YLYL Boomer v Zoomer Edition get in here you fucking niggers

YLYL Boomer v Zoomer Edition get in here you fucking niggers

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Other urls found in this thread:


you realize boomers created teh PDF right? Like until the resent 6 years millenials had nothing to do with the tech world Derpy

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>file name
Backwards essay grandma Christian sleep moon?

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Too late my mom's already dead

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Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-22 Husband Devastated After 'Healthy' Mom of 4 Dies Suddenly in Her Sle (1328x1160, 289K)

op is a faggot and this thread is garbage

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Am i good if my mom already died?

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Perfect. The old man can rot. But i replied so now i have to do it myself?

yeah that handful of people that developed the pdf definitely represent the skillset of an entire generation you fucking brainlet

i'd watch it


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she did


Big mad

She slaped which cam, the cam infront of her or the guy taking the pic of her ugly legs what the fuck just a full context

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she slapped his camera and he took her camera

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Pls dont troll me, i just want to understand the big Chink cam slapping

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I like it.

I thought the joke was that she was so ugly and effeminate that it broke the camera. does there always have to be a context? I thought these were jokes. whatev.



also, there's no way that broken camera was slapped out of dudes hand. Look at those deep gouges in the plastic casing, someone really stomped it into the dirt. Either she went bridezilla on her wedding photographer, or it's just a google stock image of "broken camera"


she threw her camera at him, morons, and he stole it

that makes even less sense!

why do you assume, it is a HE???

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I feel as though I should also add, if she had an issue with her disgusting legs and behavior being displayed for the world to see, then she should have sat like a lady, you know, how I'm sure her mom taught her. If she did break it she owes that dude a fucking new camera. Disgusting whore cant even shut her legs on wedding day. YOU HAD 1 JOB. Seriously tho, I feel terrible who whoever married "it"

this is now a You Love YLYL You Lose the game thread

Attached: Allison-Harvard-Feet.jpg (295x450, 17K)

Bring it on fucker

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Thats not what he was saying you sperg

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More of her feet.

Millenial Found!!
It's called traffic control faggot

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That video is reversed you edgetard

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Attached: brutal_dog_sacrifice.webm (384x216, 1.95M)

lol, no idea who she is, but I see the thumbnail and am like "hey, looks like you can see her feet"

>>click image
>>view filename

excellent taste, user


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That wasn't a good picture of her feet. You posted a scary picture on purpose. I ask politely for a sexy picture of her feet. Please provide.

Attached: Catie-Wayne-Feet-778342.jpg (680x1023, 201K)

Attached: kk12.webm (320x240, 1.38M)

Eh, pretty sure you are fucking this up. Millennials are boomers, considering millennials start being born in 82. What you are searching for is Gen Z, hence the term "zoomer".

Attached: _one is not blue reeeeeee.jpg (1024x768, 84K)

he is asking for it

So, essentially, the REAL clip is this, backwards?

Slows vehicles down as you approach the junction you fucking inbred

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Shit thread

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didn't see that one in a while

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what the heck is that fish?

Attached: Michelle-Trachtenberg-Feet-1628528.jpg (2400x3682, 1.12M)

That chick in the red glasses is so cut3


Look at it from the side, the road is fucking huge.... Another dipshit found ! Fuck this place fUcK

it's honey comb you fuck


That's a honeycomb fish.


What a smart boi

where are the bees then?
look at the fish under the bowl

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If that webm makes you mad, you need to go back to the mainstream forum which you first nested yourself in. It's VERY obviously reversed. that's the entire joke. He's not being edgy, he's being silly because it's a silly webm. You don't need to defend animals on the internet just because they're domesticated in modern human life and we accept them as pets. They're still animals. Even if it wasn't reversed, it wouldn't be a huge deal.
Inb4 no u
Inb4 tldr
Inb4 total disregard of inb4 because you can't handle Sup Forums humour and looked like a clown trying to expose someone.
Inb4 you steal everything I say and try to use it on me
Inb4 any sort of Reddit response to ever exist

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Elaine looks better like this actually..


WTF is going on in Sup Forums anymore

slow clap for the newfag, you figured it out- all by yourself!

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These idiots went to my high school the same time as me. well, except for chloe dykstra

don't know Kylie Jenner?

fuck yeah! it feels like 2011 again!

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