Misunderstood genius or talentless hack?

Misunderstood genius or talentless hack?

zack snyder? more like hack snyder

He's an excellent director and anyone that says otherwise does not understand filmmaking. Simple as that.

Not quite a misunderstood genius as fun as it is to meme that but he is still a great director and he truly does make capekino. The fact that the modern day movie critic doesn't like anything that he does is a positive in my mind.

he has talent, but he has the eye and artistic sensibility of a 12 year old so it's usually wasted

>muh 12 year olds
What does that make most directors then? 4 hear olds? Snyder has even triumphed over Nolan in making a believable superhero film set in our world.

Discount Michael Bay

Misunderstood hack

A little of both honestly. I think he definitely has a unique visual style that should be commended but most of his movies are so one dimensional that it's mind numbing.


Those that wish their superhero films to remain infantile and assuring of their constant state of childhood will hate him.

Those that love film and also love superheroes for how they touch normal people will love him.

>Snyder has even triumphed over Nolan in making a believable superhero film set in our world.
I know it's fun to meme, but no, he really hasn't. None of his superhero movies are even better than TDKR, which was pretty much a disaster start to finish.

he has the subtlety of a kick in the bollocks

talentless genius

Is that so? Then explain to me the meaning of the fireplaces in BvS.

He's good at visuals and scenes and retards who get stoned love watching that, like they do Transformers.

He thinks he's deep, because he writes at an 8th grade level though.

Man of Steel and BvS both portray superheroes in a more meaningful way than Nolan managed. And while his Batmans were great, they were often overburdened by plot turns which took a toll on characterizations.

And we don't even need to mention Marvel. Creatively and artistically bankrupt. Just a pump and dump for Disney.

He doesn't write though you idiot.

Next time, learn what a director is before assuming the critics role.

Misunderstood talentless hack genius

Misunderstood hack. The majority of his fans, idiot 12-year-olds, look upon his works with reverence and awe. If only they could apply the same reverence to becoming men, then they would notice that he is but another pathetic scourge that is slowly ruining the art of film.

>idiot 12-year-olds
That would be Marvel. You seem to be projecting there lad.

Nolan at his best is a decent Micheal Mann knock off. Snyder is an original.

>all these smelly Marvelets leaking butthurt all over the place
It's ok. One day you might get an actual director and not a studio cuckold. Maybe one day.

Friendly reminder: if they have you arguing with each other over mere movies, then they have already (((won))). Now sonny, you just head on over to the Catalog there and start a thread about Marvel and I'll be sure to comment negatively on that one, too.

This thread's about Zack Snyder. I'm telling you about Zack Snyder. Now get your head out of your childish ass.

>then they have already (((won)))
You don't even know how that even works, shill. Try harder to fit in next time.

Nolan's Batman worked because he pretty much completely removed the camp and silliness of comic books and made dark action movies out of them. The fight scenes felt physical and real and the villains actually felt dangerous. They weren't even really about superheroes at all, you could remove batman completely from BB or TDK and it would work almost just as well as a police thriller.

>Man of Steel and BvS both portray superheroes in a more meaningful way than Nolan managed.
You write like an 8th grader. I hope you're memeing.

>Nolan at his best is a decent Micheal Mann knock off. Snyder is an original.
I'll grant that he's original, but having a distinct voice doesn't mean you're actually making quality pictures. I would prefer a quality knockoff to original trash most days of the week.

>this loser thinks I don't know how the cabal's "divide and conquer" tactics work

Oh lawdy. What a sad, sad man. Many such cases.

>get people arguing with each other over trivial things
>men vs. women
>gays vs. straights
>blacks vs. whites
>owners of one gaming console vs. owners of another
>people who watch films from one particular comic book-related studio, versus people who watch films from another

You really are quite uneducated, aren't you? Divide and conquer. (((They've))) been doing it for hundreds of years, they've financed every major war since 1750 and they'll KEEP doing it, to distract humanity from the one absolute threat to all of us.

The Families that govern the world.

Or, you could just stay pleb as fuck having not read this, but I expect little else from an American.

Everything positive you sad about Nolan Batmans were done even better in MoS and BvS.

Second's try the charm, shill.

>Oh lawdy. What a sad, sad man. Many such cases.
This comes off as really forced. You're doing it wrong. You're still doing it wrong. Why do you even keep trying to hide that you're new here?

He's from the_donald. These cucks are ruining Sup Forums too.

Why are you talking about yourself?

The one thing I've learned about, when dealing with autistic people like these two, is... never linger too-long in an argument. Get one's point across, let it sink in, and walk away. The very second they realised they've lost the argument, they reach into their pants, scoop up their own feces and fling it in your direction.

I'll leave you to it, friendos.

He's pretty good, only one making interesting blockbusters at the moment.

>misunderstood hack

>which was pretty much a disaster start to finish.
For you

It's okay, Zack !!! You are such a nice dude & the academy knows it !!!

>Implying this scene wasn't a complete masterpiece and probably the best scene in cinema history.

how does he still gets job? Personally, I love to see "muah the critic" to get triggered by him but still, how?

Talentless hack who only has a job because his wife is his boss

Zack "Kubrick" Snyder

Because he managed to salvage the box office poison that is Superman and make him relevant to 21th century culture. He's the ideal superhero director.

Fucking genius. Heroic levels of dedication and integrity. We should all be honored to share this time with him.

Because he'll swallow any shit and smile.

Basically his "turkish air" interview is the reason he keeps getting work.

>Because he'll swallow any shit and smile.
You're confusing him with Disney directors.

A genius in America
A hack in the rest of the world

>salvage the box office poison that is the most recognized superhero on a global scale
Man I love these excuses

That's not an exaggeration, though. As beloved as the Donner films are, they didn't exactly knock it out of the park at the box office.

A bit of both.

He's a genius trapped in a hacks body.

also his wife works at WB

One Flew Under the Sucker Punch will be studied by cultural historians long after the ice caps melt.

Respect the man's genius while he lives, muchachos.

A little bit of both.

he's a misunderstood hack.

Despite wars, the world has steadily gotten better for the individual over time.

I mean we work 40 hour weeks. Know who works more than that? High powered CEOs. Them "families" who rule the world

If there are such people, they're doing a damn fine job. Crack a History book sometime.

He's the Refn of blockbusters.
Meaning it's still more interesting to view him burn and crash that it is to see the cookie cutter bland formula of todays action movies.

Man of Steel was the most successful Superman movie ever made. Superman Returns tanked and Superman was considered dated and buried for the 21th century audience for years. Nolan suggested Snyder to WB and while MoS wasn't perfect, he managed to turn the trend around and firmly establish Superman again in the public's minds. And funny enough, BvS reflects on Superman as part of the old and innocent who no longer has a place in the new and cynical world.

And what's more, they're telling a that could be a symbolic retelling of the history of comics, and managed to incorporate Superman's death arc into it in the process.

His presence and his sacrifice are changing "bat-world" back into a more comic-friendly world. It's waking up the ancient magic of the past both literally and figuratively. It's kicking off a new mythic age.

Praise be to the Kino god Snyder, I really appreciate you

Tourist, please go.

He is a connoisseur of true kino

To who? All ive ever gotten from Synders work are paper thin plots, campy dialogue, and religious symbology delivered as gracefully as a big hot turd dropping into calm water.

Wow, man, hate to be the one to break it to you, but you might be a pleb. Take heart though - it's never too late to join us in the sun.

You have to pay attention to when the symbology appears and in what context. Also, it might help you to take off your Jeebus glasses and notice some of the other ways he's depicted.

Arguably, there's only one use of the Christian imagery that's speaking to the audience instead of informing the audiences of what the characters are thinking, and that's the actual death scene. Lex knew what was up.

"Horus, Apollo, Jehovah . . ."

"You flew too close to the sun, now look at you."

Also, these characters all act like real people than you're used to seeing in a movie like this. They actually have underlying psychology to be explored, and I assure you - it's all in perfect keeping with the source material. There are fans here that already guessed plot points about upcoming movies months ago based solely off what's present in these first three films.