I’m a shitsucking phoneposter waiting for my statistics class to start. AMA

I’m a shitsucking phoneposter waiting for my statistics class to start. AMA

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Please talk at me even if you just call me a faggot. I’m boooorrreed

have you ever shat your dog's cock off?

No. Neither have I shot my dogs cock off. Had one neutered tho

Send cat girls cause fuckit

ever tried heroin

God no. I’m drugless


I just want to talk to the fellow Sup Forumstards while I wait for class. It would help if captcha stopped ducking me over

Fucking me over. Shit autocorrect phone fuckery

Is statistics easy or what? Also what's the dumbest thing you've done in any class before

Dumbest is laughing at a professor’s stupid joke. Stats is also horrible. College level

What are my chances of dubs, smart boy?

Decent. You failed but keep rolling fagtard

Dubs and you have to ask the professor is there a *chance* that you can get the A grade... quicker...

Top kek

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Do it phonefaggot!

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God damn that was close to a getriangle.

Okay nobody’s in my class. I may have fucked up a date idk yet

Aaaaanyway who likes nekos? Cause I sure fucking do

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What are the odds you completely ignored those dubs and trips.
Also no.

Fuck all of you! I’m not giving a 60yo professor a fucking assjob

Pleb. Get you some catgirls this instant

>likes nekos
>wont give 60 year old a rimjob
I mean, dont you want things to even out?

No. Gimme catgirls not oldfags

Are you a great big fat person?
Are you socially incompotent?
Do you feel like you will have a family someday?

What do you strive to be?