Feels thread?

Feels thread?

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op image pretty much sums of the death of my dreams. As soon as I realized Id never get super powers and then later when I realized Id never be a celebrity of sorts.

I love my hobbies. But I dont have time. I have too many and as I try to indulge in them all I cant excel at anything. And I have friends, but I am often too lazy to see them knowing I have to interact with people at work which is a chore enough.

It's a creeping feeling, you start to notice things slowly over time, but they don't really fit together other than to say it just makes you feel off a little. Your ideas grow from interpersonal, locally spacial, nationally, globally, universally, multiversally.... it all of that, in everything anything has ever encompassed. You will live a life you didn't ask for, you'll likely die a death you don't deserve. There's no reasoning, or math to solve the mystery. You won't even know you're missing. maybe too scared to kill yourself, maybe don't want to do it on principle, thinking the perspective or reality will change, it'll probably be one of the last things you think about in some remote small town hospital wrapped in a thin blanket in cold stale slow hospital, only listening to the beeping of your machinery, then the nothingness.


My grand dad always wanted to die in the street. me too, I dont want to rot away at home, but for sure dont want to really go in a hospital. fuck paying a hospital to let me die in their bed.

ITT: Faggots feeling sorry for themselves. Its pathetic to say the least.


How dare you remind me of high school

Just reminded me of ops story
That feeling when you finally see the truth and disenchantment sets in
Also say what you will about mcr but the black parade is a fantastic album!

I've wanted to kill myself for years but have never done it, I know if I did it my bf would follow suit. Every day on the way to college I pass these railroad tracks. and the train's been coming pretty often recently. Every time I see it I want to run out of my car and lay my neck on the rails for a quick death. I haven't done it yet but maybe tomorrow.

the black parade is excellent man, shit so good

Nah I still love mcr to this day. Idk if its because of nostalgia or immaturity or becuase it actually is good music. It always makes me sad though, maybe that's why I like them.

May sound faggy as fuck but that album has helped me with a number of things in my life like the death of my aunt (who I was very close with) to the death of my own ego, fucking album was there through some intense changes in my life and I’m in my 30s!

that may be a bad idea, why not just experience knowing existence. Remove good or bad from what you experience & try to just appreciate the fact that you experienced anything at all, enjoy even the terrible things & feelings just because you got to experience or feel

Got mugged today. Sort of a reality check.
Life is suffering. I'm not sure why I'm still here

But why? I'm gonna die eventually so why does it matter? The only reason anybody thats depressed wouldn't want to kill themselves is bc of instincts. Like I know that seems like some edgy teenager stupid shit to say but I kinda agree w that idea.

I'm only 19 but yea, that album has helped me with some shit. When I was 14 I though I'd outgrow the album but the older I get the more I appreciate it and the more I find in it.

honestly, just because. You'll die & never get to experience anything ever again, not like you'd know or anything but also why not simply experience?


Becuase the experience sucks and when I die it won't matter anyway. Like I get what you're saying but in the end nothing matters and life sucks so why not just end it now.

i suppose it'd just be a waste

even though i try my hardest in school, im still going to be left jobless and in debt after college. its just a fact that i might leave college and never find a job or have a job come to me, so i should just hang myself and pass my debt onto my family. this world is cruel and unfeeling, people laugh at gore and others mourn there lost family, however i will never have a proper burial and my family won't even know if im still alive.