Is it not alarming to everyone how half of California is just about to have its power shut off, on purpose...

Is it not alarming to everyone how half of California is just about to have its power shut off, on purpose? Every day the American public cucks itself to big corporation and government. And now we are witnessing the first, intentional, mass deprivation of a major and essential societal resource... and no one cares? Whats next, shutting off our water at will? This should be a BIG DEAL but everyone is just sitting idly by because they're not being directly affected, yet. What's happening in Califonria is a display of the Man's power, and is a test. They want crime to rise, people to lose their shit, police to be overwhelmed. Wake up retards.

>pic related: its what will happen to US except its white people that will be massacre'd by liberals and illegals

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california's fine. they think they can be bigger than other nations and don't need us. if they can't handle electricity for all their fucking illegal mexicans, niggers and faggots, that's on them.

they can and will start doing this all over the country, at will. fucking idiot.

And what do you want the power company to do? Last year they get blamed for the fires and sued to the edge of existence. I think it’s hilarious that now it’s “due to our concern for the safety of our beloved customers we are turning off the power.” Welcome to a world controlled by liberal a$$holes

>being this reliant on the power grid
>blaming "muh big government" "muh big corporations"

You cucked yourself, goy

Ya i completely agree. If you want california to be run by “level headed but slightly late to the party socially” people move to the midwest. California would be an anarchy state by now without all jew dollars from hollywood and those silicon dollar bucks.

Man, you cousinfuckers from flyover states really are salty you don't get to enjoy they Cali sun.

what do you expect from a bunch of retards who vote for the guys who help the banks and corporations fuck them in the ass?

This is what happens when retards like you run the world. You empower government to create oligarchy through preferential treatment, and you think you're giving them all that power to protect you from yourself. You're a pathetic waste of life. A scared child, running to the thug's club in an attempt to protect yourself. And you don't even realize you've sealed your own fate.

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Guns are legal there unless you jump through a ton of hoops. Government isn’t scared because they unarmed everyone.

Maybe they won’t do this again if the niggers go ape. Set shit on fire.

better than to allow the tyranny of the majority. the majority is always wrong, which is why countries like britain which was always ruled by a few people has stood the test of time, though i hate to say it. all other more social systems have failed to last even a few centuries without losing much of its power and fading away

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Didn't the same thing happen 20 yrs ago with Enron?
Ehh California will get over it

>and no one cares?
As a Califag, I think it's ridiculous. I hope this goes on for a year to give these fags an example of how stupid renewables are. No charging your electric cars, tunnels shut down, traffic lights flashing red. Fucking retarded.

>shutting off our water at will?
This already happens in some places in CA, thx to global warming scaremongering.

Those were rolling blackouts due to Gray Davis being a faggot. Outages were just an hour or few. The voters have decided that they want to party like it's 1899. It's the ultimate "green".

Eh, no it didn’t. Enron posted fake revenue numbers and it finally caught up to them. This is completely different.

Scheduled large scale utility outages was a regular thing in the past in Cali. I didn't know they had ever quit, let alone long enough for everyone to apparently forget and immediately assume some sort of retarded political conspiracy is at hand.

Server with no rules
Anything goes


California is about to have bad santa anna winds. Which could blow power lines over and start a fire. So unless you think fires are a good thing, then I don't know why you are complaining.

Says the idiots in Ca that dont build power plants and have to buy power from Arizona.

I've been here for 40+ years (sadly) and I don't recall that and I grew up in heavy snow with regular -19°F windstorms. I used to lay in the living room and listen to the workers on one of those NOAA/FAA/AM/FM radios when the power went out.

>power lines over
Power lines don't blow over.
Here's the autisticness of this situation:
1) Fires are at an all time record low
2) The wind blows over trees, not lines or poles. If a tree falls on a line when the power's on, fire. If the tree falls when the power's off, then they turn it back on, fire. Fucking stupid.

We loose power lines in Az during monsoon season all the time. Regardless, power is going off to lower the risk of fire and anons are like "OMG BIG BUSINESS IS KILLING US" because they will have to live for a while without the internet.

And I'll expound on this...
The camp fire: Reports of someone shooting a transformer. A also live in the area and if you've been there you'd see the power lines ran from the trees. Not through the tees, the the horizontal board that carries the insulators was actually fastened to trees. Don't forget that SF hippies invaded the place and fought to not clear trees or brush cos "muh nature".

Yeah, CA doesn't have a monsoon season. I could see them shutting power off when it's 50+ MPH, but we rarely get that. We have shit management.

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Gas pumps will also be down which means no gas from gas stations u dumb fat lip faggot

This is all going according to plan. Those in the know, have been expecting the new Tesla coil that will start up the production of anti matter needed to finally finish this universe transition to its next super position. Think of it as the final step of the Big Bang. The lab that has been working on it is in the hills next to Antioch ca. The dinosaur overlords who have been alive for more than 100 million years are finally on the cusp of escaping there computer controlled simulation. You have been warned!

every year I go camping up near yosimite and the # of dead pines trees up there is sad. All it will take is one spark...


I will survive. I can find gas. The libs that wanted this won't be able to drive to a charger.

>the # of dead pines trees
It's actually a lot less than it used to be. It's because of the bark beetles. There's also a lot more trees than there used to be since we switched to petroleum for fuel.

Have you not heard of the "Water Nazis"? Go read up on the area around Porterville. It wasn't a direct "you can't have water", it was more of "this orchard paid us to take your water."

kys faggot slit your throat right now you worthless scum dicksword fag

Gather rounds and grab your tinfoil hats kids, I have a differnt conspiracy theory... What if all of this is because like another user said is because they want the illegals to kill off the "white people" but instead of "white" it's all the super problematic faggots in that will not shut up about how bad tha white popel is? because think about it... California is really bad for that shit, worst than most other states even without Hollywood being considered... We are all sick of hearing about it.... Every single last one of us... Aside from the retards who contribute nothing to society yet feel like it's white peoples job to make sure everyone else is ok well still hating white people for trying... All the faggots and kike are killed by the very people they tried so desperately to "stand up for" and are no longer a problem and the minorities have shown their true colors and the government is free to handle them how they want.

Hitler is a fitting picture for this thread but that's because he knew you had to crack some eggs to make a perfect cake. Long live white America!

>half of California is just about to have its power shut off

It's less than one percent you stupid nigger

You voted for the "keep utilities responsible" bill, didn't you OP?

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I think that's a bot it's been posting for a while. I definitely think we should start a thread to try and dox whoever is behind it

"Alarming" might free a stretch.
"Expected" or "I told you so" dogs more appropriate, especially since this has happened before. Funny thing is I bet those companies post record profits this year when the power is off.

But "infuriating"? Yes.
Goddammit, what's it gonna take for the american public to protest or riot?
We won't even acknowledge Hong Kong because it's not directly effecting us today.

oh i hope so. these discord fuckers are all over the damned place

So how many people is that? Less than 400,000? Good to see this place still attracts sociopaths

>what's it gonna take for the american public to protest
They always protest the wrong thing. This won't ever get fixed. Trump is probably behind this somewhere.

more like, what are we supposed to tdo about hong kong? Risk a massive war with China over a small island??

>less than one percent
Population-wise, but once again the retarded-ass libs have passed something that pisses off 20 counties of regular folk, not counting those libs that are pissed off at their own decision.

why can't the 5TH LARGEST ECONOMY IN THE WORLD!!! handle its faggot mexican nigger power grid?

can't they ask the kardashians to loan them half a trillion?

Because you clearly lived in the northern part of the state with weather like that. I don't think it was a thing north of San Jose

I'm glad you'[re happy with the status quo, user. "Shit is just fine for me, I expected this"

like, shouldn't they be beyond japan with all their "silicon valley" intelligence? they can break off and be their own NATION and LAUGH at us.

FUCK THEM. FALL INTO THE OCEAN. there are still plenty of hot blondes elsewhere. DIE>

most problems could be solved by self sustaining

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They shut down San Onofre Nuclear plant due to premature wear on some of the pipes that I guess cant be replaced for some reason. You can google why. Now they buy nuclear power from Az while at the same time build more solar plants in their deserts that don't help meet the demand.

Used to be the 3rd.
>handle its faggot mexican nigger power grid
Fascists are at the helm.

So it was common in the Gay Area? I have srsly never heard of this shit.

Fuck California. Leftist shithole thought they could legislate fossil fuels away.....well they did. Sit in the dark.

Back to the Stone Age.

The ultimate green.

My friend lives in Auburn, CA.

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It's 3% and 3% out of 40 million is a lot of fucking people, stupid nigger.

Answer me this. Why do they spam? Can you actually get someones personal info or do damage to someones computer via discord? I see this shit all the time and I wonder that each time but it usually just seems better to completely ignore.

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>they think they can be bigger than other nations
That's a pretty stupid collection of words, junior.

We are the 5th largest economy in the world.

We produce Biotech, Hitech (Apple? Tesla? SpaceX? ever heard of those?), and over 1/3 of all the vegetables eaten by my fellow Americans.

We contribute over $100,000,000.00 in taxes to the Fed than we get back

Basically, we pay for you to sit on your ass to criticize us.

And you know what? I gaf as little as you do b/c I am pulling in ~$400K this year and life is great. It does not matter who is president, o one would dare stop this golden empire.

All we have to worry about is the Earthquake

it's California, so no one cares. that's reality.

fairytale: everyone bands together and helps.

reality: look at who and what, decide that's stupid, keep competing with each other.

>unless you jump through a ton of hoops
I took a written exam after studying for 10 minutes, paid I think $25 and waited a week to get my permit. I have a nice Steyr sniper rifle and a Desert Eagle. Both legal and lethal.

You don't know shit about California

God I wish they would all shut up and leave the USA. I am tired of California fucks.

Walked into gun store.
Did back ground check
Walked out 20 minutes later..

You are also full of shit cuz california has a 10 day "cool off" period

>and waited a week to get my permit.
Did you not read mah post? So it was 10 days instead of a week? Yeah, that is wayyy too many hoops to jump through... IF YOU ARE PLANNING ON MURDERING YOUR GF!

Anyway, guns are cool and we got them here in California too.

>all the vegetables
Vegetables are less than 1% of the States GDP and take 80% of our water. Fuck that shit.

The rest of the country can use Hydroponics to replace your century old farming techniques. You need us more than we need you.

No you didn't, well maybe if you already had your card. That card test and app takes an hour (I forget the cost) and then you have to do the background check for another chunk of time. Wife just did this and we were there for like 3 hours. In Idaho you just walk in, do the 15 minutes of bg check and walk out. You also forgot to mention how you can't buy a gun mfg'd after 2014 because it's not on the roster. Cancer.

Fuck vegetables, I don't need your subsidised corn-based ethanol at all. I don't need California either. Fuck both of us.

PG&E said it they have to inspect every inch of their lines before turning power back on to an area. so it could take up to 5 days to turn it back on. but theyll be apparently out there looking for things like this.

They just did and said the same exact thing last week or so. Back on like 2 hours after they said they had to check. They obviously don't.

>risk massive war with another superpower over tiny-ass piece of land

see: Vietnam

I do wish we'd stop being so pussy; we should be telling China to fuck off

Don't know what you're talking about... did the laws change over the last 2 years? I got my permit, waited 10 days and bought my guns. No additional hassles.

If you spend an hour on that test, I would have failed you b/c you are too stupid. 10 minutes. No shit.

>over tiny-ass piece of land
That wasn't a war for land.

>and take 80% of our water.
1) Eat your veggies, junior

2) Wtf else are you going to do with the water? Put some more into the river ecosystems, okay, but more housing? Nah.

Shit, I meant the land's form of government

I'm not sure when it changed. The tests and forms don't take all that long, its the submit... wait, test... wait, photocopying ID and shit... wait. And every process costs a fee. A $350 9mm turned into $500 by the time we were done. I'll stick to ghost guns and gun show loopholes from now on.

Some people in this state would like to drink and cook. The rest of us would like to not be metered up the ass and monitored by the water police.

>photocopying ID and shit...
C'mon, your dealer was just an asshole. My local gun shop is run tight w/o that bs.

Anyway, now I want to go shoot something.

Dig a well. If you want infrastructure water, you got to deal with infrastructure bureaucracy. Same holds for anywhere.

I don't think they were being an asshole. It was a large-ish joint that has a good rep in the area. I really have no idea though. All this farearm card and test shit was new to both of us, but I haven't purchased a gun legally in like 16 years. I though you could still bring in your last hunting license.

>Same holds for anywhere
You really don't get it. It's not about infrastructure or population or anything. They won't allow new dams, they make deals with orchards, and they limit the homeowners for it. There's many youtube investigations about it. It's truly corrupt and sickening. Also, wells are like $10k and then you don't have electricity to pump it.

>Californians don't seem to realize over 80% of their economy comes from federal government contracts to their big tech companies.
>California leaves USA
>Immeditately loses 80% of its entire economy.
There is a reason why California is tied with Mississippi for the lowest average I.Q. in official data for all 50 states.

>he doesn't know about the places in cali where the wells have run dry to support the US Almond industry (which is just 1 family)

>they limit the homeowners
There are too many people here anyway.

>over 80% of their economy comes from federal government contracts to their big tech companies.
Nope. Most of that is just federal money returning to CA that we paid in.