Why do people care if this jew gets his cash or not lmao

Why do people care if this jew gets his cash or not lmao

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hey pls check out the correct board for your friend simulator

probably got demonicized for being bullying

"Oy vey how dare Jewtube to pull its jewtactitcs on another fellow jew"

I don't. Stop posting about it

there is a nice hilla hand job edit on /gif/

just a tip


>it's a Sup Forums supports a gigantic corporation treading on an independent content creator episode
disgusting but expected tbqhwy

what do people who post this image even watch?

gay porn

Hi ethan klein

Good I hope Ethan fails for being a racist scumbag and supporting racists like Jontron.


He's kino though. Agree on everything else

Sup Forums is a hotbed of Zionist shills.

HIGHLY expected.

you lied

This guy makes money by posting videos about not having money


Capitalism was a mistake

Only the state can tread on or oppress anyone. A corporation choosing to wipe this independent content creator off the map is simply competition. You'd have to be a commie statist low-test numale cuck to disagree.

YouTube needs to stop paying ALL of these "content creators" they are the cancer that killed youtube

Not him but you're the statist low-test numale cuck.

What if the state IS the corporations?

Spot on ma nigga.

Old media is fabricating "news".


>it's another "ethan begs for money for x thing that blows over in a month" episode

Punishing someone for having an opinion sets a dangerous standard.

t. soflo

I might have cared last year when he was actually making stuff that was funny.

No, wait, I wouldn't have even cared then, monetisation is cancer. If you need to E-beg for money, put up a fucking patreon link at the end of all your videos, there are channels with less than 50k viewers who make more money off patreon than they would with a million views a video.

People being completely unwilling to explore alternatives is what sets the dangerous standard. Americans just fucking eat up monopolies.

He hasn't made anything funny/original in months, most of his shit now is just podcasts with Hila.

Because YouTube are the real Jews that contribute nothing to the market but the platform.

The content creators are the real earners.

>Ethan Klein has never been in a movie
>Ethan Klein has never been on television
Fuck off

Good this unfunny like needs to stop he stopped being funny over a year ago, pretty fucked up that he married a tranny with down syndrome.

this, it's not even as if youtube is designed well.

What other video hosting sites are there besides youtube?

I'll never understand this fucking attitude - is it an American thing? Slurpin dat corporate dick?


Don't worry, you'll never see any of them on Google.

It's hilarious how "improved" algorithms just happen to have shrunk the internet from thousands of sites to 20 mega-giants that make up 95% of all traffic.

Haha wow is it real xDDDD

No. It's people who are at fault. People buy into this shit. The guys who are smart enough to take advantage of dumb people are just that: guys smart enough.

I only like
>checking dubs
>just memes (which are on there 3 times)
>Sup Forums

Why is Sup Forums on there where else would you post this.

>supporting one jew or another
who cares?

>being prejudice

>base you life making a living sitting in your underwear talking into a camera, shilling for product placement
>complain when the completely arbitrary and unregulated system changes under your feet

the youtube economy is a fucking joke

GOD'S ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''CHOSEN''''''''''''''''''''''''''(((((((((((((PEOPLE)))))))) MY ASS AHAHAHAHHAHA

kikes btfo, israel should just disband out of shame

>those handjob edits made Hila haters praise her
Glad to have been on the right side from the beginning. She's my JewTubefu

death is a preferable alternative to communism

This tbqhwy

One Year Without Sex is actually a decent film, I susepect it's the victim of producers trying to sex it up. Its actually a really subtle Aussie comedy drama.