kill, even though he had failed. He should have gotten back into the car, driven home ASAP, get rid of all shit, then say it was all for a youtube video but when the explosive was too strong he got scared and ran.

Oh well, hoping for muslim retribution ASAP. Remember children are worth 3x as adults.

We need to euthanize incels. I think EVERYONE but incels can agree that incels have no place in the world.

Situations such as this. Whenever I walk into a building, I look for exits. I look for things that can be used as cover or concealment. I know how to react to incoming fire. You stay down, use cover, and move quickly towards an exit. If you are armed, you can choose to engage the threat. Understand that when the shooter opens fire, people are scattering. Take advantage of the chaos to get to safety.

seems like a nice guy

Was he both supreme and a gentleman?

God, I hate them so much.

The press had a full boner the last weeks portraying them as some victim.

Low hanging fruit, user. It makes sense to go for the easy targets.

You are an idiot.

So...your mum?

And you're a lemming.

you deserve to be shot

What a retard.



he could've climbed over that stupid wall, using his car as a stepladder but decides to shoot a random fat woman.

Well what will you expect from east Germany...

why not

Check out user here acting like he would become Rambo in that situation. Texas has mass shootings too and they tout themselves as the hard nut who will shoot back but never do.

What an easy target.

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Because he was dressed like someone from a German SWAT team. Guess that is the reason why it took a while for all those people to be able classify what was happening

Its just a typical german mom. Pathetic loser should kill himself

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100% of mass shootings (attempts) in Germany are done by Germans.

link pls

Nice trips.

Yeah this, i was reading about a bunch of british special forces who got captured in France and executed in the field by a small firing squad. If fucking hardened elite military guys didn't go all sparta and try and charge the guys unarmed you cant expect random people in the street to do it at a moments notice.

Every faggot likes to believe they would 'take down the shooter' but the truth is you have no fucking clue how youd react in such an extreme situation.

Too soon :(


Yep, the hadjis use trucks and bombs because they have more difficulty legally acquiring firearms to begin with.

links pls?

>Anybody got a video of the recent shooting in germany?
>Dat smoke
Was he using black powder?
>Musket attack in Germany

I really liked that scene where you got the facial in your biopic

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Spaz alert

Normalcy bias will get you killed

I have a few questions Anons:
Umm was he shooting blanks, or bb balls?
Is he this retarded to run around like a batshit crazy half insane animal, or he was drugged?

You would cry like a baby.


I really like the scene where you got herded into a "shower" at the end.

Attached: MV5BMTQ3MDQ4MDI4M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODc0MjUyOTE@._V1_UY268_CR9,0,182,268_AL_.jpg (182x268, 18K)

15 months in Afghanistan taught me otherwise, incel. Don't project your inadequacy onto me.

And now being paranoid. What a pitiful existence.

Mfw libs say taking away guns stops shootings


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Who was that retard?

Looking how open carry is actual a legal thing in the USA. There is literally nothing you could do if someone just decides to kill you.

A prepared existence. I'm certain that the livestock at that walmart in el paso wish that they were a little more "paranoid".

This guy is the most incapable wannabe terrorist I've ever seen. Did he even plan ANYTHING ahead??? Fucking cringe
but lucky for most of his targets

No. I have been through many life and death situations and a war. I would kill this man effortlessly.

Attached: 1570642806362.png (750x586, 380K)

Send them to send monkey land with all the other incels.


inb4 america gets blame
>just like charlie hebdo

I always carry, user. I keep a glock 19 and an extra magazine on my hip and a glock 43 on one ankle with an extra magazine strapped to my other ankle.

Lol, its wrong on that cover.
It's Auschwitz

what a pitiful existence

It's not being paranoid. It's called situational awareness faggot

Guess what, one can take a huge scissor and stab you it the throat when you are walking outside, do they need a gun ? How about hit you in the head with a rock?

Nazi scum fuck off!!!

>Why don't you carry guns despite the fact that you have a way lower homocide and gun crime rate
>Don't you see that gun control doesn't work!!!

What a weak existence. You deserve to be stamped out.

you conceal carry like a small dicked faggot.

Gas chambers were disguised as showers.

Imagine having such a low double digit iq that you believe dressing up in military garb will somehow boost your shit planning, terrible gunmanship, and homemade single shot musket.

The police should have thrown him directly into a wood chipper after capture. Live stream that.

You moron haha . He couldnt do shit because he had weak ass weapons in murica he would have killed way more people. Besides germany is like on top of the Charts in Europe with weapons per household. Yet we don’t get shot all day hence people were confused. I rather die confused because I have a normal life than having a life in panic that I might get shot just for the memes

You suck dick like a no dick cuck. Would you like a taste of mine?

Guns are just a powerfantasy. Sciencetific there is no reason to be made for widespread gun ownership for safety.

Weber's Monopoly on Violence is pretty clear about it.

Now expect guys who salute this guy to be in power there in five years - it's Germanys current trajectory

lel, you're a total faggot.

Anyone got a reupload?

Does no one have a link that works?

Go get shot in the cinema idiot. As if people kill other with rocks every day like Murican fat asses do with guns day by day. We not in stoneage like u moron.

Reports by the cdc refute that claim. They estimate that in the US, firearms are used in the commission of some 200,000 crimes. Whereas they are used for lawful purposes between 500,000 and 3,000,000 times a year.