Weebs BTFO


talk about culture appropriation, nips don't give a shit

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it's always white cucks who complain about whitewashing


The Japs have their own industry, of course they don't care.

Asian Americans on the other hand don't have the same luxury. A lot of them are complaining over the casting choice because they're understandably feeling mis/under represented in films.

I want to go to that god forsaken island with a hammer and break every teeth of this fucking trolls people called japanese

If you asked the same thing anywhere no one would give a shit either, it's only retards who live on twitter who care about this gay shit

Sup Forums BTFO

watch a chink flick then..

>wahhhh white people make white movies!
>well why don't you watch asian movies then?
>i don't want to i want white people to make movies for me waaahhhh!"

They're like 5% of the population. How much representation do they really need?





>not liking qt crooked nip teeth

more than jews


They're American. Their heritage might be from China or wherever else, sure, but they want to watch films in their native country in their native tongue.

>How much representation do they really need?

It's more about misrepresentation, as I see it. Yes there are Asians in films, but they're often very stereotypical roles. Most of the time they're side characters, too.

>great kung fu master
>oriental love interest

6.1 here, bb. b my wife

>They're like 5% of the population
More than the lgtbs then and you can see how overrepresented they're in media nowadays

japanese have better figures

>>great kung fu master
People unironically wanted this for Iron Fist and complained about cultural appropiation when they didn't

So, damned if you do, damned if you don't

As for GitS and Death note, for the former I just expected a fit woman, not a chubby shorty, and for the later I expected something for faithful to the original, Light is literally the opposite in ever field of manga's Light

who the fuck wants to watch a movie staring an asian in some american movie though? oh good job we pleased a small percentage of audience and the Mexicans, blacks etc all don't give a fuck. epic movie bro resonated with everyone

Why are you bombing your point with that webm?

Death Note wants the Mr Robot audience


disgusting face and tits.

Every minority group needs at least 95% representation in EVERY form of media

Elliot is L
Light is Tyrell
Boom, done

>So, damned if you do, damned if you don't
Eh, I can see the logic. But for the most part, I think people would be pretty happy to see an Asian person in a leading role. Also the story is inherently a fish-out-of-water experience, it would be interesting having an Asian character reconnect with his ancestral roots while feeling alienated from both his native civilization and the one he has grown accustomed to.

>As for GitS and Death note
I don't think it's that much of an ask for just one Asian leading role, especially in a hit movie like those you mentioned. The worst part is, other ethnic groups are far more likely to have it there way because of a tendency to protest and riot (the whole oscarssowhite fiasco).

I'm 6'0, is that enough to make people stare if I went to Japan?

i am proving my point

>who the fuck wants to watch a movie staring an asian in some american movie though?
Who wouldn't? Movies featuring black, Jewish, and Latino people in leading roles have been immensely popular, why are Asians such a far cry from normality for you?

You can feel inspired by anime as a kid with ridiculous Japanese names but one Greg Li is a world shattering experience?

>oh good job we pleased a small percentage of audience
And how many people abroad in Asian countries that have a growing movie audience?

I've never seen anyone complain that Indian Superman is Indian or that Italian Spider-man is Italian.
Now why the fuck is it so hard for some people to accept that a movie made in a white country has a white lead character?

>white country

>white country
Where is this said in the constitution or any other official national doctrine?

Ew gross! Of all the Japanese AV actresses you use Hitomi Tanaka? Poor taste.

The ironic thing is the origins of "anime style" is actually culturally appropriated from the west.

well the de-facto official language is a white language and the largest race is white

But Italian Spider-man is Australian.

Beside the youtuber is a sjw beta faggot who wants japanese women getting fucked by foreigners, yes japanese don't give a shit about those things.


>video is 1 year ago



Einstein's science has proven that there is definitely 12 dimensions
Anime is one

>I'm surprised this is the kind of film that attracts serious opinions
Based glasses

>12 dimensions

So one of the girls in this clip says, and I'm paraphrasing:

>"If she was Japanese it wouldn't be an anime adaptation"

As someone who's never seen any anime whatsoever, what exactly is the meaning behind that statement? Are all anime characters white?

>our species is already in the fifth or sixth dimension, consciously, our best people
He's literally talking about weebs

Did that Edgar Zo shit really happen? He was blatantly told we don't want an Asian Light?

>Are all anime characters white?
No, they aren't, those who are meant to be white are different from those who are meant to be Asian, but most of the time you can't compare in Anime a "white" character and an "Asian" character because they tend to be all Asian, when a westerner appears they're taller, usually stronger, with more angular faces and realistic eyes.

Americucks btfo

The Major is meant to be a mass production model based on a supermodel

>anime is just fiction so I don't know why people criticize it

Wow. How can japanese people be so ignorant?

____-American is such bullshit, you're American and that's that. Enough with the hyphens.

>As someone who's never seen any anime whatsoever, what exactly is the meaning behind that statement?
Brain damage, possibly.

>Are all anime characters white?

Japs are very ugly

my animes lied to me

>Due to cuts in government funding for the arts and our spring break trip to mootxico, we've had to combine a few boards. Try and make some new friends


just be yourself

Yes, think about the brits
They're already inbred and ugly as fuck
But they've at least been conquered and invaded like 4 times at least in the past thousand years and have otherwise had open borders with their neighbors

Now imagine if that island was full of Koreans, inbreeding for 2000 years without any successful invasions and with closed borders
That's japan

Thanks, lads.

>That's japan
No it isn't.

Sure, buddy, whatever makes you sleep at night.

Japanese love European Culture which is why its so wide spread in their fiction.

The only ones who are bitching again are braindead americans

>Naruto takes place in Japan
Is this guy retarded


Anime characters are not white and all these images are cherry-picked bullshit propaganda.


>Falling for the 2ch meme
I can't believe it's still around

It literally is

Again, cherry-picked bullshit propaganda.

Cherry-picked bullshit propaganda. Once again.

Isn't it about time you killed yourself?

Sure, buddy.

that white chick really isn't using the right shade of foundation to match her skin tone.

holy shit, weebs btfo

Why is it called whitewashing and not Jewwashing or Niggerwashing?
GiTS characters aren't even human

It literally isn't.

Cherry-picked bullshit propaganda. Again.

I've seen all these before you know. Many times.

Weebs on suicide watch.

Jesus, user
Seek help

Cherry-picked bullshit propaganda. And who exactly here is supposed to be a weeb?

I'm not a weeb and I have no reason to be on suicide watch. Again, these are cherry-picked bullshit propaganda. I've seen them all before. You're not blowing my mind here. You're just posting the same old shit.

Who's sitting in chairs, sleeping in beds, and using spoons and forks? Are we the ones wearing kimonos or are they wearing suits? What do they teach in Japanese universities? Why are there even universities in Japan at all? Who has imported thousands of the other's words into their language?

Japan has a cultural inferiority complex and DESERVES to have it.

Man it was one crazy nip that made all these. I remember the 2ch butthurt threads. Such fucking rage.

Why should I seek help?

Because the last time Jews got washed there were some issues

>ITT: weebs getting BTFO

No. Time to time there are stereotypical white characters in anime. They are tall, blonde, blue eyed and often have larger noses.

Original GITS film has one too.

Prosopagnosia is such a fucked up disorder.

>I'm not a weeb, I just happen to be well enough versed in weeb-dom that I can confidently say it's cherrypicked bullshit propaganda and get triggered enough to reply to every one of those posts

>Japan has a cultural inferiority complex

Who? How?

Ok. I don't have prosopagnosia so I don't know why you're telling me this.


I'm not a weeb and you have zero evidence to the contrary.

>I can confidently say it's cherrypicked bullshit propaganda
Because it is.

>get triggered enough to reply to every one of those posts
I'm not the one getting triggered here. You are shifting blame.


>Because it is
How would you know?
Stop talking out of your ass, actual weeb here and I can 100% confirm every one of those pictures presents the truth about manga and anime perfectly
You simply don't know what you're talking about at all

>In American census forms arabs and jews are classified as white


Asians worship whites. It's the reason why anime and manga are drawn the way they are (and why plastic surgery is so popular/necessary in their popular cultures).

Asian American critiques of white washing in these adaptations need to deal with the whitewashing already present in the source materials.

Why are nippon so cute

>Asians worship whites.
No they don't.

>t's the reason why anime and manga are drawn the way they are
Anime characters don't look white.

>(and why plastic surgery is so popular/necessary in their popular cultures)
South Korea does not constitute the entirety of Asia.

Americans also once upon a time correctly classified Irish for example as non-white and finns as mongols
t. west mongol

>Blonde haired blue eyed Naruto isn't white.

You're wrong

Wrong again

>only South Korea has a plastic surgery mania
Couldn't be more wrong

You CUNT! You AREN'T ALLOWED to tell me what do! I spit on your mother.

>You're wrong
I'm not.

>Wrong again
I'm not.

>Couldn't be more wrong
South Korea does not constitute the entirety of Asia.

I spit on YOUR mother, you dog

Duel me if you have any shred of honor
Pistols at the sun rise