Why are we so divided?

Why are we so divided?

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MSM mostly and propaganda from both sides.

Human civilization is reaching its natural endgame. We will soon see our own version of the bees' "colony collapse disorder".

because of those fucking (scapegoats)

Because [opposing party] is retarded

Its shit like that that creates all this hysteria.

ignoring it makes the collapse inevitably bigger, and worse

Divide and conquer.

It's easier to control people if you tell them someone else is the problem, and that if they just give you power, you'll keep the problem contained.

Not solve it, just keep it contained.

All empires fracture at some point, whether from forces internally or externally, those that feel oppressed or underrepresented will eventually group up and subvert the order in any way possible. America has presently fractured into two distinct groups, both believing their collective myths and both willing to lie, cheat and steal to gain power or to remain in power. Compound that with a system of government originally designed to keep 3 million people in order and is now ready to pop at 320 million people. America's fracture is happening now and everyone can see it in a general sense but they're too blind and busy promoting their own partisan myths to recognize that it's happening right now. America's got about another 10 years of political chaos at this heart attack-level pace before it becomes real and present chaos.

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how is recognizing it going to make it better?


the rich have achieved class solidarity and are afraid of what will happen if the working/middle class do the same, so they keep us divided.

Because liberals are wrong, obviously.

Because conservatives are retarded, clearly.


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It all boils down to money user
Second civil war is coming.
Remember that movie Starship Troopers.
The OG one not the shit ones that came out.
Thats prob gonna be the future, Facism.

God damnit

I was just thinking about this. Not to put all the blame on the leftys but when you tell people everyone who supports the president is a racist bigoted nazi, I'm not surprised people aren't having reasonable discussions.


Because both sides engage in fallacious arguments instead of directly attacking the issue.
“Oh yeah? Then what about the...”

We aren't. Our corporate elite are. They just keep ramping up the propaganda top try and get attention and a rise out of us.

Sup Forums users being so fucked up, dumbass boomers, equally moronic zoomers. We need an equal balance.

This is a trick question.

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Cause liberals wanna live in a sinner world cause "everything is ok."

On average, we are too stupid for democracy.

Is that Dummi Moore?

Why, you poor misunderstood racist bigoted nazi. We feel so sorry for you!

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>both sides
There is only one party in the United States, the Property Party … and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat. Republicans are a bit stupider, more rigid, more doctrinaire in their laissez-faire capitalism than the Democrats, who are cuter, prettier, a bit more corrupt — until recently … and more willing than the Republicans to make small adjustments when the poor, the black, the anti-imperialists get out of hand. But, essentially, there is no difference between the two parties.
― Gore Vidal

Fox News

We didn't used to be. Those who voted a hundred years ago were educated by McGuffey's Readers. Find some and see that even elementary-school students were reading at what now is considered college level.

The Zionists have been doing a good job, too.