First 3 words that come to mind when you see this picture?

first 3 words that come to mind when you see this picture?

Attached: download.jpg (208x242, 7K)

Stupid fucking moron.

Wants his hands back?

Sisi Ni Sawa

Sisi Ni Sawa

thats not a nice thing to say
its a she and its not 3 words
sisi ni sawa my brother


Attached: sisi_ni_sawa_by_hintomikto_d9ol7pg-fullview.jpg (800x534, 56K)

Fuck you, dogfucker.

Disney, Jewish, hyena

Limp dick pussy

ni gg er

>not knowing hyenas aren't even slightly related to dogs
go back to school, retard

Human eyes cringe

Holocaust part two

Attached: e581cbf.jpg (1024x950, 95K)

does your eyes not have pupils in them?

I am 27 yo.
And you are retard and fuckface.

Female hyena penises.

why does your age matter faggot, i'm telling you to go back to school, this proves your intelligence
they're clits.

Vulgar, unholy, blasphemous

Mufasa mufasa mufasa

no you.
how is he even involved?

Get some help

"Hyenafag" thank you very much

Hyena Female Lion (followed in short order by "King?")

faggot degenerate furry

jasiri is all i need
this guy gets it.

Attached: ec0d0781d0c514cb8ab9f3d844c5503e--duo-cartoon.jpg (236x313, 13K)



thats not a nice thing to say, please apologize, it really hurt my feelings

what the fuck?

Is that Disney (fanart)?

hyena fucker lmao

>I'M ADDICTED TO HENTAI!! I thought I was addicted to weed but after almost two months going cold turkey I'm doing kinda fine But in regard to hentai I can't stay a single day without it I'm constantly thinking about hentai

its a fanart of a real character from the lion guard, its a lion king spin off
whats the matter?
you're saying it like its a bad thing..

Attached: 1978067 - Jasiri Kion The_Lion_Guard The_Lion_King gdelscribe lonbluewolf.png (1000x1000, 554K)

bro are u the same fag that keeps posting edd ed n eddy fan fic art. .... fag

no, i am not the ed edd and eddy fag, i am not the log poster, this is the only thing i spam.