This movie would have been better if the FBI agent started to agree with the White Movement motives

This movie would have been better if the FBI agent started to agree with the White Movement motives.

Would've been a nice twist.

would have been better if they show white supremesist girls showing pusy holes

damn harry potter looks like that?

real weak stuff from you lately.

Dumb pusy poster

>all of these shows depicting whites who want an ethnic state as evil or moronic are made by Jews
>these same Jews have an ethnic state

Take the redpill. These are all propaganda films. If a white state is so horrible, why then should a Jewish state exist?

A Jewish state doesn't exist, the US has a greater percentage of Christians than Israel has Jews, 70 something. What's the non-white percentage before polerina SJW pussies start saying it's genocide, like 5 of 6 percent? Less?

You're retarded and probably overweight.

I like how nobody was playing into the blonde fed bitches narrative except the yuppy liberal nazi twat(Sam Trammell)

"Nazis are a huge problem! You'll have to entrap some in order to prove this."

They should have made the whole white supremacy gang seem almost normal and have Daniel Radcliffe start questioning whether he himself is a white supremacist and becoming torn on continuing the mission.

Then at the end he joins the three guys to blow up the fucking city and come to a realization that this shit goes too far.

Him being caught as an operative shouldn't have been the main conflict, it should have been him actuallg buying into it all because they made it seem so appealing and normal

>It's a Sup Forums poster doesn't understand what entrapment means episode

Fag,entrapment was a thing in this movie. They did it to the Somalian fucker and desperately tried to get one of the Nazis to do it.

>false statistics

Again, why do Jews get rights that whites don't? And why would you call someone Sup Forums if you're the one promoting racial supremacy?

I'd say when your capital city doesn't belong to your own people anymore it's time to be concerned

When your major cities may as well be foreign colonies, it's time to stop

I would have liked to see him or his wife get fired/passed over for promotion for a diversity hire and realize that the current social climate is hostile to them.

That would have been much more interesting.

Jesus fucking Christ that's depressing

But goy let's not forget the real evil here, and that's you're desire to be among your own people.

But it's totally ok for Jews to want to be among their own and have an entire country for it. But not for you goy. You don't get the same rights.

>being this deluded

Then why does Israel have so many Muslims and Christians?

They don't. And the Muslims and Christians are treated as 2nd class citizens.

>stating objective facts is being deluded

Alt right SJWs

Israel is 74% Jewish, not that much. Certainly far less than most "white countries" are white. You're a shill, kys.

How does one become redpilled? Do you recommend any books?

They're not objective. They're false. Do a fucking google search.

Also let's remember GOY that you are the EVIL one! Ignore how we treat non-Jews in our Jewish state!

you are fake news


So if a minority gets harassed in a white country that means they're abused and treated as second class citizens there, right? Or does your SJW logic only apply to Israel conveniently?

>completely controlled by Jews
>not a Jewish state


Also remember that you GOYS are the evil ones! Don't look at our apartheid conditions with the Palestinians! Don't look at our war crimes! WHITES ARE THE BAD ONES!

Donald Trump is totally evil, no human being is illegal! But send us 38 billion for us to build a wall!

>imagine a world where you are shown films telling you that you are evil while are required to work and pay for military and government doing the exact evil they are shaming you for



>you will never hold these many baby toads

>What do we dream of? What is the world we wish to build? I'll tell you. It will be a world like the one that shaped our race in Europe. A world of forest, mountains and lakes. Not a world of concrete, asphalt and garbage and instead of 300 million raceless mulattos, breeding and infesting, imagine a continent of 50 million white europeans. Smarter, stronger and healthier noble men and woman living and working together in harmony and unity. That is the world I see. That is the nation we can build together

This scene unironically got me thinking desu

Israel's situation with Muslims is what, thousands upon thousands of times worse than the US with Mexico? So are walls good or not? You Sup Forums S JWs are so dumb you don't seem to understand the necessity of logical consistency in forming beliefs.

Jesus, the one on the left is even doing the hands thing.

Lol, looks like he's clapping you brainwashed subhuman. What's your IQ, like 55ish? I swear you Sup Forums chimps have to be the least intelligent people alive, or maybe who have ever lived. it's like you were raised on a diet of bleach and memes.

Jewish supremacist exposed.

You're literally condoning genocide and war crimes and apartheid that Israel is enforcing. How does someone get as brainwashed as you?

>oppose apartheid and war crimes in Israel
>get called a subhuman

>mfw the literal autistic girl that comes to my work twice a week to shred paper told everyone she wanted to marry a black guy and we all had a good laugh about it

Mate if you're so brainwashed that some Nazi propaganda about Jews rubbing their hands together seeps into your perception of reality to the point where you can't identify a person clapping, then yeah, you're a subhuman. The issue is a bit worse than merely disqualifying you from work as a detective.

you fell off, this is what you get for stealing my gimmick you reprobate.

did she say why?

She's into superior genes.

>when I won't admit that Israel commits war crimes and enforces apartheid and instead become outraged at someone's interpretation of a photo

Your brainwashing goes deeper than the Marianas Trench.

does not add up

so unkind to me just like girls

Israel needs refugees

Yeah, but that would be box office suicide