It was Ok to torture a literally retarded boy?

It was Ok to torture a literally retarded boy?

No, did you watch the movie?

He literally helped kidnap two kids

It was clearly controversial in the movie. Just shows how desperate he was.

he should've made all that with the autist's mom

Why does Paul Dano always portrait aspies and retards?

hair kino

Because he's ugly as shit and all ugly people are seen as retarded fucks by beautiful people like me.


Fuck Trump!
Fuck white people!

>he was literally retarded
>he was also a genius who helped mastermind the kidnapping

bravo nolan

I would have done worse. Not even playing internet tough guy.

hes not ugly as shit, hes handsome in a classic kind of way


nice mspaint

Was Prisoners kino?

no lol

Your wrong

The acting by Hugh Jackman and name gyllenhaal was

Was a film, possibly even cinema. kino? Probably not but I'm not qualified to make that statement.

jake gyllenhall is so fucking hot

Um yeah whats wrong with it?
You act like he tortured a woman or a little kid

What was with Jake's character design choices in this movie? The Masonic ring, the weird tattoos, the hair, etc.

ending was kinda lame with huge jacked man giving up when she pulls a .38 on him, implausible that he wouldn't rush her

Really interesting looking character.

He was fucked up on acid user

I think Jake was really cool in this movie.

>korean boy
>adam driver
No way, fag!

>He was fucked up on acid user
u wot?

what's wrong with torturing women?

they give in immediately, can't even get to the fun parts

His name was Loki, I doubt you even need to ask. They were intentionally mistifying.

Yeah his character was cool, but no one in rural PA is like that. It was pretty bizarre from that standpoint.

Also Dano's character is named Alex Jones.

Some very weird undertones and symbolism in the movie that I still don't understand.

Tell us what you would do to him. In detail.

Going to need a basic gestalt on the whole enchilada


He was a grounded chuuni, showing that you can do whatever the fuck you wanna do as long as you don't give a fuck and are competent.

The real question is, why would he oblige to get tortured, burned and scalded for WEEKS without saying a goddamned word? Could a retard really have the resistance of a Guantanamo inmate?


He was into Thelema and hidden clubs and gnostic knowledge

He was supposed to represent more or less pure logic and knowledge seeking while Logan was supposed to represent logicless emotion and being enslaved to ideology

Both caught in a moral prison

The hair had nothing to do with it, just a slick do

The resistance is not conscious. He can barely form coherent sentences before the torture, after everything he went through, I wouldn't be surprised if he completely lost any sense of mind.

Classic. Total classic.

for one its wrong

Women are the weaker sex. It is a strong man's duty to protect women.

Yes, sadly he knew and as a father you should do absolutely anything to protect your children.

Instant Classic

Helped my ass, he did it.

Yes. He knew. He did it. And he was able to help but refused to.

Classic Paul dano ain't not snitch

Spoiler alert: the Jackman character received no jail time.


This. The film established that evil is often the result of evil and the world is chaotic and miserable - paul dano was sadly the victim of abduction and extreme abuse but ultimately colluded in it later and had to have horrid things done to him again.

The film definitely wasnt taking a "come on goys, break the cycle and forgive and move on" angle - it was just expressing that horrible things happen and have to happen sometimes in response.


That's the point of the film you surface level casual, whole film deals with morals and the grey area inbetween right and wrong.
The narrative just presents a morally complicated situation as it is and it's up to the viewer to decide what's right or wrong, there is no singular universal answer to it.



*tips fedora*


How can Jake be so fucking hot while his sister looks like a goddamn gremlin?

One of them was adopted.

classic dubs



fucking retards like you ruining this board

Lol why not?


We gotta do what we gotta do.

Nuh-uh, Skrillex dindu nuffin!

my first thought at this pic

t. a socially obliged faggot

t. autistic edgelord

how the FUCK do you get your hair to lay back like that and it still looks natural

i would have to douse my h air in product for it to stick

I still remember a 'habbit' that Gyllenhall acted pretty decent. The policeman he played had 'this unsecure eyeblink' here and their when facing something weird. Does anyone know what I mean?

that's a tick, not a habit lmao

And while it makes sense in Prisoners, he used the same "tick" in the I'M ACTING scenes in Nocturnal Animals, probably because of lack of direction from Tom Ford