What would it take for you to riot in the streets?

what would it take for you to riot in the streets?

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An actual direct threat to the daily lives of me or the people I care about.

when my right to bear arms have been stripped from me

like what? realistically, what could happen that would make you think "if there's a riot in my city, i'm going to go participate."

a forced draft? closing the borders out of america? a new war?

How much is Soros's OSF paying for rioters this election cycle?

>Forced draft
Yes, nothing going on in shitskinland or the eurocuck union would ever have a chance of bringing widescale war to north america. That shit about 'fighting for our freedom and to protect our homeland' is just that: shit.

>Closing the borders out of america
Unless it's restricting trade as well, I don't care how many immigrants come in or migrants leave.

>New war
There's literally no good reason for a war right now, but if it's waged with volunteer idiots, I couldn't care less.

my country is fucking comunist shit ecuador is shit i want to be dead my country make me feel like a stupid american please someone come and kill all ecuadorians

Porn being banned

White people that have families to take care of dont have fucking time to riot. I'm at work all fucking day almost every day

i'm speaking from a US perspective, because I'm in the US. i don't know if realistically anything WOULD happen that would warrant a riot, but the reason i'm asking is because i was thinking about the riots in Hong Kong. folks there were perhaps living a life similar to mine, and now they are rioting. i can't really comprehend that. I'd like to think that i'd never be compelled to riot, but is that true?

idk money, beer bottles, gasoline, and purple green and red smoke bombs

anonymity and no consequences

Would never happen i live in America....
Blah blah blah Negro riot....they aren't rioting they are looting It's Different. We dont ever have our real population riot. So can't really call it a riot when it's just nigs chimping out

what if you didn't have a job? say you work in petroleum, and a law passes to hard-cut the oil and gas industry. hundreds of plants close across the US in a matter of months, and you're out of a job TODAY. you and hundreds to thousands in your city, and across the US.

that's more reactionary and temporary anyway. it's not like a riot to reverse a change, or prevent a change, it's a riot to call for some sort of justice to be dealt. it's seldom a problem with some sort of nation-wide issue, but rather in response to a recent event. it would be like folks rioting after a mass shooting or something.

Don't confuse a real riot with a general colored person chimp out

how do you draw the line between protest and riot?

dont try
this is my country and is the most stupid riot is stupid the people of ecuador want to be poor and stupid

They're rioting because the chink government is threatening to take away their right to vote as well as their right to a fair trial in favor of pre-selected candidates and deportation to China and it's organ-hungry justice system. A guy got tortured into confessing to crimes against the state because he sold the wrong books on chinese politicians. Their daily lives are definitely being affected.


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i don't know much about ecuador, and i don't know much about the study of politics and sociology. i would figure that they are rioting because they feel like they don't have any power over their situation. things are changing in a way that they don't like, and they are helpless to stop it, so by taking to the streets they can at least show their disapproval in a way that cannot be ignored.

like i said THAT INST A RIOT
Niggers Chimping out b/c Tyrone got shot inst a riot just niggers being niggers.
When the french upraised and the lower classes started chopping off all the upper classes heads NOW thats a Riot.

reddit users existing

CompaƱero Ecuatoriano en Sup Forums, eres tu?

A batman cap

the last one i can think of at that level was the LA riots in 1992. it's hard to not call that a riot. they had to call in the national guard to peacekeep.


>what would it take for you to riot in the streets?

You'd have to give me a break from critical thinking, rational awareness, and contextual relevancy. Meaning, that you would have to give me a break from the context were protests got the last people absolutely nothing. If luck. A baton, bullet or canister of teargas if less than lucky. That is context.

You would actually have to give me a senseless attitude, a penchant for mindless behavior, a lauding of boisterous and irrational behavior, while also providing a decrease to my IQ or pattern recognition abilities.

That's what it would take

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What would make me riot?

When we sate ourselves on the blood of fated men and paint red the power's homes with their crimson gore!

When black become the sun's rays for summers and summers and summers gone to cold!

When all weathers have become treacherous!
That's when I shall come forth to riot!

Brothers shall fight
and fell each other,
and sisters' sons
shall kinship stain.
Hard it will grow on earth,
with rampant whoredom;
An axe age, a sword age,
shields shall be splintered.

A wind age, a wolf age,
ere the world goes headlong,
Nor ever shall men have mercy on one another.

Riots you say? Now LISTEN!

All I need be assured of is that the wolves howl on the north winds. The ravens soar searching for the dead and rotten. When the world tree's roots unraveled and the hordes of Ragnarok surge forth to claim notoriety in the face of certain annihilation! I shall be on the riot!

Sup Forumsrothers, I crave the end times! I crave the undertow. I beg the maelstrom takes us.

I pray to the end gods of wrath!
I pray to the end gods of ruin!
I pray the world's ending!

Let no man have mercy on another!
Come Ragnarok!

Come the riot!!!!

>Fuck off OP you are glowing.

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only if another one of our precious Black KINGS is MURDERED by da BLUE MAN

Except on a Wednesday at 18:00. Yeah user, you're a real hard working hero.

Repeal of the first and/or second amendment. And I would not be alone.

Server with no rules
Anything goes !


>what would it take for you to riot in the streets?
The Received Wisdom is that we are 3 missed meals away from anarchy.



best government

are you accepting helplessness? would you just let change happen, and refuse to resist?

>Can't legally own that'll actually matter
Enjoy your peeshooter penis compasator I guess

Wage Slave can't tell difference from riot and chimpout.

And yet, here you sit in your own filth.

Confirmed retard posted this.
I don't mean retard like "durrhurr I can't find my own ass" I mean like you're comfortable with others making decisions for you as long as you're fat comfy and safe. What are you even doing here. Like on planet earth.

Capslock will make my racist rant more convincing!

The rest of the Propertarians beginning the march on D.C.


if murica goes commie / against guns and speech and that lot

In rioting or getting gunned down by the extensive guns hired by our government.

It's been said like 5x before that tho and for some reason still needs to be said

Everyday more and more of your "rights" are eroded, but you are still a trailerpark shitter.


Same stupid shit. Every fucking time.

Enjoy that boot on your neck plebe.

Imagine if Canada were more like Stalin's Union and wanted to extradite criminals from the US and that included anyone who's ever made a joke about Canada and the US government was going to oblige without voting about it.

Based user is based

I honestly don't understand that anyone that gets in this site isn't on Hong Kongs side.

Violence is not the way

If that's how the future is going to be, I'll happily go down fighting.

so long as the pot boils slowly, the frog isn't going anywhere.

Probably a direct threat to my life.

For exemple, if ever they decide to send me fight a war that isnt mine. If the fuckers wants me to fight might as well do it agaisnt them

Seems to have worked pretty well throughout human history, fag.

The state has revised all history, erased entire works of art and literature, revoked all rights, is mass deporting your neighbors, is violating the sanctity of human life, and just about every other hyperbolic nightmare scenario is occurring. The human condition is made to be under a boot, robbed of its reach in that fanatical scenario. I would prefer to die like a dog in the streets, than spend another moment insulting my intelligence by playing along. So would I choose.

As long as you enjoy that bullet in yours if you ever get out of line, jeb.

easy to say, but it's easier to "have an injury" or whatever to disqualify yourself. would you risk being imprisoned as a traitor, or take the easy path?

Jackass doesn't realize its already been happening.
More like getting fragged while fucking his cousin.

Honestly, im too much of a pussy to chop down one of my fingers or smth but im thinking that if we are a lot to riot the risk aint that big

Poop dealer raising his prices

Uh, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.

Take muh freedoms i will riot. Freedoms of speech, guns, travel, etc. The US Government is to work for the people. I wouldn't just riot Mr. FBI but i would attack any and all enemies of the Constitution. That includes you.

Piss off, leftist twerp.

>is now the smartest man in the world

you can have a drug problem, or a mental disorder, or your doctor can write you off for any number of things, like back pain for instance.

i mean more like, would you stand up and vocalize that "this is horseshit and i'm not standing for it", or would you make sure that you're gonna be fine and keep your head down.

Raid these pedos


A forced black out cuz it's too hot.

Good question, in all honesty I couldn't say right now. I kinda wanna say that I would go riot but im lowkey a really big pussy. On the other side if my life is actually threatened I might do something about it, who knows.

Drug problem sounds good tho, already got one lmao

>I've been revealed to be little more than a spineless manchild, better revert to my programmed insults!
Good goy.

Tree fiddy.

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it's hard to say because life is comfortable now. that was my goal with this thread, because i wasn't really sure if i would be willing to really take to the streets. i'd like to think i could, but it's like nazi germany. it's a hell of a lot easier to shut the fuck up and play by the rules, which is what many people did.

One more fucking child drag queen

It's easier when you don't value what you'd lose. When you fool yourself into thinking it won't happen to you.

Yea I feel what you mean, honestly with social media and a lot of people I think id go riot.

Ofc the number one priority would be my own safety before anyone else's but I think Id go.


people continuously fucking with my shit

Then again, what do you really lose? Fight a war for some fag who probably dont give a shit about you or fight the fag who makes you fight.

Migration is demographic gerrymandering. If there are no limits at all, it becomes an avenue for politicians to bypass the democratic process by importing their own voting blocs.

>what do you really lose
Under the thumb of a strongman? Everything. Defying a forced draft is trivial compared to that.

Took the forced draft as an example, could be something else. But yeah I guess you are right. Theres no way of knowing unless it actually happens, too many things to consider.

hip-hop culture already exists, user

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there'd have to be a riot directly in my area for me to get involved, or the government would have to directly cuck me. i'd take any chance i got to abscond to the woods for the rest of my life rather than riot and risk going to jail for years, and honestly if something really fucked actually did happen to me because of government bullshit i'd probably jump straight into firebombing official buildings rather than chimping out like some retard and breaking starbucks windows and smashing a couple cars in

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It already has been...

found the insecure liberal weenie.

it's hard to riot when taking a day off from work could leave you missing bills and losing your job. Also, fuck rioting when the cops are carrying automatic rifles. "I swear mr.prosecutor who I work with daily that I truly feared for my life!"

Have a friend that lives in Cuenca. He reports people seriously pissed. Roads are all blocked to the extent that no trucks of any kind get in or out of the city. Grocery stores are empty. It's pretty damned serious.

...said mummy's little angel posting on 4chins tonight

So I take it you're the type who doesn't like making decisions or waves. Ok. Than why are you even sharing your opinion? You're hoping to change minds via keyboard? What happened to all these pattern recognition abilities you were just bragging about?

Fuck off you do nothing waste of space. I bet you still have your mom check the bath water temperature before you get in.
>I'll do whatever it say, just pu-pu-please dont h-h-hurt me!

I guess being a nigger

live free or die

Arizona ice tea is no longer 99 cents

taxes getting too damn high

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Never, too dangerous. I would be looking over my family

If they install a 5G tower in front of my house

i'm coming to your house right now so that everyone can have lighting fast wireless connection

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This. I would absolutely be on the front lines taking the fight as close to the government's doorstep as possible.

Hol up.
Are you glowing?

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You don't want to know. Or do you?

and if your son were to be extradited for calling Trump an idiot? Or you if you were to be disappeared for posting racist things on boards like Sup Forums? Or if the government needed to take your food because they fucked the economy and can't feed themselves?

These are real life examples today you take for granted. What the fuck kind of man are you then? Do you have no values or beliefs besides protecting your own?? Do you not dream of a better future? Or just the best one available we don't have to fight for?

they would have to quit making and/or selling Earl Grey tea.

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